Pirate’s Hell

Vol 13 Chapter 43: Under the crystal layer (below)

Su Yi glanced at Qiongqi suspiciously, and saw that many people were sitting there, and he also sat on the ground.

But as soon as he sat on the ground, Su Yi realized that something was wrong. The ground actually had its own temperature.

Su Yi frowned, looked down, and was taken aback. The place where he was sitting was obviously different. There was some red light. Although it was very inconspicuous, he could still be able to get closer. Find.

And Su Yi touched other places, the temperature was normal, only the temperature in this place was strange.

Su Yi wondered whether or not to tell Qiongqi about this. After all, this place might be what Qiongqi had been looking for.

Su Yi hurriedly covered this place, anxiously waiting for Qiongqi to continue to lead people forward.

But I don't know why, Qiongqi didn't get up and hurry up this time, but was thinking about something.

"Sacrifice, what's your opinion?" Qin Qi asked the priest on the side.

The priest held a very old disk in his hand. There were two pointers on the disk. The pointers were constantly rotating under the control of the sacrifice, but they just kept spinning.

"The magnetic field here is very strange, it is difficult to locate the precise location, but this also shows that things should be not far from here." Said the priest.

Qiongqi looked around again, then shook his head and said; "There is no strange place here. If you continue to search like this, what is the difference with finding a needle in a haystack?"

The priest shook his head and said: "The leader's words are wrong. At least we have greatly reduced the scope. I think that thing has been placed in the safest place, or it is very inconspicuous. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all."

Qiong Qi heard the words and felt reasonable, so he said to the wolf monsters: "All get up and look for them separately. Whoever finds the right position first, the deity will enshrine him as a personal guard and enjoy endless glory and wealth!"

Su Yi raised his brows when he heard that, and continued to search according to Qiongqi. It was actually only a matter of time to find here. He might as well take the initiative to tell Qiongqi the secret, maybe Qiongqi could still search with him.

Thinking of this, Su Yi made up his mind, and suddenly shouted to Qiongqi: "Leader, there is something abnormal here!"

Qiong Qi was startled when he heard the words, and quickly ran past Ali.

"What's wrong? Where is the abnormality?" Qiongqi asked Su Yi.

Su Yi squatted down, pointed to the ground and said: "This place is obviously different in color, and there is some temperature here, I don't know if it is what the leader is looking for."

Qiongqi hurriedly got close to the ground to take a closer look. The ground here is not mud, but a crystal-like material. Although the transparency is not so good, there is something underneath that can still be seen.

Not long after, Qiongqi did find something wrong, and said to the sacrifice: "Sacrifice, look, is it here?"

The priest hurriedly took the disc to calculate, and was overjoyed, nodded and said: "The thing that interferes with the magnetic field is here, and the point is here."

Qiong Qi heard this and was overjoyed. He hit Su Yi's chest fiercely, and said excitedly: "Boy, that's not bad, you are really an expert at finding things, yes, the deity must be rewarded!"

Su Yi smiled indifferently, then patted his chest, and said to Qiongqi: "I should be able to serve the leader!"..

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