Pirate’s Hell

Vol 13 Chapter 31: Flicker

Ye Yan found the official Simon and the uncle, and after a brief talk about the situation, the group found Su Yi's residence.

Su Yi brought Ye Yan and the others to the residence. Zhang He recovered from his injuries and was exercising. Seeing Su Yi brought many people back, he immediately became vigilant.

After all, apart from Su Yi, no one knew that he was a matter of Yushi. If this matter were to be known to the wolf demon, the wolf demon would definitely be hunted down here.

Seeing Zhang He tense, Su Yi waved his hand to indicate that he should not be too nervous, and then introduced to Su Yi: "Let me introduce, these are the royal histories of Bozhou City Night Bud, this is the Ye Yan you admire so much. ."

Zhang He was shocked when he heard the words. No matter who looked at the thin young man in front of him, he did not expect that the legendary wizard among the fighters was so thin.

"This is Che Yongtai, and this is Xisha. As for this, I think you should have heard of the name, he is the president of the student union of Xiahou Middle School, Ximen official."

After Su Yi introduced the Ximen official, Zhang He was even more surprised, as if he had seen the most unimaginable thing in the world.

"Su Yi, are you kidding? Ximen official? That tomb guard who can travel between human and ghost at will? Really? They, they really came to Yuehu City?"

Zhang He stared and studied, looked at Su Yi in disbelief, and then at Ye Yan and his party.

The Ximen official smiled, and said in a calm tone, "Are you the Yushi of Yuehu City?"

Zhang He took a moment to look at Su Yi, thinking that Su Yi told them, he nodded and said, "Yes, I am the Yushi of Yuehu City. My name is Zhang He."

Su Yi glanced at the Ximen official in a different way, and couldn't help being surprised. Zhang He's identity was quite special and his abilities fluctuated very weakly. I thought that Su Yi and Zhang He had known each other for so long, but they didn't realize that Zhang He was a censer. . Unexpectedly, the official Ximen could see Zhang He's identity with just a glance.

After the two sides shook hands, it was a simple understanding.

"Su Yi, Master Shangshu asked us to come to Yuehu City this time. I hope we can work together to capture Qiu Xue." Ye Yan said.

Su Yi nodded and said with a smile: "This is for sure. My task is to call off evil and eliminate evil. You don't need to say these things, I will do it."

The Ximen official clicked yes and said, "Because Qiu Xue is not a demon, it is difficult for us to track her whereabouts. Therefore, we can only rely on her presence to deal with her. This makes us very passive. ."

"So I think, if possible, we might as well cooperate?" Ximen official said with a light smile.

Su Yi listened to Ximen official's words, and pretended to fall into thought, and kept groping his chin with his fingers.

"Well..." Su Yi was thinking, muttering words on his face.

Seeing that Su Yi hesitated, Ye Yan said: "Qiu Xue's strength is difficult for you to deal with alone. Coupled with the night demon and some potential threats, I think cooperation is your only choice. You send intelligence, we Contribute."

Su Yi heard Ye Yan’s words, nodded thoughtfully, and said, “It makes sense. Although I was sent from above, you are also aware of the current situation, the situation is turbulent, and there are no more manpower arrangements. and so……"

"We understand, we understand." Uncle uncle hurriedly took over the conversation, but the principal clearly explained that this Su Yi was most likely sent by the boss to observe Xiahou in secret, so they must personally catch Qiu Xue and he was Su Yi caught it on the spot in front of him.

Uncle Uncle went on to say: "Qiu Xue is our common enemy, and we should be the same enemy now. After all, the Imperial History of the World is a family!"

"What a family of Yushi under the World!" Zhang He was the first to get excited and took the hand of the uncle and said: "Although I don't know who you are, you are really right. Yushi under the World is a family! It is really great to be able to come to Yuehu City!"

Su Yi pulled Zhang He, and then said angrily: "What are you excited about? There are nearly ten times more monsters in Yuehu City than in Bozhou. It is not that simple to deal with."

"We have Ye Yan, the Eight Banners Fighter, and President Ximen to help. Even if it is a wolf demon, what's the fear?" Zhang He said with great confidence, as if the two men in his mouth were already invincible. .

Su Yi shook his head helplessly, looked at the official Simon, and said, "Guild President, as far as I know, Qiu Xue has colluded with the wolf demon. I know a wolf demon's base, and Qiu Xue is very likely to be there. "

Ye Yan thought for a while and said, "Qiu Xue is very strong. The most important thing is that she will always be accompanied by the Night Demon. His combat power is like a demon king, and it is inexhaustible. Just one Qiu Xue is enough for us. It's a toss, let alone those wolf demons."

"Miscellaneous fish, what is there to be afraid of?" Che Yongtai stood proudly and said with a voice like Hong Zhong, with a look of fearlessness and fear: "Just say where, this demon king will break its lair!"

Ye Yan glanced at Che Yongtai, but did not speak.

Su Yi shook his head and smiled: "Che Yongtai, you are really good, but you lack a little brain."

Cha Yongtai gave Su Yi a scornful look, and then said very domineeringly: "This Demon King has the function of organ regeneration. Will this Demon King have no brains? Even if it is really gone, this Demon King can grow one!"

Su Yi sneered and said, "There is nothing scary about the little wolf demon place. Maybe you can really fight one hundred against one hundred, but the wolf demon crowd has some powerful masters, such as the target Qiu Xue wants to cooperate with, Hei Kui. "

"I've heard of Hei Kui." Ye Yan took the stubborn words and said, "Hei Kui is the wolf demon king in this area. He said he was the wolf demon, but in fact it is not all, because he has evolved into a new form, we call it It is a divine beast."

"Mythical beast?" Su Yi frowned, pretending to have never heard of the name, and asked puzzledly: "What is a mythical beast? Is it the kind of ancient mythical beast mentioned in the novel?"

Ye Yan nodded and explained: "Although it is not as magical as in mythology and novels, there are sacred beasts. For example, my chaotic beast is a kind of ancient sacred beast. There is also a chicken on the shoulders of the president. Don’t look at it. It's inconspicuous, but it's actually a kind of beast."

"There are really beasts." Su Yi pretended to be surprised.

Ye Yan nodded and said, "But I heard that Hei Kui has left Moon Lake City. Could it be that he is back again?"

The Ximen official continued: "A master like Hei Kui is no longer allowed to interfere in the affairs of the two worlds of humans and ghosts, otherwise it will provoke checks and balances from the immortal realm, and now it seems that a master like Hei Kui has already Began to move around."..

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