Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 226: whirlwind

"Strong Star!"

The blame was also punched out, and a star appeared on his fist, as if he was pushing the star towards the tornado.

The power of two people is full of infinite power, to break the law and break the sky.

The huge elephant and stars, together with two tornadoes, erupted with a terrible roar. In the end, two tornadoes were blocked and dissipated in the sky.

Two consecutive hits were blocked, leaving a dust-free face, somewhat gloomy.

He is the most sacred place, and he cannot easily take two people to the great holy place. It is a pity to say that he went out.

"The blade that destroys the storm!"

The wind is dirty and drunk. Around his body, there are countless blades, sharp and unparalleled.

call out! call out! call out.

The destroying blade of the storm rushed towards the dragon and waste.

Long Chen and the wreck tried their best to resist, but their cultivation was too weak and unstable.

"These people, let us give it to it!"

The Tianjiao of the Feng Family stared at the Phoenix Palace, and the other people of the gods marched towards them.

Molang, Prince Jinwuer and others followed and launched a terrible offensive.

"Send a message, summon manpower, and then defend it!"

A phoenix in the Phoenix Palace drank, and everyone sent a message with the voice of the jade charm, and then launched a defense.

Some of them still practice in certain places in the monastery, not here.

They are small and can only defend.

Several young people who had left the family came forward and stood at the forefront of the crowd. A few days later, the huge battle axe and mace rushed out and flew out violently.

"It is so powerful and has some advanced celestial bodies. These physiques are stronger and different from ordinary people. What is it?"

The black wolf and a young man abandoned a pair of tricks, their bodies were directly bombarded, their bodies were numb, and their arms were tingling, almost shattering bones.

"There may be an ancient, desert people!"

A windy family is arrogantly open.

Like ancient races, they naturally know abandonment.


Mo Lang and the others took a breath.

The ancients handed down from ancient times have terrible secrets that cannot be predicted.

No one can underestimate the ancients.

"Leave these deserts to us, you deal with other people!"

Feng Tianjiao spoke, his body was filled with terrible wind, and killed the young man in the desert.

Molang and others attacked others.

Although, in Yuanshan Saint Pavilion, you cannot kill people, but as long as you do not abolish it, you cannot kill it.

They recently killed these sacred people’s sacred Phoenix Palace, and then drove them out of the Yuanshan Saint. Abandoned people, Phoenix Palace, Holy Ancestors, Thunder God Sect and other sects, the number is relatively small. Once, they were completely at a disadvantage and some people were injured.

Long Chen and the power of destruction are also uncomfortable, and they are also completely at a disadvantage. They swayed back and forth again and again.

If both of them are practicing the best rules, and the spirit is also known for its strength, it also means that the defense is equally strong, otherwise, I fear it has been lost.

But even so, it cannot be supported for long.

Seeing them in danger, a figure flying in the distance, people have not yet arrived, the cold and hot breath erupted, two scimitars quickly rotated, forming a terrible destructive force, blowing the wind to the dust.

Autumn has come!

"The Law of Yin and Yang!"

Windless eyes condensed slightly, a hand and a wave, destroying the path of the storm, smashed towards the moon in autumn, the two scimitars of the moon in autumn constantly collide, and the sparks sparkle.



Long Chen and the wild force seized the opportunity and launched a storm, defeating dozens of devastating storm blades. The fists are like Changhong, they rush to the wind.

"I want to fight back, it's still far behind!"

The wind is dust-free and cold, blowing. He blew endless wind from his mouth, breaking the power of the dragon and the wild.

Qiuyue, Long Chen and the desperate forces united to start a fierce battle against the wind and the dust.

"The three great saints of the king are really amazing, but even if they join hands, they may not be able to fight the wind!"

"Yes, if there is another person, I am afraid I can fight!"

"Then Huang Ling, I don't know if the breakthrough is perfect!"

There are many people talking about people far away.

Hey! Hey!.

At this time, there will always be people flying in the distance. They are the Phoenix Palace, the sacred sect, and the desert people practicing elsewhere. They received the sound and rushed over.

"Eat your grandpa's two hammers!"

The wasteland wielded two huge hammers and rushed away from a distance. The sledgehammer hit the golden prince like a whirlwind.

The huge pressure on the sledgehammer stunned Jinwu Ertai, filled with the flames of the day and resisted it.

However, when the sledgehammer fell, Jin Wuer's prince screamed, a pair of wings burst out, and his body fell out and was hit hard.

Although Prince Jinwu was also a perfect rehearsal for the Great God, the spirit was only a medium spirit, and it was completely defeated by the wasteland.

With the desert, the sacred gates of the Phoenix Palace and other churches rushed back, they finally stabilized the situation, but still fell to the bottom.

After all, the opponent has Feng Tianjiao, plus Tianlang Tower, Wanjia, and Jinwu. The ancient moon holy land, at least a dozen sacred Tianjiao, rely on the wind, this is a tribute to the gathering, there are too many people.

The people of the sanctuary, the Phoenix Palace and other sects can only defend, not fight back.

Over time, more and more people were injured.

At this moment, a phoenix screamed and sounded in the sky, and a flame phoenix flew quickly, covering the Sirius Tower and Jinwu Family and many other arrogances.

"It's not dead yet!"

Someone exclaimed. thump! thump! .

The flames of the phoenix screamed, and the law of the undead was running. The young Tianjiao was shot one by one and flew out, vomiting blood. Some people were weak and were hit directly without further efforts.

"This is Huang Ling, **** it, she also broke through the sacredness!"

The ink wolf growled.

The next moment, the undead flame attacked the ink wolf, and the ink wolf flew out, vomiting blood.

Huang Ling, the great and sacred breakthrough, almost swept through at the same level.

Even if the wind has some celestial bodies, it is not her opponent. It was suppressed by Huang Ling, and finally hurt by Huang Ling, which greatly weakened its combat effectiveness.

With Huang Ling joining, they immediately stabilized the situation and gained an advantage. ..

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