Pirate’s Hell

Vol 13 Chapter 35: Break the line

Hearing the words, Ye Yan hurriedly followed suit, and held up the Huang Demon banner with an order, "The Flag Demon is out!"

The Eight-faced Banner Demon started at the same time in eight directions at an extremely fast speed.

Su Yi sat down on the ground, then waved to the crowd and said, "Don't be stunned, I guess it will take a while for the Qi Demon to come back. Let's sit and rest for a while. Conservation of energy is the most important thing."

A Biao sat down first when he heard the words.

It was as if Cha Yongtai and Xisha hadn't heard Su Yi's words at all, because the devil's physical strength was unlimited, and physical strength was the least valuable thing for them.

It took about ten minutes before Ye Yan's face sank, and then he quickly waved the Huang Demon banner and took one of the Banner Demon back.

"What's wrong with Ye Yan?" Uncle Uncle hurried forward and asked.

Ye Yan looked at one of the directions with some surprise, and then said: "That place is indeed very dangerous. The Banner Demon was seriously injured. If I didn't collect it in time, the Banner Demon would have been beaten up."

"So scary?" The uncle couldn't help swallowing his throat.

Ye Yan's strength has indirectly explained his Qi Demon's strength. Unexpectedly, even Ye Yan's Qi Demon was almost beaten out of his soul, which is simply incredible.

If the flag demon that fights more people can be divided into levels, the first level starts at the highest level ten, then Ye Yan's flag demon is at least at level 8. With this strength, even if you meet a demon like Che Yongtai, you will not lose too badly. , Can be beaten to death, uncle uncle has always believed that no one in the world has such an ability.

The flag demon has already been beaten and refined, an intangible thing, at most it will be broken up, or seriously injured, waiting for a while to recover.

But if you want to hit the soul flies and the soul is unrecoverable, it must be absolutely suppressed by using powerful strength.

Uncle Nobody firmly believes that no one can absolutely suppress Ye Yan at the moment.

Even the Lanling Fairy back then couldn't do it.

Moreover, the current Ye Yan is no longer the same Ye Yan, but now he has the presence of a king.

Just as the uncle was surprised, Ye Yan immediately withdrew three banner monsters, followed by the fourth and fifth, and every time he came back, the aura on Ye Yan would fluctuate.

After all, the flag demon is connected to the master, and if the flag demon suffers a severe injury, the master will not be well.

Seeing Ye Yan's face gradually turning pale, Su Yi couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Ye Yan, are you okay? Don't let the Qi Demon come back directly, at least you have determined that you can't go in four directions."

Ye Yan shook his head and said, "It's almost the end. If you give up at this time, won't all the previous efforts be wasted."

Su Yi thinks about it and thinks so. If you can't be 100% sure that one of the doors is safe, all the previous efforts can be said to be in vain. Once they are unlucky and meet the dead door, they still have to die inside.

"I knew that those wolf demons would not kill, they must know how to go." Xisha said regretfully.

Su Yi thought for a while, shook his head and said, "It's not necessarily. When we killed them, they were panicked and didn't know where to go. It shows that they were just Ronaldinho patrolling the periphery and didn't know how to go. The formation here, otherwise, with the help of the formation, it would be easy for them to escape."..

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