Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 121 What are you afraid of? Kill them all!

Dressrosa, the rooftop garden of the Royal Palace.


Doflamingo sat by the pool, surrounded by several beautiful maids, reading the news and smiling widely.

The Navy has a mad dog!

[Black-haired] Loya, more than half of the new pirates who arrived in the new world in the past two months have been captured by him, and his methods are quite cruel.

Several cadres were here, and they had heard of the black-haired man.

Diamanti warned: Dover, it's best not to underestimate that black-haired man. If you let him go, it might affect our business.

Diamanti, the black hair is not much of a threat as long as you are here.

No, no, it sounds like I'm very powerful.

No, you are indeed very powerful. You are the hero of the arena.

Don't say that, I'm actually not that powerful.

Then I won't say anything.

Since you said so, I have to admit it. Yes, I am the hero of the arena. I am just a black haired person. To me, I am just trash!

Diamanti changed her modest appearance and revealed her arrogant nature.

The companions around him have long been accustomed to it.


Brother Ming crossed his legs and said with a smile: Very good, if that [black hair] interferes with our business, Diamanti, it's up to you to deal with him!

No problem, leave it to me!

Diamanti was confident and took over the task of dealing with the black hair.

In fact, Black Hair has nothing to do with their business for the time being, but the area where Black Hair operates gradually expands, highly overlapping with their family's business network.

Dressrosa is very close to the G-5 branch.

Those countries and underground forces that have business dealings with their family will inevitably sail in the waters near the G-5 branch, especially those involving slave trade.

The world's largest slave market is located in the Chambord Islands next to the Navy Headquarters. From the New World to Chambord, the sea near the G-5 branch is the only way to go.

In the past, there had been no problems with Vergo covering him secretly, but the black-haired man was not one of Vergo's subordinates, so he might notice something unusual or even have a conflict.

In order to maintain the credibility and prestige of the Don Quixote family, unstable factors must be eliminated.

Brother Ming felt relieved. A mere colonel from the headquarters was not worth his time. Now their family had more important things to do.

How's it going with Caesar?

The progress is very good. Monet has contacted Caesar, and the artificial devil fruit has been personally acknowledged by Caesar!

Artificial Devil Fruit!

The most important trading partner of the Don Quixote family is the Yonko Kaido who is located in the New World, and the other party has a large number of weapons.

However, their family only unilaterally resells weapons for Kaido and may be replaced by other underground forces at any time.

In order to board Kaido's big ship, their family must offer products that Kaido cannot refuse, and be the only one of them, so that they can establish an unbreakable alliance.

And they got the news that Kaido was collecting animal devil fruits in order to create the strongest esper army.

The opportunity has come.

According to the information provided by Vergo, Vegapunk, the world's most talented scientist, conducted experiments on artificial devil fruits.

Vegapunk is the most valued person in the world government, and his value is more important than the general. With the current ability of their family, they cannot covet Vegapunk.

But there are not only Vegapunk in the Punk Hassad Research Institute, but also many outstanding scientists, especially Caesar Courant, who is second only to Vegapunk.

It just so happened that Mr. Caesar was not that noble in character and often went to nightclubs on nearby islands to eat, drink and have fun.

As a singer, Monet secretly contacted Caesar and tried to bribe him to obtain the method of making artificial devil fruits.

As long as their family can continuously provide Kaido with artificial devil fruits, their family's status as the king of the underground world cannot be shaken!

“Fufufufufu, keep contacting me, money is not an issue!”


On the other side, countries in the waters near the G-5 branch have noticed Loya's actions, especially those non-member countries in despair. Receiving Loya's assistance message is undoubtedly the only ray of light in the darkness.

Contact Black Hair! As long as he can save my people, everything in this country can be given to him!


Warships sail in the waters north of the G-5 branch.

Lu Yun put on the earphones: Colonel Loya, we have received distress signals from multiple kingdoms. The nearest one is Tanin, a non-joined country. There is currently a group of slave traders robbing their people.


Loya frowned.

Under normal circumstances, non-franchised countries are very poor, but even so, there are resources to plunder.

Human beings themselves are resources.

Although the laws of the world government expressly prohibit human trafficking, in fact this kind of thing is not uncommon. The Celestial Dragons who rule the world are themselves the largest slave owners.

Under the influence of the Celestial Dragons, princes and nobles all over the world are also proud of raising slaves.

Immediately go to Tanyin Kingdom, Luyun, and continue to contact the royal family of Tanyin Kingdom. I want to know the details!


The warship quickly changed direction, and it only took half a day to reach the southern coast of the Tanin Kingdom.

Smog, Bartolomeo, follow me, Tina. You patrol around the island with your warships. Any ships leaving the island will be intercepted and attacked if necessary!


Loya took only a few people ashore and soon arrived at the agreed-upon meeting point, a fairly conspicuous slope.

Less than three minutes later, the lurking Kingdom soldiers bravely appeared. In fact, they had been waiting nearby for a while, and they secretly observed for a while out of fear.

One of the soldier's eyes was tied with a cloth strip, and there were many scars on his body. When he saw that there were only four people coming to support him, he was filled with disappointment, but he still asked respectfully: Excuse me, are you Mr. Black Hair?

it's me.

Luo Ya nodded slightly and asked directly: Where is the enemy?

follow me!

The soldier captain perked up and hurriedly led the way while explaining the situation of the plunderers: That group of villains has been entrenched in the port for more than a month, constantly plundering our people. They have powerful weapons, and we are no match at all. !”


Luo Ya nodded slightly and glanced at the soldier captain.

The opponent has a long knife on his waist, and the other soldiers have spears, but only the top is made of metal.

Quite crude equipment.

The level of industrial development in this world varies. Not all countries have the ability to manufacture weapons in large quantities. Some poor places are even in primitive societies.

Faced with the crushing force of guns and artillery, they really didn't even have the ability to fight back.

Soon, Loya saw the dark side of the world.

The dilapidated towns are littered with corpses, and slave traders are as unscrupulous as humans entering a chicken pen, robbing strong humans and women.

The old, weak, women and children were abandoned or even killed.

Damn it, we actually invaded here!

The soldier's eyes were splitting with anger. The place he was going to take Loya to was not here, but a town near the port.

That is.

Loya looked at one of the slave traders, who had a skull smiley face on his clothes, which was the symbol of the Don Quixote family.

A word suddenly popped into my mind.

Legal plunder!

Smoker also noticed this, and his face was a little ugly: Loya, it's the Don Quixote family, what should we do?

You're already here, what else can you do!

Luo Ya pulled out the knife, his eyes were cold!

Kill them all!

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