Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 137 Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

Dressrosa, Royal Palace.

The fighting army is completely destroyed.

Even Virgo

Black hair!!!

Top cadres Thorebol and Pika clenched their fists, anger filling their chests. However, no matter how much anger they had, they could only suppress it.

The enemy is the navy!

No one could have imagined that a trivial assassination mission would cost nearly half of the Don Quixote family's combat strength.

Little Lord!

The two looked at Doflamingo by the window.

We have to find a way to rescue Vergo and Diamanti!

Doflamingo didn't reply, but poured wine into his mouth in large gulps, and the overflowing wine flowed out from the sides of his mouth.

There was nothing he could do.

Diamanti could still blame it on a misunderstanding, but Vergo's exposure was irreversible.

Virgo will never admit to a relationship with us.

If Vergo admits that he is a member of the Don Quixote family, it will definitely bring huge trouble to the family, and even the title of Shichibukai will be taken away.

At that time, they will become hunted pirates again, and will not only lose Dressrosa, but also lose their identity as middlemen.

In that case, the Don Quixote family will be completely finished!

Therefore, Vergo will never admit his relationship with the family.

Even if it means sacrificing yourself!


Brother Ming crushed the wine bottle and let the glass cut his palm, and bright red blood bleeds along his fingers.

The pain of losing his most important subordinate drove him crazy.

Black hair, I will kill you!

All the hatred is focused on the black hair, but now they can't attack the black hair, the navy is staring at their family!

Inform Monet and win over Caesar at all costs!

You must get the artificial devil fruit as soon as possible.

Then you can borrow the hands of the beasts to get rid of the black hair!


Navy headquarters, conference room.

Warring States Period, three generals.

There are also all the generals from the headquarters gathered together.

Marshal Warring States glanced at the lieutenant generals, his anger brimming with anger: The theme of today's meeting is about Lieutenant General Vergo's betrayal!

The lieutenant general of the headquarters is the core level of the navy, and Vergo is also the base commander of G-5, with power and status second only to the general.

The navy has been penetrated to such an extent. As a marshal, he cannot escape the blame. At the very least, he must bear the responsibility for neglecting supervision.

And he had to worry about whether there were other spies among the top brass of the Navy, and the investigation work would definitely be carried out.

Another point is that the sailor who discovered Vergo's true identity was just a colonel, which undoubtedly shows their incompetence!

The meeting lasted nearly an hour.

Then, imprison Vergo to Impel Down City Level 6!

The criminals who can be imprisoned in Level 6 are all villains whose crimes are so heinous that even traces of their existence need to be completely eradicated.

In addition, imprisoning Vergo to Level 6 is just the beginning. He will be greeted by endless torture until he confesses the people behind it, as well as the crimes he has committed over the years and the naval secrets exposed.

After discussing Virgo's matter, the atmosphere of the meeting relaxed a lot, and the lieutenant generals all breathed a sigh of relief.

Marshal of the Warring States Period is really angry this time!

The next topic is about rewards for Colonel Loya, Smoker and other sailors who fought bravely.

Those who have made mistakes deserve punishment, and those who have merit deserve rewards.

Warring States' expression softened a lot, and he looked at Flying Squirrel: Flying Squirrel, as a commander, you also have a share of the credit for this incident.


The flying squirrel looked blankly.

What credit can he have?

When he heard the news, he almost had a heart attack!

The topic was quickly ended. The Navy has clear promotion rules. Rewards are based on merit, and there is no need to mix too much personal emotions.

There is one last topic, about the selection of the new base director of the G-5 branch!

In an instant, except for some lieutenant generals who were already commanders of the base, all other lieutenant generals in the headquarters avoided Sengoku's sight and pretended to be cowering.

G-5 branch?

G-5 Marine Prison is pretty much the same!

Is that a place where normal people can stay?

Who wants to lead a group of disobedient rogue sailors who make trouble for themselves every day? If they cause trouble, they will also suffer the same.

Another very important point is that the G-14 branch can be completed within two years at most, and ambitious lieutenant generals have long been eyeing the position of G-14 base commander.

Seng Guo's face darkened a lot.

The problem of the G-5 branch has long been a chronic disease of the Navy, and it is almost impossible to get those rogue sailors to correct their evil ways.

Not only is it a problem with G-5's own style, but rogue sailors who are difficult to discipline in other branches will be thrown into the G-5 branch, as if G-5 is treated as a garbage disposal station.

Under such an environment, it is strange that the G-5 branch can get better.

In addition to the poor quality of sailors, the G-5 branch also has minimal capital investment, weapons supplies, welfare subsidies, etc.

But this is not because the headquarters is reluctant to spend money, but because those bastard sailors squandered all the money, even the public funds for repairing the fortress were spent.

Over time, the headquarters was naturally unwilling to invest too much in the G-5 branch. Welfare subsidies were reduced again and again, and were less than half of those of other branches.

Warring States still remembered the last time he went to inspect G-5. The outer wall of the tower was full of cracks, and the way to repair it was to take a few broken wooden boards and glue them together.

It makes me angry just thinking about it!

Warring States held his swollen and painful forehead and glanced around with sharp eyes. Seeing the lieutenant generals avoiding their eyes, he felt even more angry.

Is it easy for him to be a marshal?

You don’t want to, right?

OK, he’ll decide!

Warring States' eyes were fixed on a senior lieutenant general, and he said solemnly: Lieutenant General Maynard, you have rich experience in leading troops, and you are here to serve as the base commander of the G-5 branch!

Ah I?

Maynard was confused.

Damn it, you don’t want this kind of thing!

He did have rich experience in leading troops, but that was because he had endured thirty years before reluctantly becoming a lieutenant general in his headquarters.

It's obvious that he has no ability, okay!

Look at the lieutenant generals here, which one is not more powerful than him?

Marshal, I——

Ok, deal!

Warring States spoke calmly and urged: Lieutenant General Maynard, the important task of commanding the G-5 branch is quite severe. We don't seek merit, but we seek no faults.


Maynard gaped.

Feeling the sympathetic eyes of his colleagues around him, he realized.

What does it mean not to seek merit, but to seek no fault?

As long as you control those rogue sailors and don't cause trouble to the headquarters, you can just be a leisurely base (prison) commander, drink tea and read the newspaper every day.

Is that what you mean?

Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

This ends today's meeting!

The meeting is over!

End of the meeting.

Before the lieutenants left, they came to Maynard one after another.

Lieutenant General Maynard, congratulations!

Congratulations on the promotion!

Brother Maynard, why don't we have a drink together when you have time? Do you want to drink now? Ahem, I have something urgent to do and I have to go back quickly.

Maynard almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Congratulations? have a drink?

I believe you guys!

Why didn't you bastards behave in front of the Warring States Marshal just now? Oh, they are all very bad!

Evening, G-1 branch.

In the base director's office.

The flying squirrel looked at Luo Ya and Smog and the others behind Luo Ya. He hesitated to speak, and even wavered for a moment.

How about keeping these capable little guys by your side and training them carefully, and wait for them to take over after more than ten years?


What happened, why did he have such terrible thoughts!

Flying Squirrel's face turned pale, and he quickly took out a stack of documents and threw them to Loya, waving goodbye like shooing away flies.

Take it, your promotion documents.

Okay, nothing else.

You can go wherever you want without having to notify me!



The door is closed!

Loya was a little confused holding the promotion document.

Could it be that Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel received some stimulation at the headquarters?

Everyone gathered around Loya, looking at the promotion documents with excitement.

Colonel Loya, oh no, it's Major General Loya!

We got a promotion!

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