Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 236: attack

Three eyes were stunned. In the third eye of the eyebrows, a light of destruction hit the emperor's body and was killed.

However, when the emperor's body floated out, the light of destruction was broken, and at the same time, the sword was stabbed and pierced by the eyebrows of the three eyes.

The blood was shining, a huge sword, straight without a handle, the sword aura burst, and the head of the three-eyed creature was twisted into pieces.

After the death of the three eyes, the claws released the whirlpool, and the huge figure disappeared in the whirlpool.

Holding a sword, the Emperor wanted to kill another three-eyed creature.

But at this time, the space split and a few figures came out.

One of them is the Demon Master.

"There is only one corpse left, and we must stop us. Today, you will destroy your body!"

The demon spirit taught indifference and killed the emperor's body.

The Emperor’s backhand was a sword that slammed the demon to teach the Lord, and then flew out of the Demon King.

The emperor, even if only the body is left, the power is still amazing.


At this time, the space was not broken, and a character came out.

Shimashima's dark skin is strong, and it is a giant lizard among wild animals, all exuding a vast atmosphere.

"The great emperor is the great emperor!"

Some people were shocked and shocked.

These sudden appearances are actually the characteristics of the great emperor's realm.

"Do these existences exist in the remains of those who have been sealed?"

Some people stepped in and gave out their guesses.

Many people remain silent.

It seems that something will happen.

The previous changes may be related to these powerful existences.

Some people’s eyes point straight to the galaxy.

They remembered that before the emperor's sign, they said that if they step on the front, it would cause the soul to smear and blood flow into the river.

Maybe it means this.

And is it all caused by Galaxy?


Xinghe was cold and his face was gloomy.

The soul is not coated with charcoal, he does not care, the life and death of other people, and how to deal with him? What he thinks now is how to obtain the emperor's body and the emperor's sword.

prosperity! prosperity! .

A terrible war broke out.

Demon masters, giant lizards and other powerful men simultaneously launched an attack on the emperor's body, the heart of Lotus's heart, shocking terror.

"Hengyu, you suppressed my endless years. Today, I want to swallow your body!" the monitor lizard shouted, spouting terrible flames from its mouth, and then rushed towards the emperor's body.

The Emperor of Heaven is a sword, and the flame is opened.

The Celestial Emperor broke the monitor lizard's flame and killed the monitor lizard.

However, other powerful strong men also shot at the same time, various terrible attacks, and went to the emperor's body.

"Hengyu, you didn't kill me that year. This is your biggest mistake!"

"Today, I will tear your body apart!"

Those powerful creatures were suppressed by endless years. At this moment, they saw the emperor's body, full of tyrannical meaning, one after another, terrible attacks erupting with red eyes.

Although these existences have been suppressed by endless years, the original gas has been greatly damaged, and the combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced. But after all, it is the life of the great emperor, and its strength is still no small feat.

After all, the emperor's body is just a flesh.

Many people united, and various attacks fell on the emperor, making the emperor retreat.

However, although the emperor's body retreated, there was no scar on the stone body.


The stone sword shook, and the stone man burst out of glory. At this time, the emperor's body seemed to have recovered.

The stone sword was emptied, the sword light flashed, several powerful faces became bigger, and they were shot by a sword.

At this time, the space in the area was split, and the strong came out to participate in the siege of the emperor.

"Kill it!"

"Bloodbath the world!"

After the whirlpool, there is a constant scream and scream, this murderous temper is fascinating.

That huge three-eyed protoss is trying to control the vortex, and hopes to make the vortex bigger.

In the realm of the great emperor, there are ten strong men who participated in the besieging of the emperor's body. In this scene, everyone's face is very ugly.

Ten great emperors, this is an amazing number. There are not ten great emperors of Ming Dynasty in Yuanshan Holy Land.

Many people are heavy. If the emperor cannot stop them, they will be driven in by aliens. The consequences are unimaginable.

The emperor's body became stronger and stronger. At this time, the stone body seemed to have become a flesh and blood body, and its combat effectiveness became more powerful.

The stone sword was empty, and for a while, it actually prevented the attacks of the ten emperors.


At this time, the space did not break open, and the Great Emperor, Emperor Hengjia, Emperor He Family, and Emperor Luo Tianzong appeared. They are heavy faces and joined the battle group to help the celestial emperor resist the emperor's existence.


With helpers, the emperor's physical pressure was greatly reduced. He rushed into his mouth, and Shi Jian opened several attacks. Before he hit the giant lizard, Shi Jian rushed out.

At this time, the stone sword seemed to have become an invincible god, sharp and extremely sharp, and the lizard's tail was smashed.


The monitor lizard is arrogant and crazy.

At the same time, the attacks of other powerful people fell on the emperor, but the emperor's body was completely lazy to understand. In his eyes, there seemed to be only a monitor lizard.

A series of attacks fell on the emperor's body, and the emperor's body shook and continued to kill the monitor lizard.


The sword light hole penetrated the hole, pierced through the eyebrows of the monitor lizard, and fell into the hilt. "Hengyu, hey!"

The giant lizard let out a desperate roar, but the next moment, the Celestial Emperor flew a sword, and the body of the monitor lizard was turned into two halves. The endless blood and flesh were sucked in by the two worlds and disappeared.

The existence of a great emperor was stifled by the emperor.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the monitor lizard has been suppressed for many years and its strength has not recovered, but it is also amazing enough.


The emperor was crazy and was murdered by others. After some actions, he killed a powerful existence.

The Celestial Emperor even killed two powerful enemies, which made people shake.

Each of these is the existence of a great emperor kingdom. The peak of the dragon was powerful and terrifying, but it has now fallen.

"His body does not consume much energy. There is only one mark, it is difficult to mobilize the energy of heaven, he was bombed by him. He can't keep it for a long time!"

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