Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 518: A man who dares to take action against the gods

"Damn! What is that kid Skuard trying to do??"

The man's eyes were wide open, as if his eyes would pop out of his sockets immediately, "That kid from the fire dragon—huh—fortunately!!"



With a scream, the man's body was slammed into the air, and the strong impact acted on the body. Even such a battle-hardened powerhouse couldn't help but show a painful look.

"Don't get distracted!"

Behind the man, a very tall guy whispered softly, his tone was very gentle, the man's name was Bartholomew Xiong, the man nicknamed the tyrant, one of the King's Seven Martial Seas, was a very powerful guy, and his fruit ability was The superhuman meat ball fruit has the ability to bounce off anything that the meat ball in the hand touches, not just physical objects, even abstract things like fatigue and pain can bounce off, which is really scary. Ability.

"Mr. Marko!"



Blue flames rose up, and the hands of the man named Marco had turned into wings entwined with blue flames. The blue flames were entwined around him, and the damage he received immediately began to recover. Time has passed.

His ability is also a very cheating ability. Although the blue flame is not lethal, its terrifying resilience gives him the capital beyond everything. Being able to recover easily, this kind of resilience has exceeded the limit of human beings, and I am afraid that only the beast Kaido can compare with him.

"It hurts! You bastard!"

Marco shouted in a low voice, his wings were opened, his body had been shot out, and his legs, which had turned into bird claws, were wrapped in a domineering and domineering weapon, and he had turned into a murder weapon that could easily tear apart steel.


"Jie hahahaha! Is that kid entangled by the flash kid?"

The golden lion laughed, "I'm in big trouble!"

"It's boring, I'm going to go and play with my old friends!"

The Red Earl on the side looked a little boring. He jumped, and the powerful force actually sank on the bow of the huge Moby Dick. The man had already risen into the sky, turned into a black shadow and directly crossed the surrounding wall. Jump into the square.

"Jie ha ha ha ha! And can't hold back? That guy Ryder!"

The golden lion smiled, and his body also flew up, towards the execution platform.

"Then I'll join in the fun too!"

"Che, they are all unwilling to be lonely!"

Whitebeard smiled and glanced worriedly at the giant vortex spider that was kicked away by Vlad and embedded in the surrounding wall, "Then, I should be dispatched too!"


With the sound of heavy footsteps, the strongest man in the world has stepped on the ground of Marin Fando.


Move forward a little bit!

"Eh, fire?"

Vlad smiled, "What flame?"

"That's right, that,"

Kizaru's tone sounded erratic, as if chatting, "Brother Fire Dragon, your flame is very similar to the flame that appeared on Mary Joa at that time!"

"Oh! That ah,"

Vlad smiled, turned his head slightly, looked at the other side, and said solemnly, "No way? The flame that appeared in Mary Joa at that time was golden, right? It's two completely different flames from mine. Oh look!"

"But ah! Brother Fire Dragon,"

Kizaru said with a smile, "Although the colors are different, the properties that can be attached to everything and burn are exactly the same!"

"That's it!"

Vlad scratched his head and chuckled, "But this isn't evidence, right? What can it show?"

"Hey, don't quibble! Brother Fire Dragon,"

Kizaru looked very distressed, "Anyway, he is already an enemy of the government. What if he admits it? The result is the same, right? Do us a favor, please? Just admit it honestly! We are also troubled. Ah! It's been so long for us to find the real murderer, so it's hard for us to do it!"

"Really? That's really hard work, and it's really hard for the navy to get along!"

Vlad seemed to understand and empathize with him, "This is how bureaucracies are! Pushing layer by layer, doing things is the most difficult thing to do!"


Huang Yuan complained, "There are no holidays every year, the salary is not high, and the marriage problem has not been solved. We are also very distressed."

"Eh? Fortunately, I didn't listen to Mr. Kuzan's words to join the navy. He really lied to me,"

Vlad said in surprise, "Why don't you come here! Mr. Kizaru, if nothing else, I will definitely give you the highest treatment. Trust me, I still have a lot of money."


Huang Yuan looked very tempted, and then his eyes darkened, "This is not good! Brother Fire Dragon, I am a navy!"

"That's it! That's a pity,"

Vlad spread his hands, "I still admire Mr. Kizaru!"

"In this case,"

Huang Yuan smiled and said, "Then you must admit it! Brother Huolong, in this case, I will also have a lot of credit! Maybe I can get a promotion and a salary increase."

"Eh? That's it!"

Vlad smiled, "So,"

"Cough cough!"

Vlad deliberately cleared his throat, then turned his head slightly, and said solemnly,

"Well then! There's nothing to hide now!"

"It's not a big deal if you admit it!"

Vlad's voice is very loud, even in the hustle and bustle of the battlefield~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There are not a few people who hear his voice,

"More than two years ago, the one who burned Maryjoa's Tianlong people to a white ground was me!"

Vlad had a proud smile on his face.


Kizaru bowed his head slightly, his eyes hidden under the sunglasses could not see the joy and anger.


Vlad smiled, "Because there was no money at the time, I thought that the Tianlong people seemed to be quite rich! I went to them and borrowed some money!"

"How dare you say it! Little Brother Fire Dragon,"

Huang Yuan said softly, "That's Tianlong people!"

"Eh? Are the Tianlong people amazing? Won't they die? Won't they bleed? Won't they hurt? No, I remember they were the ones who were crying at that time, right? They weren't amazing, were they? I did. It's not a big deal, is it? The worst thing I've ever done is to burn down their house, right? Hes - now that I think about it, it's really too much!"

Vlad raised the corner of his mouth,

"How about I compensate! Is one million enough?"


Kizaru turned his head and looked behind him. Not far away, a small door had opened in the air. In the green space, a video phone bug with light eyes could be seen!


Even with the character of the Japanese ape, he couldn't help but swear at him now. Of course, he knew that this phone bug was the one used for live broadcast before. It should have been all closed. Why is there still one here? ?

In other words, what Vlad said before has spread all over the world!

The guy who dares to show his fangs to the Tianlong people! God-killer!

Already, officially spread all over the world!

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