Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 266: Whisper

When there were more than ten patterns, the scene was dead, everyone was shocked, and his eyes almost burst.

"God, what did God see? The law of chaos, the law of death, the law of life, the law of reincarnation, he controls the four strongest rules!"

"No, no, yes, there are eternal rules, the law of emptiness, the law of Hongmeng, the law of time and space, eight kinds, he controls the eight strongest rules!"

"There are nine kings' rules, seventeen rules, and he controls seventeen rules!"

"And the 17 laws have been cultivated to the limit by him, reaching the third area. How is this possible? How is this possible, abnormal, this is abnormal!"

When I saw Su Yi reveal all the rules, all parties were called hysterically, and it was difficult to control my emotions.

This is no longer a description of shock. Their emotions are ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than shock..

The truth of practice is that one person can only control the strongest rule at most, not everyone can control the strongest rule. The most powerful law is the most genius between heaven and earth.

But now, one person not only controls the strongest rules, but also controls one, two, three, and eight.

This is not just to break the truth, but to trample the truth to smash. Everyone's mood can be imagined.

The people in the screen house are also screaming, eyes round and scared.

In the depths of the picture, hiding in the secret observation of the Heng family, Master He Datian saw this scene and was almost lively scared to death.

Su Yi was shrouded in seventeen lights, standing in the air, like the gods, the gods are extraordinary.

"Come on, see who can kill me!"

In Su Yi's eyes, the two gods were shining brightly, staring at the people on the screen.

"How about controlling the 17 laws, after all, this is just the real world, I will kill you!"

In the curtain room, a burly old man walked out like a lion.

The old man's repairs reached the Samsung Emperor.

After all, the curtain house still dare not look down on Su Yi. Su Yi seems to be a real emperor, but has as many as seventeen laws of control. The most important are the eight strongest rules.

With so many laws in common, Su Yi's combat effectiveness cannot be based on common sense. The Leap War may be a big star or even a two-star emperor. But they sent Samsung directly.

The real emperor is far away from the Samsung emperor.

They did not believe that Su Yi could kill Samsung.

Even if the emperor of Samsung is defeated, at least he can save his life and test Su Yi's true power.

thump! thump! .

The old man is like a lion, his breath is crazy, his feet are empty, his speed is getting faster and faster, and he rushes towards Su Yi.


Suddenly, in the hands of the old man, there was a sword. Lu Ming's scream was violent. The knife shone brightly, illuminating the sky, as if to crush the sky of the ancient city in half.


Su Yi was indifferent to the opening, and his voice did not fall. He held a spear in his hand, a spear condensed by the power of the law and the world.

Luming's arm muscles swelled and he yanked his rifle.

call out!

The spear flew out like a beam of light, almost faster than lightning.

This spear contains not only the power of Su Yi, the power of law, but also the power of the body.

When the spear collided with the knife on the other side, the light of the knife on the other side was directly defeated, the speed of the spear did not drop at all, and it continued to stab the other side.

The Samsung emperor's screen master did not expect it at all. He went all out, but he was so vulnerable in Su Yi's hands that he sighed slightly, he was so despicable that his fate was doomed.


Su Yi's rifle went straight through his Dantian cave, defeated his little world, took the man's body, flew out, flew to the depths of the screen, and ran into a temple.


The temple exploded directly, and a large group of people flew out of it.

This group of people are from Hengjia, He Family and Daluo Tianzong.

The screen master is the Samsung emperor, Su Yi's rifle pierced his body and nailed it to the ground, screaming.

"My repair is, my repair is..."

Screams and screams spread to the entire audience.


There was a cold wind in the audience.

A three-star emperor was actually nailed to the ground by Su Yi and abolished. This photo is too influential.

Samsung the Great, can't fight!

How could this be?

Is Su Yi's combat power so terrible? Everyone seems to be dreaming.

People in the distance, Xuan family are also watching, there are several veterans, including Xuan Lin, Dongfang Xueyu.

At this moment, they were completely shocked, and they continued to catch colds.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

Xuan Lin is like an Alzheimer, whispering non-stop.

A move to abolish the Samsung Emperor, such strength is simply terrifying, he still wants to fight Su Yi, which is absurd, it will make people laugh.

"Despicable, too stingy!"

The destructive temper is violent and can't help but yell.

Others only have eyes angry.

Some people in power hope to resist and kill them directly. Their abilities are limited and cannot be managed.

"No, Wei is dangerous!"

Su Yi's face changed suddenly.

The emperor of the Wei family is almost dead. Only a few people rebuilt the Wei family. There is no owner at all. The Wei family and other large resources will definitely be targeted by the Heng family and the He family. When Wei Xiang just came back, he might be in danger. When I think about it, the faces of other people have also changed.

"Go, let's go to Wei's house!"

Su Yi went to Wei Jiafei for the first time, and the others followed.

At this time, the Wei family did encounter a disaster, and the family stared at it.


The sanctity of the Wei family was destroyed by a future emperor, and the body fell to the ground.

"Today, you don't promise to agree, don't promise, just die!"

A Hejia Judy sneered, overlooking the remnants of the Wei family.

The rest of the Wei family has only a hundred people, the most powerful, only the emperor, and it is difficult to compete with his family.

"You are a mean family. No one dared to fight before the greed and fear of death in war. What a powerful force, sharks are not so good!"

Wei Xian also returned to Wei's house, at this time he was embarrassed and angry.

"Child, dare to humiliate me, dare to humiliate me, great emperor, your ending will be very tragic, I promise!"..

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