Rogge Town, Execution Square.

In the dim night, all the sailors of the Rogge Town branch lined up to face the enemy in a helpless manner despite the pouring rain.

Until now, most captains and sailors do not know the specific situation, let alone who the enemy is.

When the Dragon Pirates appeared, the fish-human hybrid form that was completely different from humans stimulated the spirit of every sailor.


The captains were horrified.

Murlocs are extremely rare. There is only one murloc group operating in the East China Sea, and that is the infamous Dragon Pirates!

Why did the Dragon Pirates come to Rogge Town? And listening to the other party's roar, he came specifically to kill Brigadier General Mulak!

Mulak's mind went blank, he had no idea what was going on, and he didn't know why Aaron, who had the highest reward in the East China Sea, wanted to kill him.

Sir Brigadier!

Siro and other school officers gathered around Mulak, their faces full of anxiety and confusion. Based on their understanding of the brigadier general, it was impossible to provoke Aaron.

Because there is no benefit at all!

The Dragon Pirates are the strongest pirate group in the East China Sea. Even if they gather the entire branch, they may not be able to conquer them successfully.

Compared with the huge risks, the rewards of defeating the Dragon Pirates are negligible. Not only that, but they may also get into trouble.

Everyone knows that behind the Dragon Pirates is Shichibukai Jinbei. Without an order from the Navy Headquarters, they cannot take action against the forces under the Shichibukai.

If Aaron is really killed, not only Jinbei will settle the score with them, but the Navy Headquarters will also hold them accountable!

Silla asked hurriedly: Brigadier General, what is going on?

Asshole, how do I know!

Mulak yelled angrily, drank and had fun, and was forced to come to the battlefield. Aaron even wanted to take off his head by name.

His lungs were about to explode!


Mulak's mind was spinning.

Yes, it must be that kid's fault!

This is all Loya's conspiracy!

No, I have to explain to Aaron!

Mulak rushed forward anxiously, trying to explain to Aaron that this war should not happen at all.

Silla looked at each other and the captains, and quickly followed Mulak. The best solution now is to transfer Aaron's anger to Loya.

When the captains followed Mulak to the front of the queue, suddenly, two searchlights illuminated the execution platform and illuminated Loya.

In front of Loya, five fish-man pirates were kneeling, and the one in the middle was Kroobbi, the core cadre of the Dragon Pirates.

Loya slowly pulled out the knife and stared coldly at the Dragon Pirates on the other side of the execution square, staring at the leader Aaron!

Draw the sword!


Behind the other four fishmen, each stood a marine. Upon hearing Loya's order, the four quickly drew their swords and raised them in front of them!

When all the members of the Dragon Pirates saw this scene, their eyes instantly became bloodshot. They traveled thousands of miles to Rogge Town and arrived at the enemy's base camp. Do they want to watch their partners die in front of their eyes?

Hey, are you kidding me?

Stop it!

stop it!!!

Mulak and the school officials also saw Loya's actions, with horror in their pupils. If they really killed Aaron's companions, there would be no room for recovery.

Loya, stop!

Mulak roared angrily.

I order you to stop!

However, all the shouts could not stop Loya's murderous intention!


Under everyone's horrified gaze, the sword was swung down with all its strength!


Blood splattered on the ground.


The heads of the five fishmen fell to the ground and rolled gurglingly on the execution platform. Among them, Croobie's head rolled to Loya's feet and was crushed by Loya's foot.

It's slimy and disgusting.

Loya raised his right foot indifferently. The sole was stained with blood. Even if it was washed by rain, the smell of blood could not be washed away.

The execution square fell silent except for the sound of dripping rain.

All the members of the Dragon Pirates watched their companions being killed and Croobie's head being crushed, and their eyes were about to burst.


Aaron knelt on the ground, shouting with grief and indignation, tears streaming down his cheeks, and his companions behind him also shed tears.

Their compatriots were brutally murdered!

Mulak and the lieutenants, who were at the front of the navy queue, felt chilled.

It's over! It's all over!

With their companions being killed in front of their eyes, Aaron and his gang couldn't just give up. Even if they explained to Aaron that this was Loya's conspiracy, it wouldn't be useful.

Blood debts can only be paid with blood!

Even Mulak can understand that Loya is trying to push them, all the sailors in the Rogge Town branch to a dead end!

Of both parties, only one can survive!

After the sadness, the anger burns to the sky.

Aaron wiped away his tears, stood up and dragged the two-meter-long saw blade Zhan Feng, and walked step by step towards the navy directly in front. The blade rubbed against the ground and produced a lot of sparks.

Evil Dragon Pirates!

Aaron's eyes were blood red, and he growled in a low voice with a ferocious face: Kill all the marines in front, leaving no one alive! Revenge for Croobie and our dead compatriots!


The fishmen raised their weapons and roared, charging towards the navy angrily.

Kill the despicable humans!

The enemy is coming!

The sailors clenched their weapons, their nervous palms sweating as they watched the Dragon Pirates charging towards them like ferocious beasts.

500 meters, 300 meters!

The two sides are getting closer and closer!

Above the execution platform, Loya calmly watched the battlefield. When the Dragon Pirates approached within 200 meters, he picked up the loudspeaker.


After the order was issued, Fenbudi and Zangao, who were in the military formation, and the more than 200 elite recruits immediately raised their weapons and roared to charge!

For justice!!!

Under the call of justice, the remaining sailors gradually abandoned their fear and followed the large forces to charge towards the Dragon Pirates.


The attacking two sides were like two torrents, one black and one white, colliding with each other. The white torrent representing the navy instantly collapsed and exploded!


Screams came one after another!

Compared to fragile humans, fishmen are stronger, and their thick skin and weird body structure allow them to withstand more injuries.

You inferior creatures!

Aaron roared angrily and swung his big saw blade, cutting several sailors in half. Facing the incoming blade, he opened his big mouth full of saw teeth and bit the steel blade directly to pieces!

Other fishmen were also slaughtering the sailors. The water droplets spat out by the cadres were like bullets, piercing through the bodies of more than a dozen sailors in a row.

Xiao Hachi's strange power and six-sword style also blew away all the approaching sea soldiers, making it difficult for the sea soldiers to even get close to him.

Although other fishmen are not as powerful as the cadres, their thick skin and ten times the strength of humans are their absolute advantages.

In an instant, the Dragon Pirates had an overwhelming advantage, and the sailors fell into a pool of blood in groups like wheat.

But the Navy also has advantages.

That's ten times the opponent's strength!

Don't back down!

Justice will prevail!

Kill the dragon!

The sailors march forward one after another!

Even though they knew they would die, even though they knew their power was insignificant, even though they were so frightened in their hearts that they wanted to cry and run away, they still launched the attack without hesitation.

But not all sailors can muster the courage to face death.


Silla watched each sailor being killed by Aaron, standing there in fear, his legs so stiff that it was difficult to move.

When he instinctively turned around and stepped toward safety, the fear in his heart disappeared and he regained control of his body.

Yes, run away!

Facing such a monster murloc, it is impossible to win. If he stays, he will die in vain. A navy like him, who is smart and capable, cannot be sacrificed in a place like this.

Escape far away from Rogge Town!

Silla ran wildly, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

It’s a sharp sword light!


The sword flashed and a huge wound appeared on the chest!


Silla screamed and covered his wound, rolling in pain on the water-filled ground. When he saw the black shadow appearing next to him, his screams stopped abruptly.

Death gripped his heart.

Major Loya, no, don't kill me!

Anyone who escapes from battle will be killed!

Luo Ya held the bleeding blade, and with no mercy in his cold eyes, he swung the knife across Silla's neck!


Blood spurts out!

In this war, no one can back down!

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