Pirate’s Hell

Vol 13 Chapter 48: Under the crypt)

However, people just appeared, and they were still a Eight Banners Fighter, which immediately made the wolves panic.

"It's the Eight Banners, please be careful!"

The wolf demon clasped their mace, looking at the Eight Banner Demon who rushed up in horror.

"It's even worse!"

Su Yi took out the soul-suppressing hammer and hammered it fiercely against the ground. A crack spread out, and instantly reached the area where the wolf demons were. He only heard a "boom", the ground fell apart and flying rocks filled the sky.

"Hurry up!"

The wolf demons reacted swiftly and immediately made countermeasures. All the wolf demons jumped up and avoided Su Yi's attack dangerously and dangerously.

Su Yi's soul hammer has just arrived, and he is not so adept at using it yet, so this move did not cause any substantial damage except for momentum.

Su Yi wiped his nose and said excitedly: "Brothers, it's time to move around!"

With a wave of Su Yi's hand, the banner demon swarmed.

The number of wolf demons is about 20. If it was before, Su Yi might carefully consider whether to make a move, but now, Zhu Xianjian urgently needs the improvement of the demon blood, and the Qi demon has always swallowed a demon pill, and the strength is there. A qualitative leap, Su Yi just checked how much the Banner Demon who devoured the Demon Danhou had improved.

I have to say that Qi Yao's current overall strength is indeed faster than before, which may also have something to do with combat experience. After all, the banner monsters in Su Yi are all the older generation of banner monsters many years ago. If they haven't fought for so many years, their combat experience will definitely regress. After many battles, they gradually find the feeling of the year, so their strength will not improve. strange.

Su Yi watched as the Eight-faced Banner Demon suppressed twenty wolf demon instantly. He nodded with satisfaction, then held the Zhuxian Sword in his right hand, and said to the Qi Demon: "Retreat, this uncle will come personally!"

Su Yi screamed, suddenly launched a fierce step, and the forward speed suddenly increased. The wolf monsters did not even see Su Yi's figure, and the next moment, the Zhuxian sword in Su Yi's hand had already cut through the wolf monster's body. The wolf demon's seemingly indestructible defense was cut off by the wolf demon under the sword of Zhu Xian.

Seeing the four wolf demons blocking at the same time, Su Yi nodded in satisfaction, then twisted his footsteps, and took out two blasting charms at the same time, and put them on both legs. Although the speed was not as fast as the first hit, But the overall speed did not decrease much.

"Zhu Xian cut!"

Su Yi shouted angrily, the Zhuxian sword in his hand was danced out of flowers by him. Every time it was dropped, a wolf demon would die under the Zhuxian sword. The blood continuously quenched the Zhuxian sword, and the color on the Zhuxian sword changed more and more. Come deeper.

As Su Yi's last sword fell, the last wolf demon also fell to the ground, but Su Yi did not directly end this wolf demon, but seriously injured him.

The wolf demon looked at Su Yi's face full of horror, dragging his injured body back and forth.

Su Yi looked at the horrified expression of the wolf demon and couldn't help but smile: "I've been injured like this, and I'm still spending my energy to maintain my human form. Do you care about the image that way?"

Hearing this, the wolf demon suddenly made a "poof", and as a white smoke dispersed, the wolf demon also became its original form.

Su Yi stepped on the wolf demon's chest, looked at him condescendingly, and asked imposingly, "Say, what are you doing here?"

The wolf demon was unable to move when Su Yi stepped on it. Due to the desire to survive, the wolf demon could only answer truthfully, "We are looking for a crypt, the leader said, the crypt may be nearby."

Su Yi frowned, and the corners of his mouth rose accordingly, "I knew you had a problem."..

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