Pirate’s Hell

Vol 13 Chapter 50: Sky Fire (Part 1)

"Everyone hold on! Don't let the wolf demon break through the formation!"

Ye Yan commanded the Qi Demon while shouting to the people behind him.

At this time, Ye Yan and Che Yongtai gathered countless wolves on their side. The wolves were launching a crazy attack on them. Fortunately, their strength was not weak, and they had not received any harm for the time being.

On the other hand, the wolf demon continued to die tragically in Ye Yanqi's hands.

Cha Yongtai punched the wolf demon's head and said to Ye Yan: "Miscellaneous fish, how did you lead the way? This is the old nest of the wolf demon!"

Ye Yan was also very helpless, saying that he was a good student, but he didn't expect to be attacked by countless wolves after coming in, and these wolves did not know where they came from.

"It's even worse!"

Ye Yan took out the soul-suppressing hammer and hit it **** the ground. Suddenly, the whole ground trembled. Numerous spikes poured out from the ground, directly piercing the wolf demon on the ground, and blood was splashing everywhere.

After performing a trick, Ye Yan looked behind him and said helplessly: "It's all to blame on that kid Su Yi. I have to say that this road is safe. I don't know what the kid did. He hasn't returned yet."

"I don't know what happened to Xisha." Uncle Uncle counted worriedly, but this is troublesome, what should I do.

Ye Yan frowned slightly, and said to everyone, "Should we withdraw? First find Xisha and speak."

"I'm afraid it's hard enough. When we came, there was a chain bridge. When we came, the chain bridge was already torn apart and there was no way out." Uncle Uncle said.

Ye Yan was immediately upset when he heard that, "It's all to blame Su Yi! No matter if, we must save Xisha first!"

"Don't worry, what can Heisha do? She is the Demon King, and not a human." Cha Yongtai said with great confidence. He has the same physique as Heisha. Even if the Demon Lord is dug out of his heart, he can grow another one. Just relying on a formation that doesn't know how many years have passed and a group of wolf demons, what can you do to the devil?

At best, no one can do anything about it. If you want to kill the devil, these people are not qualified.

But even so, Ye Yan still felt uneasy. After all, when everyone capsized in the gutter, if something accident happened, it would be inevitable.

"Don't be distracted, everyone, the strength of the wolf demon has become stronger!"

Zhang He tried hard to resist the attack of the wolf demon, but found that the strength of the new batch of wolf demon has become much stronger, and it is no longer comparable to the previous cannon gray wolf.

Ye Yan also felt this, and said solemnly: "These should be red wolves, and they are one level behind the red wolves. Be careful, there are red wolves here, indicating that there will be more powerful wolf species!"

What Ye Yan said was not a guess, but a rule.

Generally, the red wolf will not live with the red wolf, because the level and strength of the two wolves are not the same level. There is only one case where the two wolves will converge into one force, that is, there is a more powerful wolf species that is controlling Against them.

Che Yongtai took advantage of the violent power to fly a group of wolf monsters directly, and then said to Ye Yan: "Miscellaneous fish, do you want to kill more wolf monsters than to see who kills?"..

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