Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 112: Shameless people are invincible in the world

Tell that bastard to come see me quickly!

G-1 Campus.

After two hearty runs, he received the summons from Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. Loya immediately directed his subordinates to line up, with their backs facing the G-1 branch logo.

Give me some personality with my posture!


Bartolomeo and his brothers roared excitedly, as if they were possessed by avatars, and they assumed various strange and coquettish postures.

As the most individual gangster organization in Rogue Town, they had only one purpose from beginning to end.

Make trouble, make trouble, make trouble again!

The more public it is, the more they like it, not to mention being alone in the world's largest naval fortress, how cool is it?

They love Colonel Loya so much!

Loya stood at the front of the queue, holding on to his super stylish mohawk, showing off his confidence.

Come, shout with me!

Three two one, eggplant!


The camera phone clicked and blinked.

Check-in completed!

Loya was very satisfied. He came to the girl with glasses who was responsible for taking pictures and whispered: Secretly send the photos to Morgans. Stay hidden and don't let anyone find out that we did it.


Lu Yun's eyes lit up and he nodded vigorously.

So excited.

Front page news scheduled for three days!

Colonel Loya is so evil.

But you don’t need to think about it to know that they did it. Do you need to hide it?

Well, use encrypted phone bugs!

Loya waved his hand: I still want to see Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. You just follow Colonel Tina around the base. Don't be too formal. Just treat it as your own home.


Tina was already in a trance.

Once upon a time, she firmly believed that Smoker was the most outrageous sailor in the navy, but now she realized that compared to the black hair, Smoker was just a good boy.

This is the navy's G-1 fortress, which is famous for its strict military discipline!

A moment later, the base director's office.

Luo Ya straightened his back and was full of momentum.

Colonel Loya, come and report!


The flying squirrel stared at Loya's handsome mohawk, and for a moment he didn't know whether to be angry or happy.

The best mohawk in the world!

Ahem, no!

The moral integrity of the G-1 branch is almost gone!

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel made a stern face and asked in a cold voice: Colonel Loya, do you know what you did?

Actively participating in training?

Luo Ya rubbed his chin. He took his subordinates to participate in training as soon as he arrived. He must be commended no matter what.


Desktop HP-1.


Seeing Luo Ya, who was unable to get enough food and salt, the flying squirrel slapped the table angrily, getting angry. This bastard still hasn't realized his mistake yet!

Were you actively participating in the training?

You are obviously here to cause trouble!

During the training, he knew that Luo Ya was a super problem child. Seng Guo arranged for Luo Ya to come to the G-1 branch, but he was completely unwilling.

Because Teacher Zefa spoke up, he reluctantly accepted Luo Ya and promised Teacher Zefa to train Luo Ya well.

As a result, this kid's blood pressure spiked as soon as he arrived.

The flying squirrel had a stern face and asked without a smile: Colonel Loya, what's going on with your and your subordinates' hairstyles?

Reporting to Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, we are all your fans. When we learned that we were coming to the G-1 branch, in order to express our respect for you, we collectively trimmed our hair styles like yours!

Reasonable and convincing.

Luo Ya took out his small notebook with anticipation.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, can you please sign it for us? I want to frame it and hang it on the wall of my dormitory to admire every day.


The flying squirrel felt his blood pressure rise again.

Regret, very regret.

He shouldn't have agreed to let this kid enter the G-1 branch!

There is really no big problem with the hair style. Because of the rampant pirates, the sailors are under great pressure as a whole and will not interfere too much in personality issues such as hair styles and tattoos.

In fact, captains with a little bit of personality will do something a little different to highlight their uniqueness.

But normally, low-level sailors do not need to be so individual, and the overall dress of sailors must conform to the positive image of the navy. This is an unwritten rule.

Mohawks are super stylish, there’s no doubt about that!

But more than 200 people collectively got Mohawks.

What a shame!

The flying squirrel slowed down and discussed in a tactful tone: Colonel Loya, can you change the sailors you brought to have normal hairstyles?

Hey, Lieutenant General, you don't like mohawks?

Loya stared straight at Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel's mohawk, which happened to be dark red and more eye-catching than the cockscomb.

The flying squirrel's face twitched.

Of course he likes mohawks very much. Among all the lieutenants in this department, his super stylish mohawk is unique!

To be honest, he was very happy to have subordinates who also appreciated mohawks. This proved that his subordinates had quite good taste.

But the problem is

If other lieutenant generals knew about it, they would definitely laugh at him!

The flying squirrel took a deep breath: Loya, this is not a question of whether you like it or not. So many people have mohawks, which seriously affects the ethics of the G-1 branch——

Wait a minute, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel!

Loya took out the navy's military discipline manual and asked, You said it affects military discipline. Which chapter and article does it refer to?


The flying squirrel was stunned.

Good guy, come prepared!

Loya narrowed his eyes. He knew very well that his behavior was out of line, so he studied military regulations when he had nothing to do.

The navy is a formal establishment, and it has many similarities with the establishment in previous lives. To put it simply, as long as you don't make principled mistakes, no one can do anything to you.

The only disadvantage is that, just like the problem faced by Smoker, the consequences of being independent will affect the path to promotion.

But does he care?

Within the establishment, as long as you have no desires or demands and don't make big mistakes, you are invincible. Some minor problems in style are nothing to worry about. At most, you will be named and criticized.

If you want to get promoted, just get military honors in exchange for it. The world is overrun with pirates. As long as you have the strength, it will be a matter of time before you climb up.

Promotion based on mixed seniority and connections would take a long time, which was not in line with his plans for himself.

Another very important point is that Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel's style is very upright, and coupled with Teacher Zefa's relationship, it is impossible to go too far.

If he was facing General Akainu, he would have to consider whether he would be melted directly if he angered Akainu.

It depends on the person ordering the food!

Another point is that the Navy is a pure force organization and is very tolerant of generals and colleges with strength and potential.

The flying squirrel's head was swelling and painful.

Okay, you and I can play this game, right?

Loya, according to military regulations, you can only take a maximum of 10 subordinates to take office, but the current situation has seriously exceeded the number limit, and I must send them back!

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, regarding this point, I know that it is indeed a violation of military discipline, but I have a reason. Please listen to it before making a decision.

Loya sighed and started his speech with a melancholy expression.

My subordinates were originally street gangsters in Rogge Town. They were sneaking around all day long and were ignorant and unskilled. They caused a lot of trouble to the people.

But we can't blame them entirely, because they are all orphans and lacked parental supervision since childhood. It is this chaotic world that has led them to become like that.

After I became the base director of Rogge Town, I devoted myself to maintaining the tranquility of Rogge Town. How to resettle them became the top priority.

They are still children and should have a bright future!

I'm really sad!

It just so happened that the Rogge Town Navy suffered heavy losses during the crusade against the Dragon Pirates. In order to replenish its troops and allow these children to start a new life, I recruited them into the navy.

But after all, they are used to being lax. Even if they become a navy, some bad habits are still difficult to correct. As the person who recruits them, I have the responsibility to take care of them and must be responsible for their future.

I know very well that once I leave, these children will definitely return to their previous appearance, so I brought them to the G-1 branch, hoping to train them into real sailors in this majestic fortress!

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, can you understand?

I can't ignore them!

Know it with emotion, move it with reason.

Luo Ya opened his big 24K gold Kazi Lauder eyes hard and looked at Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel expectantly, hoping to move him.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was silent.

He didn't believe a single punctuation mark of the nonsense this kid said.

What left him speechless the most was that when he was trying to reason with Luo Ya, Luo Ya was talking about military discipline with him. When he was talking about military discipline with Luo Ya, this kid immediately turned around and started talking to him about feelings.

If he refuses, wouldn't it make him look like a devil?

So angry!

The flying squirrel propped up his chin with both hands and stared at Luo Ya dimly.

Colonel Loya, according to military regulations——

I won't listen, I won't listen!

Loya simply covered his ears.

Oh, this doesn’t move you?

It doesn't matter, I have another trick.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, if you refuse to take them in, then drive me away together. It's best to drive us to the G-5 branch.

We are one!

I'm here, and so are they!


The flying squirrel was stunned.

Damn it, this kid is so shameless that he actually plays rogue with him!

Teacher Zefa, can I return it?

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