Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 249: cold

However, he had been hesitant before.

He would not know the idea of ​​the Moulin Rouge. When Honglin avoided him, he did not know how to face the Moulin Rouge, so he had never met.

However, after that, Moulin helped him a lot. Without Moulin's recommendation, he would not have been able to enter the imperial paradise in the past, and he might not have achieved what he is today.

Now he has decided!

Now that he is back, if he sees it, what can he do?

Going out, Su Yi went to the East.

Soon after, he came to Mu's place.

"Su Yi!"

"Brother Lu!"

When he came to Mu's house, he saw Mu Zheng and Mu Xiuyuan.

The two smiled and greeted Su Yi.

After that, he saw Mulan's father Mu Tian and Moulin Rouge's grandfather Yan Yan!

"Senior flammable, Senior Mu!"

Su Yi was cold and cold.

"The golden inheritance order of the Mixed Yuan Sect, you are the golden heir of the Mixed Yuan Sect!"

In the emperor's eyes, the emperor's eyes shed light.


Su Yi looked at the emperor, looking calm, his face calm.

In the beginning, he became the golden heir to the mixed Yuanzong and got a list. On the list, there is the name of the emperor, which is the heir to bronze.

Whether it is a bronze heir or a silver heir, they vowed to obey the golden heir.

Su Yi now takes out the golden inheritance order to see what the reaction is.

The emperor's face changed a little, and then he smiled: "Su Yi, you are really absurd. In fact, you want to use the heir of gold to make me pressure. Don't you know that after reaching the territory of Wudi, you have the ability to fight against the oath. Normal? The blood swears that I can't help me at all, I will kill you today and take away the golden inheritance token!"

The emperor laughed, full of mockery.

"Of course, these people will not follow this year's vow!"

Su Yi shook his head and passed the gold coin to him.

He didn't want to rely on legacy tokens to let the emperor release his faith.

He just wants to verify it.


The emperor released the sky and went out, the pressure of horror increased.

Huachi, Xie Qian, Xia Qiuyang and others all showed nervousness.

Fatty, Zhuang Xiaorou, and several people in Zhuangshan also showed nervousness.

Although they believed in Su Yi, the opponent was too powerful, it was too powerful, beyond imagination.

"The host is very calm, because that's for sure!"

Disappointing opening remarks.

With their knowledge of Su Yi, they knew that Su Yi would not be uncertain. Now it is so peaceful, it should be dependent.

"Elder, this child, give me, I can feel that this child's hands are full of my family's blood!"

At this time, after the emperor released the sky, an unusually burly figure came out.

The man was dressed in thick iron armor and was four meters tall.

Su Yi looked outside, this was an evil protoss.

Although the smell of the evil **** is not as good as the emperor, it is also terrifying, but the strongest star.

The emperor released his steps. Since someone has done this work, he doesn't bother to do it.

"Child, your hands are full of my family's blood, die for me!"

The powerful evil spirit, holding the mace, swept it out.


The space burst, and the mace with terrifying power bombarded Su Yi.

"A terrible force!"

Many people were shocked.

Today is different from the past. Today, the space between the gods and the continent is very stable, and everyone's flight speed is much slower, let alone breaking the space.

But now, the evil gods were swept away with mace, and the space exploded, showing the strength of the attack.

Many people's hearts have been raised and worried about Su Yi.

However, Su Yi's face was calm, with one hand in the depths.

Always form with big hands and grab the opponent's mace.


Spike was bombarded by the big hand, and the big hand did not move, grabbing the mace, and then suddenly shocked. Hey!

The violent shaking of the mace, a terrifying force, followed the mace to bombard it.

The evil gods screamed, his heavy armor directly exploded, his arm burst directly, and his flesh and blood body.


Su Yi was indifferent, and then his big hands trembled. The huge mace flew back and hit the evil god.


The entire body of the evil **** is like a big watermelon, it burst directly, flesh and blood, and the soul flies away.

Lu Ming killed a holy family of a star-shaped virtual emperor.

The scene was very quiet, and this scene shocked everyone.

Just now, the evil atmosphere of the strong performance is not strong. Although it is not just a god, it is also very scary.

For those on the mainland, this is an incredible and unparalleled existence.

However, such existence was killed by Su Yi.

Everyone looked at Su Yi with some worry.


After a long period of time, many talented people breathe for a long time.

Those who argued with Longmeng were full of ecstasy in their eyes.

Su Yi's combat effectiveness exceeded their imagination.

At this moment, in the eyes of the emperor, a murder occurred.

"Su Yi, it seems that I still look down on you, you can kill an emperor's star!"

The emperor released the cold passage.

However, he was still full of confidence and not worried.

He is the Samsung Emperor!

The star of the virtual emperor is too different from the Samsung virtual emperor. He can easily kill the star of the virtual emperor.

He doesn't think Su Yi can fight with him!

Moreover, he also saw that Lu Ming had not broken the emperor, but was just a quasi-emperor.

Are the quasi-imperialists strong? Can you become the opponent of the Samsung Emperor?

"Su Yi, let this seat take care of you personally!"

Under the emperor's release, he was full of cold murderous and breathless atmosphere.


This time, Su Yi started directly, too lazy to release nonsense with the emperor, and directly killed the past.

prosperity! prosperity! prosperity! prosperity! prosperity!

In the process of rushing out, Su Yi's body continued to explode and continuously improved, and the law followed the law.

Five laws emerged one after another, forming a river of five-color rules.

"This is... the law of chaos and the law of death, how is it possible, impossible, this is impossible..."

In an instant, the emperor's face went crazy, his mouth went crazy, as if he had discovered something unbelievable and unbelievable.


Su Yi banged and the world roared, suddenly breaking through the space.

"The Emperor Sword!"

The emperor released this day, at this moment, he felt scared and went all out, hoping to stop it. ..

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