Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 262: Observed

"Emperor Xuanhua has appeared. It is estimated that he will deal with Su Yi!"

"Su Yi is still too impulsive. Xuan's family is one of the most powerful forces in the ancient city. This is incredible. The emperor shot and saw how Su Yi responded!"

Some people expressed and recognized the old man.

After Xuan Lin's reaction, it was a huge joy.

"Elder, hahaha, you just came, kill me, Su Yi, kill Chop!"

Xuan Lin shouted.

Today, Su Yi made him lose face, he must kill Su Yi to vent their hatred.

The mysterious veteran is full of strong breath.

This is the pressure of the emperor, within a radius of 10,000 miles, full of terrifying pressure, and some repairs are weak, they must fall.

Ordinary people face the great emperor, and the gap is too big to compete.

"It seems you want to die too!"

Unexpectedly, Su Yi's face was calm and indifferent, threatening the emperor.

Everyone is jaw-dropping.

They originally thought that Lu Ming would face the great emperor, would be afraid, would be afraid, would run away. Unexpectedly, Su Yi actually threatened the emperor.

Su Yi's eyes flashed coldly, and he swept towards the other side.

The heart of veteran Xuan Jia, inexplicably crazy, seemed to be stared at by a terrible hunter, the next moment, he will be torn apart and killed.

This feeling shocked him.

"What happened? The horrible feeling is that Su Yi's power has far surpassed me. No, today is the first retreat!"

The Xuan family's veteran thought of making a sharp turn, and didn't dare to do so.


Xuan Jia Yuanda sighed, the power of Xuanyuan Scroll, and the already aggressive Dong Xueyu, the madness of backwardness disappeared without a trace in an instant.


Everywhere, everyone is so powerful!

They also thought that the Xuan family would do this, but they did not expect to retreat directly.

How did the Xuan family veterans retreat? Are you afraid of Su Yi, dare not to do this?


No one can figure it out.

Su Yi did not pursue.

His purpose in coming to the ancient city is not a mysterious home, but a master.

The Xuan family is not looking for death, he is too lazy to pay attention.

"The curtain hall should gather all the power. I hope Hengjia, He Family and Daluo Tianzong are also here, don't let me escape!"

Su Yi looked at the direction of the screen and smiled.

Some people in the crowd blinked, and then left.

These people are naturally the people on the screen.

Next, Su Yi and Qiuyue walked for a while, and then returned to their place of residence.

In the return of Su Yi, one person defeated Xuan Lin, a boxing killed three real emperors, and even scared away a mysterious emperor, and quickly spread it out.

Not only was it spread throughout the ancient city, but also the land of the gods, so many people who heard the news were shocked.

Su Yi broke the emperor!

Many people know that Su Yi has rushed into the realm of Emperor Wu, and the emperor's claims have also been broken.

Next, will the Xuan family start Su Yi?

Many people guessed it!

The land where Su Yi lived naturally attracted people's attention.

Many people are always watching the land where Su Yi lived and the progress of his followers.

There are even many people from other places.

Xuan Jia, the deliberation hall, a group of people are negotiating.

These are high-ranking figures in the Xuan family, most of them are the strongest among the great emperors.

"Kill, you must kill Su Yi, you are an elder, please shoot!"

Xuan Lin is loud.

The blood in his eyes was full of murderous murder.

During this time, rumors spread about the fact that he was easily abused by Su Yi, his reputation declined, and it is no longer in the past.

He was crazy about Su Yi's hatred, and he couldn't wait to crush Su Yi's bones.

"I also think we must kill Su Yi!"

Others said it.

"Lao Jiu, you said, why are you retreating!"

At the top, there was a very old man, looking at the veteran who had saved Xuan Lin before.

The former military veteran is nine years old Xuan Jia.

The ninth veteran frowned, thought for a while, and said: "I am in Su Yi, I feel a very terrible aura, I have an illusion, if I do this, I am afraid I will die in Su Yi!" "What?"

Others were shocked, but Xuan Lin was even more suspicious and widened his eyes.

"How is it possible? Can Su Yi still threaten the emperor? If he breaks through the Emperor Wu Kingdom, it is impossible to hit this great emperor so quickly, impossible!"

Xuan Lin was unacceptable, and shook his head again and again.

"This is Su Yi, has it really reached such an astonishing level?"

The other veterans whispered and stared.

The higher the intuition, the more accurate the intuition. The feeling of a great emperor is usually not wrong.

"Su Yi is not common sense. Once he breaks through Emperor Wu, it is like a real dragon entering the sea. There is no bondage. Even if there is the power of the Great Emperor, it is not impossible!"

"I suggest that we don't do anything with Su Yi for the time being. Observe and observe first!"

The oldest old road.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

The other veterans nodded.

The remaining veterans, as well as Xuan Lin, although they want to start, but most of the veterans do not agree to take the shot, they can't help it.


Time flies so fast, five days have passed.

The land of Su Yi!

"Brother Luo Ming, I have found Hengjia, He Family, and Daluo Tianzong are all on the screen!"

"Moreover, with the tremendous power of the screen master, almost everyone has returned to the headquarters behind the scenes, seeming to be vigilant!"

The bubble conveyed some news to Lu Ming.

In the past few days, the news that Foam and Dandan went out to explore the screen, finally got a reward.

Su Yi came to Wangu City. Needless to say, both groups of death killers have failed.

The power of LuMing shocked the fans, and the Master Summoner handled the screen naturally.

"It's time, Curtain House, Heng family, his family, Da Luo Tianzong, today, destroy!"

Su Yi opened his mouth coldly, and then strode towards the screen.

Su Yi's actions naturally aroused the vigilance of those who cared about Su Yi.

"Where did Su Yi go?"

"The body is murderous. Is it necessary to kill this mysterious family? Isn't it impossible?"

"No, this direction is not a mysterious family!"

In the dark, many people talked about it and secretly followed Su Yi.

Soon, in the front, the mountains stand high, countless temples, and at first glance, the curtains go home. ..

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