Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 135 Let’s scatter with the thunder

Thunder God Island, Eastern Sea.

Warships rise and fall in the sea.

Do you feel it, Zefa?


On the warship deck, Zefa and Lieutenant General Ahe stood side by side, staring in the direction of Thunder God Island, silently sensing the fierce battle.

The two of them didn't know who the enemy was. The aura they sensed was a bit familiar but also strange. However, one thing was certain, the enemy was very domineering!

This shouldn't be a strong enemy that Loya and the others can deal with, but these little guys showed amazing fighting spirit.

They've all grown up!

Zefa was very pleased.

No matter it is Loya, Smog and Tina, the domineering power of the three of them has not weakened due to the injuries in the battle, but has become stronger and stronger.

Zefa could clearly feel the strong will of the three to defeat the enemy, and even he was moved by it.

Ahe was a little worried.

Want to help?

hold on.

Zefa shook his head.

In the previous contact, Loya had no intention of letting him take action. Restricting Doflamingo here would be the greatest help to him.

That kid has a lot of bad habits, but he has a clear understanding of himself and is good at using the environment to help him. If he is really at the end of his rope, he will never show off.

That's right.

However, the situation is very bad!

Dominance contains will.

By sensing the target's domineering power, you can roughly judge the target's mental state.

Zefa could sense that Loya and the others were completely at a disadvantage. This time the powerful enemy was beyond the range that the three of them could deal with.

But what he couldn't understand was why Loya was so desperate. Even Smoker and Tina were fighting with everything they had.

If the three of them retreat, they should be able to escape from the enemy!

Loya, Smoker, Tina

Zefa closed his eyes and silently recited his disciple's name in his heart.

Growing up in a warm environment, people cannot change. They, veterans, have overcome desperate situations time and time again to achieve what they are today.

After this, the future will be in your hands!


Thunder God Island, the center of the battlefield.

Loya, Smoker, Tina.

The three of them were lying on the ground covered in blood. It was extremely difficult to even get up. If it weren't for the invisible barrier protecting the three of them, they would have lost their lives at this moment.

Vergo, who was in a state of domination all over his body, reached the peak of both strength and defense, completely crushing them.


Bator stood in front of the three of them, intertwined his fingers and opened a bowl-shaped barrier to protect the three of them. Looking at the monster Vergo who was approaching step by step, he almost burst into tears.

Boss Loya, get up quickly!

Virgo is coming!

Although the barrier is invincible, he cannot deal with the monsters in front of him with his ability. His ability focuses on defense, and attack is not his strong point.

Moreover, after joining the navy, his knowledge gradually increased, and he gradually realized that his abilities had many weaknesses and were only suitable for dealing with some reckless fools.

Obviously, the enemy this time is not stupid.

Bato, give me some more time.

Loya turned over and lay sprawled on the ground, panting violently, trying hard to calm Bato's emotions.

Don't be afraid, you are our ace!

trump card?!

Bato's eyes lit up, and he instantly felt that he could do it. Yes, the barrier was invincible. Even if the opponent was a monster, it would not be able to harm them inside the barrier.

Bato looked at Vergo and grinned wildly: Hey hey hey, as a super ace, I am here, you can't even think of killing the boss!


Vergo's face was covered in blood, and his breathing became increasingly rapid. He had consumed a lot of energy during the battle and was seriously injured. The three imps were much more difficult to deal with than he expected.

Especially Luo Ya, he actually mastered the internal destruction of Haki. Every blow on his body would hurt him. Seventy percent of the injuries on his body were caused by Luo Ya.

With Loya's Haki and raw Haki's internal destruction, he is still unable to defeat him. Whether it is the intensity of Haki or the mastery of Haki, he is above Loya.

But this made him even more frightened. Luo Ya was growing too fast. If he couldn't kill Luo Ya this time, that kid might really surpass him the next time they met!

Looking at the glass-like object in front of him, Vergo held the bamboo stick with both hands, and then placed the bamboo stick behind him to accumulate strength.

Bato's eyes suddenly widened!

Oops, that's the trick!

Boss Loya and the others were blown away by this move just now!

Ghost Bamboo!

The bamboo sticks violently bombarded the barrier!


Strong shock waves spread along the barrier to the surroundings!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the surface of the barrier was intact, and the four people hiding inside were not harmed at all.

Ba Tuo immediately calmed down and laughed: Hey hey hey, it's useless, my uncle's barrier is invincible!


Vergo's eyes darkened.

what happened?

He had just exerted domineering flow on the bamboo stick, but it did not break the barrier, nor did it penetrate the barrier and damage the inside.

Bato's face was full of pride. He actually didn't know much about the nature of his barrier, but so far there had been no attack that broke the barrier.

According to Boss Loya's speculation, his barrier is not simply a defensive material, but more likely the ability to isolate all attacks.

Gulu gulu~~

The sound of drinking water came from behind.

Loya had already climbed up and poured a can of nutrient solution into his mouth to replenish his strength. The effect was very limited, but it was still somewhat useful.

Bato, open the door for me!


Ba Tuo was stunned for a moment, looked at the three people standing up behind him, and swallowed hard. Are these three guys immortal? !


It doesn't matter. We can't win by hiding within the barrier.

Loya stared at Virgo.

Baator's barrier has a fatal weakness, and that's the ground!

With Vergo's combat experience, it was only a matter of time before he thought of this. The opponent also had the power to destroy the earth.

Even if the barrier is transformed into a ball, it is just a turtle shell. They are recovering their strength, and Vergo is also recovering his strength.

Bator's ability to delay some breathing time for them has already played a key role, and then comes the real battle.

Bato, leave the defense to you!

But boss, I can't even see that guy's movements clearly!

Bato was anxious.

He also tried to attack Vergo, but his eyesight was completely unable to keep up. Even if the opponent stopped and didn't move, he could still avoid his barrier attack in advance by relying on his sight, hearing and color perception.

trust yourself!

Loya took a deep breath.

Up to this point in the battle, Vergo has consumed a lot of energy. The guy's movements are much slower than at the beginning. If you observe carefully, your barrier will definitely be able to block his attack. You are our ace!

Ace, I am ace!

Baator puffed smoke from his nostrils.

The fingers spread apart, and the barrier immediately opened a door to both sides.

Come on, boss!

Loya looked at his partners on both sides: Smog, Tina, can you do what I just told you?

Of course we can do this little thing, who do you think we are!

Smoker and Tina were breathing heavily. Their physical condition at the moment made it difficult for them to even stand firm, let alone fight with Vergo, but it was no problem to provide support from behind.

Let's go, this is the final battle, kill Vergo!

Loya walked out of the barrier resolutely and came to Vergo.

Vergo said calmly: You may be able to survive by hiding in that cockscomb head's ability.

That's such a pity. I didn't come to this island to survive. I came here to kill you.

Loya took a deep breath, and his will extended to his limbs, heart, lungs, muscles, blood, and all the organs in his body were accelerating!

Return of life·Wu Ran painted her body!

Squeeze all the strength out of your body!


Loya flew into the air on moon steps and shouted at Vergo below!


Have you lost your mind? You actually chose to fight me in a dogfight. In terms of the level of the Six Styles, I am above you.

Vergo stepped on the moon steps and caught up with Loya in an instant!


Bamboo sticks collide fiercely with rain!

Before Loya could make the next move, Vergo abandoned the bamboo stick and hit Loya in the chest with his right fist!


Luo Ya's back bulged high and he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Whether it's physical skills, domineering, or even mastery of the six moves, I'm far above you!

Vergo dodged in front of Loya, kicked Loya on the chin, and kicked Loya upwards. Then he quickly caught up with him on the moon steps, and reached above Loya first, holding his hands together and smashing them. To Loya's head!

Young brat!


Loya fell to the earth!

There is no way to resist.

It's over, you brat!

Vergo instantly turned into an afterimage, took back his bamboo stick, and then came under Loya at a faster speed, placing the bamboo stick behind him with both hands!

The domineering Ghost Bamboo blasted out at the falling Loya with all his strength!

Ghost Bamboo!


Huge air waves exploded in the air!


Vergo looked at the invisible barrier in front of the bamboo stick and Loya who fell on the barrier, with blue veins popping up on his brows.

Escaped by relying on the abilities of your subordinates? It's just delaying death, and the result will not change at all.

Ahem, that's not necessarily the case!

Loya propped up his body with both hands, and blood continued to drip on the barrier, but a smile appeared on his face.

Look around, Vergo.


Vergo looked around.

At some point, the surrounding space was shrouded in thick smoke, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

It's Smoker's ability.

What can a mere smoke change?

Ahem, cough, cough. The smoke itself does not have any offensive power, but the things inside the smoke are very deadly. Virgo, you no longer have the energy to maintain your sense of sight, right?

Loya grinned.

Zi la~~Zi la~~

The sound of electric current echoed in the ears, the sound became more and more harsh, and gradually converged together, like a thousand birds singing in unison.

In the smoke, long thunder pillars lit up, gradually forming a huge thunder ball that enveloped the two people.

Thunder Prison Formation!

On the ground, Tina was half-kneeling on the ground, with one hand facing the sky. The black gun hidden in the smoke was her masterpiece.

You have nowhere to run!

Loya sat on the barrier, took out a cigarette from his arms with trembling hands, lit it, and took a slow drag.

Virgo, your physical skills, domineering, and even the six moves are superior to mine, but there is one thing I am definitely better than you!

That's life force!

The thunder and lightning accumulated in the Thunder Prison Formation has reached its limit!

Do you want to die together, bastard!

Vergo lost his composure for the first time and stepped on the moon steps in horror to escape, but it was too late as the thunder had completely surrounded the two of them.

The corners of Luo Ya's lips curled up!

Scatter with the thunder!


A sun appeared over Thor Island!

Among the thousands of thunders, there seemed to be a slight sound echoing.

Smash Varudo!

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