On the third day after Loya came to the G-1 branch, the entire branch was in a state of confusion. All the sailors understood three things.

First: Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel is not a chicken.

Second: The best mohawk in the world.

Third: The black-haired colonel is the younger brother of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel.

To sum up, don’t mess with black hair!

In the base director's office.

Flying Squirrel, with big dark circles under his eyes, held the report written by Loya, and the blood vessels on the back of his hands were about to burst.

During his break last night, he tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep, with the cry that resounded throughout the branch echoing in his mind.

Senior Brother Flying Squirrel is not a chicken!

No doubt the entire branch of marines was laughing at him!

The flying squirrel held a round mirror and looked at himself in the mirror. The super stylish dark red mohawk automatically turned into a cockscomb.

Eh? Big cock?

The flying squirrel wiped his eyes hard and took a long breath when he saw his familiar face and super stylish mohawk.

It turns out to be me.

I just had a hallucination. It was really scary.

Damn it, I'm not a chicken!


The small round mirror fell to pieces!

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel paced back and forth in the room angrily, getting angrier and angrier as he thought about it.

Stupid Yuqimula, what did you do to provoke that brat when you had nothing to do, and you got caught in the pigtails by that brat?

Also, mohawks are very handsome, okay!

Harry, please inform me that Major General Yuchimulla attacked his colleagues without permission and seriously violated military regulations and disciplines. He will be detained for three days.


Adjutant Harry left with a strange look on his face.

Three days of confinement was neither painful nor itchy, it was equivalent to putting an end to the matter, but it undoubtedly represented a victory for the black hair.

Poor Major General Uchimura.

Boom! Boom!

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

The flying squirrel raised his head and saw Smoker standing at the door. His head was even more swollen and painful. A black hair made him physically and mentally exhausted. Here comes another problem child in the department.

Did he offend someone?

Smog, come and report!

come in.

The flying squirrel spoke a little weakly.


Smoker came to the desk. Before coming to the G-1 branch, he first went to the headquarters and submitted an application to the Warring States Marshal to go to G-1 according to the procedure.

In Rogge Town, he can do whatever he wants and no one can control him, but when he returns to the headquarters, he still has to act according to the rules.

Flying Squirrel looked at Smoker and asked listlessly: You applied to join the G-1 branch. What are your plans?

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel!

Smoker said solemnly: Has Colonel Loya come to the G-1 branch?

Don't mention that bastard to me!

The flying squirrel became very angry when he heard Loya's name.

That kid has only been here three days, but he feels like three months have passed. Do you know how he survived these three days?

Smoker was a little stunned.

Why do you feel that Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel is so resentful?

Calculating the time, Luo Ya's tenure in the G-1 branch was only two to three days at most. That guy wouldn't have made trouble as soon as he arrived.

Smoker thought about it for a while, but still firmly decided: Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, I want to join Colonel Loya's banner.

Being that boy's subordinate?

The flying squirrel was stunned.

Is there water in your head?

Smoker, you are an elite colonel in our headquarters with a good reputation, how could you work under that bastard boy's banner?


Smoker replied calmly.

When he left Rogge Town, he had already decided that instead of following a group of losers like before, it would be better to stay under Loya's banner. At least Loya's services would suit his taste.

Moreover, he wants to defeat Loya!

The flying squirrel gave Smoker a deep look.

Although Smoker has big problems, he does have good strength, and he is also a natural ability user with unlimited potential.

He originally planned to let Smoker settle for a period of time, and after two years, he would hand over one of the branch's formations to Smoker's leadership.

But Smoker asked for it, and it seemed that he came just for Loya, so he couldn't ignore Smoker's wishes.

I am planning to establish the G-1 11th Formation, led by Colonel Loya. Since you want to work with him, then join the 11th Formation.

Yes, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel!

Smoker was a little confused as to what was happening with the 11th formation. The G-1 branch had the same organization as the headquarters, with 10 permanent formations.

Moreover, Loya is only a colonel, so even if a new formation is built, it will not be his turn to lead it.

The flying squirrel also had troubles that he couldn't express.

Building a new formation is very troublesome and cannot be done in a day or two. Not only does it need to be equipped with dedicated warships and logistics personnel, but it also costs a lot of money.

But considering that Luo Ya had made a mess in the branch just three days after arriving, it was better to send Luo Ya out, and it was better not to come back.


There was a knock on the door, and it was the adjutant, Colonel Harry, who had returned.

Adjutant Harry held a newspaper and said bravely: Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, the latest issue of the news newspaper is on sale. You'd better take a look.

What, what's the big news?

Flying Squirrel became interested, because the flow of information was difficult, and reading newspapers was one of the greatest pleasures of many generals, and he was no exception.

For the adjutant to be so dignified, something big must have happened.

Could it be that there was a collision between the four emperors?

Or is there a new Pirate Supernova?

Harry, make me a cup of coffee, um, make Smoker a cup too.


Harry smiled wryly and made some coffee.

It is Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel's habit to drink coffee and read newspapers, but he doesn't know if Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel will still be in the mood to drink coffee later.

Smorg, have a cup of coffee before we go.

Okay, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel.

Smoker did not refuse and followed the flying squirrel to sit on the sofa. He was also a little curious about the information in the newspaper.

After a while, the flying squirrel crossed its legs, drank coffee, and then picked up the newspaper with anticipation in order to relax.

What big and interesting news will it be?

When Flying Squirrel saw the headline Mohawk is No. 1 in the World on the front page, his heart suddenly skipped a beat. Then he saw the photo of the G-1 training ground and a group of monsters and monsters in the photo.


All the coffee squirted out.


Furious roars echoed through the office.

Smoker picked up the newspaper and looked at the arrogant postures of Loya and Bato, as well as their neat mohawks.


All the coffee squirted out.

He was only two or three days late. What on earth did these idiots do?

Naval Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

Garp clutched his belly and laughed out of breath while lying on the sofa: Hahahaha, these little guys are so interesting!

Damn it, where's the fun in this!

Warring States slammed the newspaper to the ground, covered his painful forehead, gritted his teeth and said: For doing such an outrageous behavior in the navy's most important G-1 branch fortress, and having it published in the newspaper, the navy's face will be ruined!

Pfft hahaha!

Garp, how long are you going to laugh!

Zefa tried to smooth things over: Warring States, please don't blame Garp.

you shut up!

Warring States became even more angry: Zefa, you also have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter!

On this day, people all over the world remember one thing.

The best mohawk in the world!

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