Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 231: high temperature

"Shut up, if Su Yi dares to show up, I will ask him to beg me in front of me, but unfortunately, he is now a tortoise and he dare not show up!"

Luo broke the air and sneered.

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from a distance.

Then, the rainbow light flying from a distance at an alarming speed flew by in the blink of an eye.

The rainbow kept on, it rushed directly to Luo's open space. A large prisoner's monument appeared and was suppressed by Luo.

"Su Yi!"

Luo broke the air, screamed, his spear burst out, and was stabbed in the shadow of the prisoner's monument. The prisoner's monument burst, Luo's body was shocked, and even took a few steps back.


The light shone, and Luming's figure appeared.

"This is Su Yi!" Huang Ling and others were moved, showing happiness.

The Phoenix Palace, statues of gods and desert people are also very happy.

I don't know why, as long as Su Yi comes, their hearts will settle down, as if Su Yi's ability has reversed the situation.

"Su Yi, I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know if you can reverse the situation in this situation?"

In the distance, among the ancient saints, Xie Nianjun whispered.

"Is this the son of confusion?"

Some people who hadn't seen Su Yi didn't say it in a low voice, showing curiosity and expectation.

Does the child of chaos seem to be able to change this situation?

"Autumn moon, wasted power, help the Phoenix spirit, this person, give it to me!"

Su Yi Dao

"This is good!"

They did not hesitate to be blown away in the autumn months and the ruins. The autumn months and the ruins helped each other and finally stabilized the situation.

"Haha, Su Yi, you are right, today, I will step on your feet and make you humiliated!"

Luo broke the air and looked at Su Yi, his eyes flashing cold murder.

Today, he has broken into the sacred realm, and his combat effectiveness has soared. He has 10% confidence to defeat Su Yi.

Only a few steps away from Su Yi, this is because he didn't play a big role in the rush.

"In the case of failure, you have already lost once and will never be my opponent in the future!"

Su Yi's indifferent mouth is full of strong self-confidence and undefeated belief.

"This time, who are you to defeat and kill!"

Luo broke the air and shook his gun. Hundreds of guns appeared, and then went to Suyi.

"Glyph! Broken to me!"

Su Yi demonstrated his imperial power in prison, and his fists continued to explode. The towering prison monument appeared and suppressed everything.

thump! thump! thump!

The gun was smashed, the gun was smashed, they were suppressed by the prison monument and turned into energy.

Su Yi stepped forward, broke through the reckless sniper, and slammed Luo.

Luo broke his face and sank, his spear buzzed like lightning, stabbing Su Yi.


A huge prisoner's monument appeared, facing the spear and slamming together.


The image of the prisoner's monument is cracking, and the spear is shaking. The body shapes of LuMing and LuoBroken were shocked at the same time.

Many people in the distance were shocked.

"It is so powerful, only one person can resist the King of Holy Land!"

Some people were shocked by the opening ceremony.

Once he started, Lumin's repairs were exposed and he was satisfied with the great Holy Spirit.

Like Huang Ling, but the four kings united to resist the wind and dust.

And Su Yi, alone, can be with Luo Po.

"This is a messy child, and the power is terrible!"

Some people sigh.

Luo's face was also gloomy, and there were more murders in his eyes.


The spear was like lightning. It came to Su Yi's explosion, and the power to penetrate the law was daunting.

Su Yisi was not afraid, and moved forward, and the persecution of prisoners continued to emerge.

In the blink of an eye, regardless of the result, the two men carried out dozens of tricks.

"Break is the most sacred, this is power, it is really disappointing!"

Su Yi's opening was full of irony. "Dead, one blow!"

Luo broke the air, threw out a magical force and exerted the strongest blow.

"Chaotic Robbery!"

Su Yi pointed out that the chaotic robbery broke out and was bombed by the opponent's spear.


The violent vibration of the spear seemed to withstand the tremendous pressure, and Luo's body was shocked and flinched.

Luo Shukong's supernatural power, firepower is about 85%, and it is the king's law, the power is already very amazing.

Su Yi’s magical power is at 80% high temperature, but this is the law of chaos. Power is equivalent to 90% of the king's law, and it still passes through Luo's shorts.

"The strongest blow, but it is, blow!"

Su Yi's fingers kept pointing out that the energy between the sky and the earth madly gathered on Su Yi's fingers. Several big fingers were formed one after another, and they were heading towards Luo.

"Extreme penetration!"

Luo broke the air and was drunk, his body seemed to bow, then popped, and burst out with amazing power.

His rifle, under the blessing of the Holy Spirit, the penetrating power became even more amazing, and Su Yi faced each other.

prosperity! prosperity! prosperity!

After a few roars, Luo broke his body and flinched.

When Luo Chuang came back, Su Yijin kept pointing out with his right finger, robbing indiscriminately, his left hand, the law of the circuit was running, endless runes penetrated, forming the power of a seal, covering Luo's face.

Luo broke through and retreated, not daring to let the sealing force persist.

"Luo Wudi, fell to the bottom!"

"Su Yi's power is terrible!"

Other Tianjiao who saw this scene were shocked.

Before, Su Yi was able to resist Luo's emptiness, which was already very shocking. Now, Su Yi is actually trying to break the air.

"Luo is empty, don't you plan to let me stand up today? How can you continue to go back?"

Su Yi's mouth is full of irony, but his offensive is inexhaustible.

The law of chaos in the right hand, the use of chaos and robbery, is constantly pointed out.

The rules of the left-hand circuit, endless runes are universal, the power to form a seal, the seal should be broken.

Although Luo Peikong's penetrating power was very strong, he was suppressed by chaos and could only continue to retreat, completely falling into the wind.

"Lu's voice!"

Luo Po was only hated by Su Yi. For the last time he came to the only temple in the temple-Guyang Temple, he was caught by this Wei...

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