Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 242: law

Through an introduction by an old man next to him, the statue of the Emperor was resurrected. Although it is wonderful, it has a great influence on Emperor Wu or the emperor’s army, but it also has some functions. If it is higher, the effect will be small.


After that, Su Yi, Qiuyue, Kaikai, Luo Zhan and others walked under the statue of the Emperor and sat cross-legged in a clearing.

On the way, they saw many Tianjiao. Most of the sons of gods who appeared on the emperor’s pillars appeared here.

The space seemed to be trembling, and behind the young black robe, there were six black whirlpools.

The whirlpool keeps spinning, as if sucking in the head.

"Six reincarnation is the rule of reincarnation!"

"This is a reincarnated child!"

"I know who he is, so he is Yuhe, the sacred arrogance of God's Land!"

Many people exclaimed.

Su Yi's heart is also a trick. This person is actually the son of Samsara, just like Ouyang Mo.

This person met Ouyang Mo and left, I am afraid there will be a battle.

Yuhe’s law of reincarnation came out, and the purple fringed face was ugly.

"This is your own, or I will let you roll!"

Yuhe looked at the purple tassels faintly, and his contempt became stronger.

The purple fringed face is very ugly, with teeth gritted: "How about the reincarnated child, today, I must see how powerful the reincarnation method is!"

"Don't rely on yourself!"

Yuhe was cold and open, and suddenly came out.


The six whirlpools behind Yuhe moved with him, rushing towards the purple tassels.

The six vortexes spin at very high speeds, exploding with a terrible force, attracting the purple tassels and pulling him into the cycle of reincarnation.

The purple fringed face was very solemn and full of power, bursting with purple light, forming a purple sword light, and hitting Yuhe.

The purple tassel has fully utilized its advantages, but it is not powerful. In the eyes of ordinary people, swearing is enough.

However, he faces the son of reincarnation.


Under the vortex of the Six Revolutions, the purple tassel sword fell apart and turned into a purple light.

The purple tassel body was violently shocked, flying out like a cannonball, vomiting blood in the air.

Everyone was shocked!

Every move is just a trick, the purple tassel will be defeated, and vomiting blood is only fragile.

"The king's body is so different from the son of God?"

Some people are unwilling to speak, this is also the king's body.

"The restoration of Yuhe should also break the emperor's realm, otherwise it would be impossible to defeat the purple tassel!"

"But the gap between the Son of God and the King is really big. At the same level, the King's body cannot be the opponent of the Son of God!"

"Unless the Son of God does not cultivate the light of law, the king's body is likely to compete, but the probability of failure is high!"

Some Tianjiao spoke, some sighed.

"There is no need to sigh. Under Emperor Wu's rule, the Son of God does have an absolute advantage. It is almost invincible in the same class, but only under Emperor Wu!"

"When you are above Emperor Wu, you can understand all kinds of rules. Some kings, even kings, are late. In front of Emperor Wu, they performed averagely, but after breaking through Emperor Wu, they got up and achieved the most powerful Ruling is enough to compete with the Son of God. Even defeated the Son of God!"

Some young people speak with confidence in themselves.

When I heard this, many people showed hope in their eyes.

Yes, it is real!

The so-called royal body, the Son of God, is only temporarily dominant, but after Emperor Wu, this advantage will be weakened. Because Wudi could understand various laws, some people could only comprehend common law under the rule of Emperor Wudi, but after breaking through Emperor Wu, they comprehended the strongest rule in one fell swoop, and then broke through the road to become a strong person.

Historically, such examples are not uncommon.

After defeating the purple tassel, Yuhe fell on the emperor's pillar, stood up with both hands, full of hegemony.

The purple tassel hated Yuhe, and eventually did not set foot on other emperors.

Power is not enough, even if you step on it, you must be bombed.

At first, there were some other kings who just wanted to move. At this time, they endured it.

At this time, some people looked at the first youth who set foot on the pillar of hope.

This man has a white robe. Even if he saw Yuhe defeating Purple Tassel, his face was calm. Everyone knows that this man is also the Son of God.

The two duel sons have not yet arrived, and there are two sons of gods, which makes people look forward to it.

When the sons of the sky gather together, will they fight each other first?

"Haha, it's really fun!"

With a big laugh, the young man in the red robe suddenly appeared in the air and fell on the pillar of hope.

Some people realize that this is also the Son of God, from the land of God.

The place of life of God is the most powerful place in the ten areas of Yuan Dynasty. The area is vast and innocent. Except for the ridiculous land, the total area of ​​the other eight places is only God's land.

There are naturally many geniuses.

It is said that the ten rules of the land of God, each has one, even one, more than one.

The top ten party was great.


A Buddha sounds like a young monk coming out of the sky.

A white cunning, fluttering in the wind, dust, no dirt.

The monk also fell on the pillar of hope.

"This is the dust-free and sacred shrine of Wudang Temple!"

Some people exclaimed, seemingly shocked.

"The Holy Spirit of Wuchen is here. I heard that there is no dust and holy land, and the law of causality is one of the ten laws, everything is causal!"

Someone opened it.

"The law of cause and effect!"

Su Yi's eyes also condensed.

Causality is also one of the ten rules. There is no doubt that this is a very scary law, it is mysterious and mysterious.

Everything in the world has a causal relationship, and the cause and effect are broken to form the world.

Control the law of cause and effect, you can control the causal relationship, which is absolutely terrible, and can kill people invisible.

Four, now, the four sons of God have been reached.

Many people hope that these sons of God will not go to war first.

At this time, there are two rainbow lights in the distance, flying very fast.

These two rainbows are also two young people. ..

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