Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 296: Ice chain

They did not know that Long Zhoushan's heart was also very shocked.

"This child actually controls cold energy."

In the center of Longzhou Mountain, he knew that the power controlled by Su Yi was the dominant power. Now, he has used the power of cold.

"Well, the stronger this child is, the more successful he will be."

In Long Zhoushan's eyes, there was a ray of light.

On the battle platform, the shadow was frightened and burst out desperately, trying to get rid of his ice.

But Su Yi, would you give him such a chance?

Su Yi's figure appeared in front of the magical shadow, and his indifferent eyes made the magical shadow cold and sweaty.

"I admit failure, I admit failure..."

The shadow screamed frantically.

"Do I allow you to admit failure?"

Su Yi was indifferent and directly stabbed his shadow.


Many people breathe air.

The shadow is dead!

The shadow that cannot be compared with Huang Wen is very powerful. It was obvious before the Zongmen Grand Competition, but now, it also died in Su Yi's hands. Su Yi's strength is shocking.

"Su Yi, you are looking for death..."

At this moment, Tianhong Shengzi was a violent, terrifying aura that suppressed Lu Ming. There was no secret to this cold murder.

"Tianhong, what do you want to do?"

Nearby, Ouyang Qingxiang also breathed, blocking the breath of Tianhong Shengzi.

"What do I want to do? Don't you see that the shadow has already admitted failure? He admitted failure, this kid has killed him, he is so bold, I will marry him now!"

The Rainbow Son was angered.

"Oh, absurd. Before the war, it was just saying that regardless of life or death, you had to say that you did not admit defeat."

Su Yi vaguely said.

"You, sophistry..."

The son of Tianhong was furious and broke into a terrible murder case.

However, Su Yi said yes. Before the war, it only said that there was no distinction between life and death, but it did not say that it was lost and could not kill.


At this time, Long Zhoushan waved his hand and said: "If I admit defeat, I will not say that I can't kill. Now let us explain. If you want to lose the game, you must stop."

When I saw Longzhou Mountain, I was open, and the Son of Tianhong was helpless. I can only sweep Su Yi's eyes in the cold, and the murder in my eyes is more intense.

"Son, let me kill this kid!"

Behind Tianhong's son, another young man walked out.

Seeing this young man, Tianhong Shengzi nodded and said: "Well, quickly solve it, don't let the child have a chance to admit failure."

Obviously, Tianhong Shengzi is very confident in this young man.

"The son is sure that he has no chance to admit defeat."

The young man was cold, his body flashed past and landed on the platform.

"Blood rain, blood rain will be shot!"

The young man fell on the battle platform, causing many people to be hit hard.

Because Xueyu is the master of the list of true gods, one of the masters of Xuanzong's eight true gods, and the one with the strongest combat effectiveness under the three sons of Tianhong.

"Su Yi intends to kill Xueyu, don't know how to win or lose?"

"If Su Yi can defeat the rain of blood, it will truly create a miracle, the true gods and the three gods, the true list of gods."

"Yes, Blood Rain ranks eighty-seven in the list of true gods, but the power of combat cannot be compared to the shadows."

Many people were looking forward to this battle, and many people began to speculate about the outcome of this war.

"The owner of the list of true gods? Come on!"

Su Yi's eyes showed a strong sense of war.

Although he had seen the master of the true **** before, looking at it, and personally, it was not the same thing.


Suddenly, the shape of the blood rain was moved. However, his figure did not rush towards Su Yi, but rose to the sky.

"This is a secret technology, ice chain!"

Someone recognized Su Yi's secret skills.

This secret technique has Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, and anyone can redeem it as long as there is a share.

"The true God is threefold, and the power of the ice chain is so powerful, this has become a major event!"

An inner door elder sighed.

"How did he grow it? The Ice Chain wants to be cultivated into a great success. The cold moonstone is the best choice. Will he get a few cold moonstones? How is this possible?"

The other inner door elder was even more envious.

Because he also cultivated the ice chain, but after years of cultivation, there was no big success because there was no suitable material.

On the battle platform, the fierce battle between Su Yi and Longxian continued.

The iris and the ice chain kept colliding, and the spears in the hands of the two kept fighting against each other.

However, it is still equal.

"I didn't expect you to be really powerful. It can force me to use this technique, Kong Xuanzong, you are the first."

The dangerous sound of the dragon sounded, and the next moment, a black light burst out from his body.

In the danger of the dragon, another black light burst out like lightning.

Another tail.

The secret technology of DragonInsurance is similar to ice chains, not just tails.

In the previous Great Compassion of the Zongmen, Longxue only used one tail to solve the battle. Everyone does not know that Dragon Insurance can still use the second one.

Su Yi's eyes also condensed.

Fortunately, Su Yi also had reservations and did not use ice chains.

"Ice Chain, go!"

Su Yi waved his hand, three ice chains flew out, and several collisions sounded in succession, successfully blocking the opponent's tail.

"You have actually cultivated six ice chains into one giant ice chain."

This time, Long Insurance itself was shocked.

"It's a surprise, then continue."

Su Yi waved his hand again. On his body, nine ice chains appeared, they flew to the dragon and wrapped around the dragon.


Long's pupils shrank for a while, snoring, and his body glowed black. From his body, there was actually another tail flying out.

Three irises!

Dragon Insurance actually cultivated three irises.

Three irises and nine ice chains kept colliding.

When! When! .

The intensive collision sounded, and for an instant, the two made some movements.

"It's amazing, these two people are charming!"

"Dragon Risk is charming, Su Yi is even more enchanting!"

Both Su Yi and Long Xian took a picture, and the people who saw this battle really shocked them. Even the elders of the inner door could not calm down.

On the battle platform, the two numbers kept flashing, colliding and killing fiercely.

If you are weak, you will not be able to see this number completely. ..

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