Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 308: source

After a while, they saw the end of the stone ladder, and a corpse, apparently a statue.

A middle-aged man is engraved on the statue. Although it is only a statue, there is still a kind of arrogance.

"This pressure seems to come from the statue!"

Su Yi's heart moved.

He really felt this way, it seemed that the pressure was uploaded from the statue, and even filled the entire empty island.

After a while, I walked at the forefront of Tianfeng Fengfeng, had completed the stone ladder, walked to the top of the mountain, and disappeared.

Everyone is anxious and upset.

After a while, Su Yi finally reached the end of the stone steps and reached the top.

Similar to him, there are some of the most powerful evil gods.

At this time, Bai Li opened her mouth and looked at the old member.

Talent is not a constant layer.

Generally speaking, talent is determined by the day, but in fact it is not inevitable.

Between heaven and earth, there are some rare natural treasures that can enhance people's potential and accumulate more potential.

Some treasures can even enhance people's understanding.

When Lu Ming participated in the steam transportation war on the Shenzhou Continent, his understanding improved.

The most important thing is divine power.

The arrogance that controls the divine power of God can increase talents as the divine power awakens.

Think about it, the original gods born in the universe, how terrible their talents are, and the elements of the original gods.

The power of consciousness is awakened, and the practitioner's own talents will soar.

Therefore, it didn't work the last time, doesn't mean it can't be done now.

I couldn't pass the door last time, but that doesn't mean I can't pass now.

Bai Li hopes to see the age of the members and how much progress they have made.

"Let me come!"

When Bai Li's voice fell, an old member came out.

This person's body was full of breath, and the gods retreated. He walked to the door, his face was very dignified.

The last time he came in, he didn't pass the door, he was humiliated and crawled in through the dog door. This time, he must pass the door.


He walked into the door of the door, and suddenly the door gleamed, and a **** shone upon him.

He screamed, trying his best to resist the light.

In the end, he was hit hard and coughed up blood, but in the end he was blocked and the light was defeated by him.

"Hahaha, I passed, I passed!"

The ecstasy of youth laughed, stepped in, walked into the passage, his face filled with excitement.

I didn't pass it the last time. This time, he worked hard and repaired, the awakening of God's power was greatly improved, and finally passed the gate.

The eyes of many old members brightened, and they saw hope.

"I'm coming!"

Soon after, another old member walked to the door.

This old member did not pass through the door for the last time and entered through the dog door. He saw a young man walk through the front door, and his confidence increased.

However, when he walked in the door and was attacked, he screamed and was bombed and hit hard.


"damn it!"

The man was ranting and very reluctant.

The last time I passed the dog door, this time, I was going to pass the dog door, his face was very hot.

After all, talents are not so good to upgrade. Before young people dare to go up, they are still very confident, and the latter one, although the training is better than last time, but talent, but not improved, of course, failed.

The rest have many condensed faces.

Then, people keep moving forward.

However, compared with new members, the success rate of old members is much higher, and more than half of the members have already passed the door.

Of course, those who did not pass the door, the ugly face died.

Even among the old members, some have already begun to emerge, and many have achieved success.

These successful people were awakened by the power of the gods. When they reach 80% or higher, they are almost awakened as a source of gods. "Look, the gold dollar will be shot!"

Suddenly, a voice rang and everyone was shocked.

Sure enough, Jin Yuan set off step by step and walked towards the four doors.

"He wants to choose that door? Is it a door or a door?"

Some people whispered, everyone guessed.

"He chose Tianmen!"

Some people exclaimed because Jin Yuan's figure is going to Tianmen.

Many people's eyes are full of expectation.

This time, there was one person who didn't know how to become tall and thick, and when he was finally killed, no one else walked through the door.

Jinyuan, can you succeed?

Last time, the gold dollar came out of the ground.

When he approached Tianmen, Jin Yuan's body, golden light appeared, layers of golden power, enveloped him, and the ancient and ancient atmosphere that emerged from Jin Yuan.

"The source of power factor!"

Bai Li snorted, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"What? The source of power factor? Jin Yuan awakened the source of power factor?"

"A good horror, half a step towards the king, you can awaken the source of the divine power factor, it is one of the four masters of the Jin nationality!"

Many people exclaimed.

It is very difficult to wake up the source of the power factor.

Even if it is a celestial body, many of them must enter the kingdom of God to awaken the source of God.

Even if they step into the King of God, most people may not be able to awaken their source of power.

Under the gods, there are very few factors that can awaken the source of the gods, and each of them is the arrogant arrogance of heaven.

Jin Yuan belongs to this kind of person.

"The last time I came to Xingyue Ancient City, Jin Yuan did not awaken the source of the divine power factor. This time, he successfully awakened the source of the divine power factor, and the talents greatly increased. It is very possible to pass through the heavenly gate!"

Someone is talking.

At this time, Jin Yuan had entered the Tianmen.

Tianmen is different from gate.

Tianmen, the previous paragraph, is different.

It wasn't until Jinyuan walked halfway that his figure suddenly stopped.

It has already started!

Everyone knows that Tianmen's assessment has begun.

Everyone held their breath and watched quietly, wondering in their hearts whether Jin Yuan could pass through the gate of heaven.

Every time you come to Xingyue Ancient City, you can pass through the Tianmen. This is very rare, sometimes no one.

Time is slow and lost.

It has been fifteen minutes, Jin Yuan's body finally trembled.

Many people's hearts also jumped.

Jin Yuan, can you pass?

In the next moment, everyone will know the answer.

In Jin Yuan, there is another strong breath. The body is straight, without backing up. However, his face was pale.

He stepped forward and continued to walk in.

"Pass, pass!"..

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