Pirate’s Hell

Vol 13 Chapter 36: Kisa is missing

"Then do we need to wait for Xisha to come back?" Abiao asked Su Yi, he looked nervous, for fear that they would eventually go the wrong way.

Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "It's better to wait a while, maybe Xisha is walking through the gate. In this case, we don't have to be injured and pass smoothly."

"Ke Xisha has been away for so long, and hasn't come back now, will she encounter any danger?" Ye Yan asked worriedly.

Su Yi didn't know, and shook his head and said, "The remaining two doors, one is the living door, and the other is the hanging door."

"What does Xuanmen mean?" Uncle Uncle asked.

Su Yi explained: "The so-called hanging gate is the unknown gate. It may be a livelihood or a wounded gate, but generally speaking, the possibility of a livelihood is more likely."

"Then what if it's the wounded door?" Ye Yan said again.

Su Yi frowned slightly and said nothing.

Cha Yongtai waved his hand and said indifferently: "Master, I have been through the dead door. A wounded door, can you drop the devil?"

"Didn't Su Yi say that the hanging door can be any kind of door? Isn't it impossible to be a dead door? Or a more dangerous place?" Ye Yan said and looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi thought about it, and finally nodded and said: "It is true that this possibility is not ruled out. Although the possibility is very small, it cannot be said that it will not happen. In addition, the formation is in an open state and will change at any time. There will be places more dangerous than dead ends."

Ye Yan thought for a while, and said solemnly: "I will let Qi Yao go over and see the situation."

Seeing that Ye Yan's face was so bad, Su Yi quickly said, "Forget it, I'll come, you have a good rest, maybe there will be more dangerous things later."

"Can you?" Ye Yan asked, looking at Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled indifferently and said: "It's okay, I will follow along. As long as the distance from the Qi Demon is not very far, the recovery of the Qi Demon is only a momentary thing, when it is dangerous, I will take it back in advance. ."

"So, you have to go in with you?" Ye Yan asked.

Su Yi nodded, "It's okay, I let the Qi Demon explore the way ahead, and I will come back when there is danger."

"Then you have to be careful." Che Yongtai said with unprecedented concern.

Su Yi nodded, "You wait for me where you are, don't walk around casually."

After pressing a sentence, Su Yi walked in the direction Xisha was walking.

The direction Xisha walks is a dense forest, and sunlight can't penetrate in, so it is full of gloomy weeds.

Su Yi used the Zhuxian sword to cut through the thorns, and walked forward cautiously, while the Eight Banner Demon was exploring the way ahead.

Su Yi would stop and observe without walking a distance, trying to find traces of Xisha passing by.

But I don't know why, after walking for a long time, Su Yi didn't find any trace of anyone passing by. Even the weeds were still straight.

If someone passed by, this would not be the case, unless that person flew past, but Xisha would not fly to the sky for a long time.

"Hey yarn."

Su Yi yelled tentatively, but only a faint echo responded.

Su Yi controlled the Qi Demon and continued to go deeper, and after a short while, news came.

Su Yi was overjoyed, and quickly speeded up and walked forward.

After walking for about ten minutes, the forest finally came to an end. What appeared in front of Su Yi was an extremely deserted square. The concrete floor of the square was torn apart and weeds broke out of the soil.

In the middle of the square, there are many stone pillars lying upside down, and the stone pillars are also covered with moss plants. You can see that this remains must be many years old.

Su Yi cautiously walked to the middle of the square, where the Eight Banner Demons gathered here, seeming to have found something.

"Huoque, what did you find?" Su Yi asked one of the banner demon.

Huoque looked at Su Yi and said, "Master, there are traces of fighting here. We also sensed Xisha's breath here. It shouldn't take long."

Su Yi squatted down quickly, looked at the broken stones on the ground, then looked at the charred plants, nodded and said, "Yes, this is indeed just formed, but how did you feel Xisha? Identify her energy?"

Fire Sparrow shook his head and said: "Xisha is the Demon King, how can we tell it, but we know the way that Xisha fights. Look at this, master, this stone pillar was obviously bitten off, and there are huge teeth marks on it. "

Su Yi followed what the fire sparrow was counting on. Sure enough, he saw a row of huge teeth marks on the stone pillar beside him. Su Yi remembered Xisha's fighting method, which can indeed crush all objects. In this case, these battle traces are most likely to be I left behind.

"Look around to see which direction Xisha is walking from." Su Yi began to worry about whether Xisha had gone in the wrong direction and did not follow the original route.

Su Yi took out his cell phone and got through Ye Yan's call.

"Hello, how is it?"

Ye Yan's voice came over the phone.

Seeing that there is still a signal, Su Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then said: "I didn't find Xisha, but I found an abandoned square ruins here. I found traces of battle here, which should be left by Xisha. I am now The worry is whether Kisa is going in the wrong direction."

"Wrong direction? What do you mean?" Ye Yan asked.

Su Yi explained: "The road here is very complicated, there is not only one road like other gates, so I am worried that Xisha went in the wrong direction and did not follow the original route of this road."

Ye Yan snorted in his heart. If this is the case, it is very likely that he will deviate from the trajectory of the formation and enter the forbidden area of ​​the formation. If this is the case, even the demon king, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist the attack of the killing formation.

"Do you want me to come and help?" Ye Yan asked.

Su Yi shook his head and said, "You'd better not come over. When I came, I set up a teleportation array at the intersection. If there is any danger, I can come back by myself, so you better not make trouble.

"Then what do we need to do now?" Ye Yan asked.

Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "I have been able to determine that this is the hanging door. You are now taking the last path. The formation is always in a state of change. About three hours are changed. It has been more than an hour since our previous calculation. So you hurry up and go through the last road, and the time will change again."

Ye Yan nodded and said, "Then you should be careful, and feel free to contact if you have any problems."

Su Yi hung up the phone and said to the Qi Demon: "What did you eight discover?"

Fire Sparrow responded first: "Master, there seems to be a trace here, but it is not very obvious. I guess this formation has an automatic repair function." ..

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