Pirate’s Hell

Vol 14 Chapter 223: Powerful

Now, Su Yi needs to borrow the power of these konjac.

Su Yi went out and rushed into the Wild Beast Mountain. Soon, he came to a valley.

roar! roar!

At the mouth of the valley, two huge pythons, blood-red eyes, and black bodies are like steel. The height is more than five meters, and the aura is pressing.

When they saw Su Yi, they screamed twice, showing the color of a scorpion, and rushed towards Su Yi.

In Su Yi's hand, a sword appeared and a konjac was killed.


The other, screaming angrily.

Xiao Xiaoyuan is gone. Suddenly, there was a riot in the whole valley, and a terrible breath sounded. A terrible scream sounded, as if going over the mountains.

The earth is shaking, in the valley, countless blood-eyed konjac rushed out, as if it were a torrent of steel.


Su Yi was drunk, chaos and robbery occurred, and broke out with all his strength, forming a huge chaotic robbery, pointing to the **** konjac group.

Suddenly, a dozen **** konjac bodies burst.

Then Su Yi turned around, his body being applied to the extreme.

roar! roar!

Shocking and screaming, a few terrifying blood-eyed konjac burst into the crowd, with a terrifying breath, and there is definitely a great holy high, and they quickly rushed to Su Yi.

He tried hard to resist, and the battle axe continued to smash, eventually stopping the chaos and robbery, but could not stop the power of the prison monument.

The monument in the prison was suppressed. Under the reluctance of the Three-Eyed Protoss, it was killed and its body torn apart.

At this time, the other three-eyed Protoss, an escaped Protoss, did not leave.

Su Yi didn't pursue it. He also understood that with him, it was impossible to kill all the three-eyed gods, so many people, scattered and fleeing, he could not catch.

It is incredible to be able to destroy most of the Three-Eyed Protoss army and kill other generals.

Su Yi put away the prison monument and fell to the ground. He sat on the ground and gasped.

Just now, he continued to show chaotic robbery, which was an all-out outbreak. The sacred power was exhausted, and his physical strength was somewhat unsatisfactory.

At this moment, in front of Su Yi, a white light flashed, and the old man in the white robe appeared.

"You did very well!"

The old man in a white robe swept the scene, showing a sense of appreciation.

"Is this my exam?"

Su Yi asked.

"Yes, this is a test!" The old man in a white robe nodded.

Su Yi was silent. After a while, he said, "Are these all fantasy? Are they fake?"

"This is true, this is false, this is false!"

Wearing a white robe, the old man showed sadness in his eyes, full of sadness, and then said: "This time, what you have experienced, what you have seen, in fact, in ancient times, it happened in real time, those people before It also exists, but behind it, it's already dead, it's already dead in the hands of aliens!"

"In ancient times, aliens were separated from the void, the sky fell into chaos, countless souls were killed, and thousands of corpses were the real blood flowing into the river. What you experience is just a projection of a certain place in ancient times!"

Su Yi was silent again. After a while, he asked, "Is this a pass?"

"Yes, you passed!"

The white robe is very old.

"If I didn't kill the other generals, can't I pass?" Su Yi asked.

The old man in a white robe shook his head and said, "It's not difficult. As long as you can kill this barracks, no matter what the outcome is? Everything is over. Your performance exceeded expectations!"

"Of course, if Lian Chong dare not rush to this barracks, it is a failure. I will show you some pictures!"

The old man in a white robe said, waving his hand, and there was a photo in the sky.

Su Yi saw that other people had almost the same experience as him. He was also severely injured by Xia Hu, and then he was injured in the tribe. After that, the Three-Eyed Protoss attacked.

However, Su Yi saw that when someone attacked the Three-Eyed Protoss, they did not break the shackles and restarted cultivation. Instead, they were killed by the Three-Eyed Protoss. At this time, white light shrouded, and this person was eliminated.

Others who abandoned the tribe and fled alone were also shrouded in light and eliminated.

Someone broke the bondage, killed all the three-eyed Protoss who had invaded, rushed to the barracks, silenced, and then withdrew. They did not attack the barracks and were eliminated and spread. Su Yi saw that when the Three-Eyed Protoss invaded and killed the tribe, Long Chen rushed towards the crown and smashed his eyes. He finally broke through the shackles and resumed repairs, killing all the three-eyed gods.

Then he killed the barracks directly, savagely, and finally exhausted.

Of course, if you die here, you will not die.

Su Yi also saw that Huang Ling, like Long Chen, also killed the barracks, and was finally killed by many powerful people.


In the end, Su Yi only saw six people daring to rush to the other side of the barracks.

The others, whether they didn't break through the shackles, fled directly, or dared not kill other barracks, were all sent away.

Except for Su Yi, there are only six people.

But no one can do like Lu Ming, annihilate a large army of the opponent, and finally kill General Three Eyes.

Su Yi found that different people, different cultivations, people encountered, and the three-eyed gods that appeared were different.

The higher the restorer, the higher the three-eyed gods.

For example, in the last barracks, repairing the arrogance to a sacred level, then the highest combat power in the barracks will become the emperor.

No one can cross so many fields and kill powerful enemies. Su Yi can use the power of the **** konjac, plus prison.

After reading, the old man in a white robe waved his hand and the photo disappeared.

"This time, plus you, a total of seven people have passed, and you, your best performance, has been difficult to compare since ancient times, so congratulations, become the true inheritor of Hunyuan!"

The old man in a white robe is smiling.

"Has this succeeded?"

Su Yi whispered.

"Yes, it was successful. It doesn't seem to be difficult, but it is difficult. It is difficult. In fact, some people in ancient times are very powerful. You can do this, but most people have no choice. But turn around Leaving, did not attack the barracks, did not attack the barracks, this is a failure, the strength is no longer strong!"

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