Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 245: Volley

"Sure enough, that person!"

Lu Ming was moved, knowing that Su Yi was in chaos, only the son of Chaos had ever been to Chaos Temple.

Children of Chaos are very rare. It's harder to be born than other sons in heaven. Su Yi only has a chaotic son for the time being. He had not heard of other melee sons who controlled the Law of Chaos.

"If you want chaos, you can see if you have this ability!"

Su Yi opened his mouth, his voice was cold.

"Oh, let us say, do you want to do it with me? Don’t think that you defeated Yuhe, you are invincible in the world. In the land of God’s life, it is better than Yuhe, not a minority !"

The curtains are cold.

"Try it, you don't know!"

Su Yi smiled.


In Mu Yang's body, a terrible breath exploded, and the energy of the road, like a shock wave, rushed towards Su Yi.

Su Yi was also out of breath.

Su Yi and Muyang confronted each other, and the cold atmosphere permeated, and many people who were practicing were awakened.

"what happened?"

"This is Yang, and Su Yi!"

Many people started screaming, and the latter saw the mountain. Yang and Su Yi, they shut up.

They can see the contradiction between the two Wushuang arrogances, I'm afraid I will start.


Ms. Yeu shot, and his palm was covered with a layer of brilliance, which was very scary, as if even the space had become nothingness, so the palms around him looked like a black hole.


Su Yi greeted him, showing the confusion of his palms. His palm turned gray and gray, like a chaotic stone.

The palms of two people are squeezed together. For example, the Hongzhong continent vibrates and the terrifying force forms a shock wave that sweeps across all sides.

Many people have light that resists scattered shock waves.

prosperity! prosperity!

Between the figures of Su Yi and Mu Yang, there were several consecutive movements, without victory or defeat.

"So strong!"

Su Yi felt that the power of the actor was like a storm. He clung to him. If he cannot cooperate with the imaginary person, he can almost break his chaotic rule and make him vanity.

This screen Yang is definitely better than Yuhe.

"Sure enough, it has a bit of power, no wonder it is so arrogant, but this power is not enough!"

In Mu Yang's eyes, it was like a brilliant bloom, the light of nothingness, and the breath of his body became stronger and stronger.

But at this moment, a very terrifying breath erupted from the sky. The terrible pressure, like ancient mountains, pressed against Su Yi and Mu Yang, making their bodies stiff.

I don't know when, there was an old man with white hair in the sky.

The old man ignored Su Yi and Mu Yang, as well as the cold and cold roads: "In front of the emperor’s statue, you can’t let go, you can’t fight, criminals kill, read your first offense, wander around you once, in other Where to fight, fight!"

The atmosphere of Su Yi and Mu Yang merged, but their eyes were still staring at each other coldly.

"Do you dare to fight with me on the battlefield?"

On the icy road, he was full of confidence in himself.

Before, Su Yi's exhibition strength was amazing, but he confidently defeated Su Yi because he did not use his own power. "What are you afraid of?"

Su Yi answered indifferently.

"Seniors, let us go!"

Mu Yang was talking with the old man in the sky.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, and Luming's pressure on them disappeared.

"If you have the courage, come on!"

When Ms. Yang left a sentence, he left.

Su Yi smiled and followed, Qiuyue, drove others, and quickly followed.

"Son of Chaos, you must fight the sun, go and see!"

"I heard that Shepherd has reached the realm of the emperor and has begun to attack the realm of Emperor Wu. The fighting power is very powerful. Lu Ming has not entered the emperor, but dare to fight?"

"Children of the gods, they are all arrogant. Others challenge and cannot fight, but this time, I think Su Yi is mostly defeated. He is just the perfection of the Holy Spirit!"

"I think the Holy Spirit is perfect, even if the fighting power is stronger, there is a certain degree!"

A voice was heard around, and Su Yi naturally listened to it.

He speculated that Chaoyang had begun to form a small world initially, and such people could already attack Emperor Wu.

Soon after, they came to a vast land where there was a huge battle platform.

At this time, there were two people on the battle platform.

These are two young men, they are both kings, and their combat effectiveness is not weak.

However, the tyrannical tyrant is very inferior, and they volley directly into the battle platform. They stepped down and shouted. "Refuse me!"

The terrible illusory light caused the two young men on the battlefield to change their faces, and they fell repeatedly and landed on the edge of the battle platform. They look ugly, looking at the screen.

They fight each other and it is an insult to make them straightforward.

"How? I still don't get out, I want to fight with me?"

Mu Yang glanced across the two kings, his voice was full of dissatisfaction.

The two kings dared to fight the actors, and in the end they could only swallow their voices and jump off the stage.

Around the scene, many people were a little dissatisfied, and Yang Qi was too overbearing.

But no one stood up and blamed. Ms. Yang herself is not only powerful, but the power behind it is also terrifying. Who wants to offend him easily.

"Su Yi, get out and fight!"

The sound of the screen is everywhere.

"Not that loud, I won't run!"

Su Yi opened weakly, stepped into the air, and landed on the battle platform.

"Su Yi, I suggest you give up chaos. This time I can let you go and let you participate in the battle in ten places, otherwise, you can't even fight in ten places!"

Mu Yang didn't care, of course, his voice was Su Yi and didn't pass it on.

"I said, if you want, see if you have this ability!" Su Yi sneered.

"I don't want to be stubborn, and then I will let you see what heaven is outside!"

The actor's eyes were cold and cold, and his body was full of cold murder.


When he stepped on his footsteps, his body rushed towards Su Yi, his body was enveloped by the light of nothingness, killing Su Yi.

Su Yi executes the Chaos Method and greets him.

This time, not under the emperor's statue, but on the stage, unfettered, the two let go of their hands and feet.

prosperity! prosperity! ..

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