Pirate’s Hell

Vol 13 Chapter 38: The Black Robe (Part 1)

Su Yi was astonished. He didn't expect that the black hole would actually teleport him to another place, and it was still a palace with magnificent decorations, which really surprised Su Yi.

"What is this place?"

Su Yi murmured in his mouth, looked around the hall for a week, and found that the door of the hall was made of gold coins. There were no other doors and passages in the hall. Although the area was large, Su Yi always felt like he was locked in a cage.

Su Yi hurriedly turned to God Prison for help and asked, "God Prison, where is this place?"

After a long time, God Prison responded: "Unknown area."

Su Yi suddenly got a black line when he heard this, but he didn't expect that even God Prison would not be able to detect where it was.

Su Yi looked around randomly, and found no traces of anyone who had been here, nor did he find any mechanism. At a speed of nothing, he had to take out the teleportation charm and prepare to use the teleportation formation to return to the original position.

But Su Yi stood there for a long time without any reaction at all.

"what happened?"

Su Yi frowned, glanced at the teleportation talisman in his hand, he couldn't help but squeaked in his heart, and quickly transported the charm again, but the rune still had no response, and the teleportation array on the other side did not respond.

"How could this be!"

Su Yi started to panic. He thought that the teleportation array would be able to teleport everywhere without any influence. Now it seems that if the teleportation talisman is used here, the teleportation array seems to be unable to sense it at all.

"It seems that it has nothing to do with that black hole."

Su Yi put away the teleportation talisman and quickly fumbled along the walls of the hall, trying to find an exit from here.

As time passed, Su Yi had already walked around the hall, but still found nothing.

The silence in the hall made people palpitate, and Su Yi had to let the Qi Demon out.

"Master, what is this place?"

The banner demons asked suspiciously.

Su Yi shook his head and said: "I don't know, I came here from a black hole, but I opened my eyes and found that I was here."

"It looks like this should be a palace."

"Nonsense, it's up to you to talk about it." Su Yi said angrily.

Fire Sparrow took the conversation and said, "But this palace doesn't look like ancient buildings, it looks like those imitations."

"How did you know?" Su Yi asked rhetorically.

Fire Sparrow continued: "Because this gives the building, it also contains a lot of elements that are not a dynasty, and even some Western elements are in it, and this, you see, the master, this is obviously modern craftsmanship."

Firebird pointed to the dragon chair directly in front and said.

"Dragon chair?" Su Yi was shocked. He didn't expect that the seat in the hall was actually the dragon chair used by the ancient emperor.

Of course, Su Yi thinks this is a dragon chair because it is too domineering. Not only that, the back of the wooden chair is also engraved with a dragon, which is very domineering.

Su Yi walked straight to the dragon chair, looked at the dragon chair and said, "Where is it like modern craftsmanship?"

Fire Sparrow explained: "Master, look at the material of this dragon chair."

Su Yi frowned, looked up at the dragon chair in doubt, then tapped with his hand, and asked, "What's the matter? There is nothing wrong with the material?"

Huoque shook his head helplessly, and had to say directly: "This is obviously an alloy synthesized by modern technology. The edge of the dragon chair is also obviously cut by modern technology. And here, the various reliefs on the back of the chair are mostly modern people. The conceived species, various signs indicate that this palace should not last long."..

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