Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 247: rich

This scene is shocking!

The three major powers of Yuanhelu that ruled the gods for several years were all destroyed by the return of Su Yi.

"See the Lord!"

At this moment, everyone in Long Meng knelt down and met Su Yi.

They understand that the Dragon Alliance must reunify the gods.

No one can match it!

Those who are not in the Dragon Alliance, or those who have betrayed the Dragon Alliance, are trembling at this moment.

"From today, Longmeng will be rebuilt and reorganized!"

Su Yi's voice spread throughout the audience.

"All of this is handed over to Chaos, Xia Jiuyang.. When dealing with these people, I will eliminate the embers of these three forces first!"

Su Yi's voice fell and stepped into the depths of the Dragon Emperor. His spiritual knowledge began to circulate and search for the emperor and evil gods. As soon as they found out, they were killed on the spot.

Later, Su Yi rushed to the Eastern Wilderness and strangled Yu Yu in Shenniu Palace, and then came to Nanming and strangled the sacred Dragon Hall.

Subsequently, Su Yi rushed overseas.

The ancient continuation of the Shenshen Continental Group and Yuanlu is not only a place in the ancient city of Shenxu, but also a place in other continents. Su Yi must find everything to destroy it, lest Yuanlu and the strong come.

In the next month, Su Yi traveled all over the mainland market. A total of more than a dozen altars were found, all of which were destroyed by Su Yi, leaving only the transmission lines leading to Cangzhou, Yunzhou and Daizhou.

At this time, Longmeng has reorganized. Some people who betrayed Longmeng were disposed of because of Yuanlu's troops. However, more people joined the Dragon Alliance.

Now that Su Yi is returning, Yuan Lu's three powerful forces shocked everyone.

It can be said that Long Meng, who was in charge of Su Yi, is the real overlord, and no one can shake it.

Many masters have joined the Dragon League.

The Dragon King City began to rebuild. When Su Yi returned to the Dragon Imperial City, another huge statue of Su Yi stood up.

Bigger and more majestic than before!

After Su Yi came back, he took the world, and then returned to Dragon Emperor City with Li Ping, Lu Yuntian and others.

After that, Su Yi took Longhuang Town to take out a large amount of resources, and gave it to Chaos and others. Such as martial arts in various fields, magic techniques, rough stones, herbs, etc., as well as ecstatic ecstasy. With these, their cultivation speed will also increase, and their combat effectiveness will be stronger.

Later, Su Yi let Chaos, Huachi, Xia Jiuyang, Yan Fan and others enter the Dayan Pill Furnace to quench their spirits.

The highest level of Longmeng, the spiritual power, has been greatly enhanced, and the speed of planting is also rapidly increasing.

Of course, Su Yi is also both Li Ping and Lu Yuntian who can exercise and improve blood levels. Both repairs are also increasing rapidly.

The resources Su Yi brought back were too rich, especially Nirvana, Su Yi bought a lot, and the Longmen disciples, one by one, the blood volume soared and evolved.

In addition to a very good planting environment, the strength of the entire Dragon Alliance is also rapidly increasing.

In the past, gods and continents changed the world, and planting conditions have undergone earth-shaking changes. However, they did not practice practice, nor did they have magical martial arts. It is difficult to form too many outbreaks.

And now, this is a real outbreak.

In order to obtain field martial arts, magic techniques, various medicinal materials, etc., more people joined the Dragon League.

Long Meng's power expanded rapidly, covering every corner.

Not only that, Xie and the others also sent troops to conquer other continents, and the Shenzong Continental Group was under Long Meng's control.

Time flies, it will be half a year.

In the past six months, apart from helping others to relieve their spirits, Su Yi did not let go of his practice. He understood the rule of the alchemy. Dan Dao's law is getting deeper and deeper.

"Go to Kowloon City to see!"

Su Yi's eyes flashed.

After coming back so long, Su Yi has not seen it in Kowloon City. He was very curious about what happened in Kowloon City.

Su Yi passed through the air at an amazing speed. Soon, he entered the Eastern Wilderness and flew to Kowloon City.

The concentration of raw gas in the eastern wilderness is even more alarming, and countless people have retired in the east.

The closer you are to Kowloon City, the stronger the original natural gas.

"Good murder!"

Coming to the outside of Kowloon City, Su Yi frowned.

He felt that Kowloon City had an amazing murderous spirit.

In such a brutal situation, it is difficult for people who do not have enough farming to stand in Kowloon City. They will be affected by murder and affect their thoughts and even death.

Su Yi felt that even Ming Shengjing's strongman would find it difficult to stand on the ground. If you want to establish a foothold in Kowloon City, at least you need to plant the Great Holy Land.

Today, there is no one in Kowloon City.

The original people of Kowloon City have left Kowloon City.

"I heard that this kind of murderous aura will fluctuate and disappear every once in a while, and then countless people will flood into Kowloon City to practice!"

Su Yi whispered.

Already heard of this.

No one knows why.

However, it had no effect on Su Yi's murderous aura.

Su Yi walked out and entered Kowloon City.

That year, there were nine dragons in Kowloon City. The position of each dragon's head suppressed Jiulong Xie Ming.

Nine dragons, six outside, three in the middle. But now, there are already three Kowloon Dragons in Kowloon City.

The six outer ones have flown away. It is said that they are flying into the middle of the three dragon veins and disappearing.

Su Yi all the way to the center of Kowloon City.

In the center of Kowloon City, three dragons are going all out. The three dragon heads are on the opposite side, with a large open space in the middle.

At that time, the Forbidden City was built in this location.

But now, the palace buildings have long since disappeared. On the contrary, it is a huge cave.

Su Yi stood at the entrance of the cave, looking at it.

In the cave, there is a fog of white scorpions, which is formed when the primitive atmosphere is rich enough.

The extreme atmosphere is extreme, constantly emerging from the cave.

Su Yi looked at it carefully and found that it should be a passage, but did not know where to go.

The rich originality comes from the opposite.

Moreover, the laws fluctuate, they come from the opposite side, and stabilize the heaven and earth and the land of God.

At the same time, the channels also exude a strong murderous aura.


At this moment, a dragon screamed and shook the whole world.

Su Yi was shocked because this dragon came from one of them.

roar! roar!

Then, the dragonfly continued to ring, ringing in the sky.

Then, the earth shook rumblingly, and Su Yi found one of the dragon veins and was moved!


The dragon vein vibrates constantly, and finally it seems like a living dragon, moving. ..

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