
The tavern door was pushed open.

Lu Yun, it seems we are very popular.

Loya stood at the door and looked around leisurely inside the tavern.

The layout of the tables and chairs has obviously changed. There is only one round table in the center of the hall. It is empty facing the door. It seems to be specially prepared for him, and there are playing cards on the table.

The tables and chairs around the hall were all filled with guests, and even the second floor was packed with people. There were many people without seats, lying on the guardrails and staring at them murderously.

This doesn't feel like a tavern.

It's clearly the lair of villains!

There was a bar next to the door, and the bartender said with a gloomy face: Wait a minute, weapons are stored at the door. This is a rule.


Loya shrugged, took off his cloak, then took off the rain cutter from his waist, and handed it to the bartender: Hold it with care, this is a one-of-a-kind famous sword.


The bartender nodded coldly and hung Yuqie on the wall beside him.

Loya stretched his body, sat down in the empty seat reserved for him, and looked at the bearded man across the table.

Do you mind if I sit down?

You're already seated, brunette.

The bearded man held a cigar in his mouth and looked at Loya with murderous eyes.

Loya became interested.

Oh, you know me?

There are no pirates operating in this sea area who don't know you!

In recent months, the pirates who entered the new world had suffered heavy casualties, less than half of what they normally would have been, and this was all the fault of Black Hair.

The pirates operating in the nearby waters have long remembered the name of Black Hair. Even the pirates in the depths of the New World have heard of Black Hair's name.

Among the new pirates every year, supernovas attract much attention, and the navy's supernovas also receive close attention from pirates!

Black-haired Loya, the mad dog of the Navy!

The bearded man's eyes were cold and he said word by word: A month ago, my biological brother was killed by a gangster.

Sorry, I have no impression.

Loya spread his hands.


The bearded man snorted coldly. He had no intention of taking revenge immediately, but glanced at his companion at the table.


Four players, each with five cards.

Loya opened his cards. The biggest card was a nine, without even a pair, and the suits were in a mess.

Oh, Chu Qian is so vulgar.

Take the cards, brunette.

The bearded man grinned.

If you lose, you die!


Loya covered the card and smiled.

What if I win?

You can't win!

The bearded man stood up, opened his flush, and opened his clothes at the same time. Six pistols were hung on the clothes on both sides and on his waist.

This card game is an execution specially prepared for black hair!

Not always.

Loya smiled playfully and asked an unrelated question: Hey, has anyone ever told you that your beard is ugly?


The bearded man subconsciously touched his thick beard that he was proud of. After realizing that he was being laughed at, he angrily pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Loya's head.

Stop talking nonsense and open the cards quickly!

Don't get excited.

Loya waved his hand and opened the card in front of him. The card was a straight flush, and it was exactly the same as the bearded man's card.

The bearded man was stunned, and quickly looked down at his cards. He was shocked to find that his straight flush had turned into a miscellaneous card at some point, and the biggest one was nine.

He and Brunette's cards were reversed!

When did you change the cards?

what happened!

Why is the brunette winning!

What just happened?

The onlookers were also startled by this scene. Only a few people vaguely saw Loya's movements.

When everyone's attention was attracted by the beard just now, an afterimage flashed on the card table, and then the two people's cards were swapped.

Cold sweat broke out on the bearded man's forehead. He didn't notice the black hair's movements at all. If the black hair just wanted to kill him, he wouldn't even be able to react.

Loya's voice became colder: It seems that I won this game of cards, so according to the rules, you will be the one who dies.

Shut up, you're cheating!

The bearded man's face was congested and he pulled the trigger without hesitation!


With the sound of the gunshot, Loya's head tilted back sharply, the seat under him also shook, and he almost fell down.

Black hair is dead?

The tavern became quiet, everyone looked at the smoking muzzle, some couldn't believe that the famous [Black Hair] died so easily under the gun.


The bearded man's face gradually distorted, he opened his hands to the surrounding drinkers, and laughed hysterically.

Look! I killed the black hair! It was my rough beard that killed the black hair, and I will be famous all over the world soon!

No one responded.

All the drinkers' eyes were looking behind Roughbeard, looking at the demonic navy black-haired man with unstoppable horror in their eyes.

Hey, Roughbeard, right?

Loya slowly sat up straight, holding a smoking bullet between his teeth, and grinned from the corners of his mouth to the base of his ears.

Looking at the bearded man who turned back stiffly.

Whoever loses, die!

Loya's cheeks puffed up and he spit out the bullet!


The light flashed away.

The bearded man's smile froze, and there was a blood hole on his forehead. Through the blood hole, you could vaguely see the light from behind.

Blood splattered on the card table.


The game is over.

Loya wiped his mouth slowly and methodically, scanned the surrounding drinkers with his cold eyes, and asked calmly.

Anyone else want to play a round?


No one responded.

Even the powerful pirate who had previously planned to kill Black Hair shrank his neck at this moment, horrified by Black Hair's power.

Really boring.

Loya shook his head.

Deer Cloud.


Lu Yun took out a stack of bounty money and compared it with the appearance of the drinkers. Many of them were very similar to each other.

[Ironhide] Barbarian, the bounty is 140 million beli.

[Swift Knife Hand] Scarborough has a bounty of 88 million Baileys.

[Long nose] Huo

Lu Yun checked them one by one. Every time he read out a pirate's name, the atmosphere in the tavern became heavier.

They are all here!

Soon, Lu Yun put down the reward order.

Senior Loya, there are 32 pirates whose identities can be confirmed, but I suggest that it is better to kill them all!

Then do it.

Loya stood up, went to the door of the tavern and closed the door. Then he picked up a steel pipe as a door latch and twisted it into a twist to lock it.

Loya turned around and stretched out his hand to the bartender at the bar.

Give me the knife.


The bartender sneered and pointed his gun at Loya.

The drinkers in the tavern also took out their pistols and swords, all with ferocious smiles on their faces, as if they were sure of victory.

A mere black-haired man actually wants to deal with so many of us at the same time!

How overestimating your capabilities!

Don't think that if you kill Roughbeard, you can do whatever you want. The guy's bounty is only 50 million beli, which is nothing at all.

Hahahaha, if you kill the Navy's Supernova, the Navy will definitely be very sad!

Well, probably not.

Loya complained silently in his heart. With his bad reputation in the navy, let alone mourning his death, it would be nice not to laugh out loud.

That is to say, the friends of G-5 like him.

Deer Cloud.

Luo Ya raised a smile and ordered the girl with glasses beside him.

Get out of the way.


Lu Yun shrank obediently at the door, took out strange equipment, and spit out umbrella-shaped bubbles to block his body.

The girl with glasses clenched her little fists.

Senior, come on!


Loya waved his hand, faced the vicious pirates, and strode forward.

Give me ten minutes!

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