Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 109 Returning to hometown to visit relatives

Half a month later, the warship arrived at the port of Shieldstown.

Looking at the familiar and peaceful town, Loya's heart was full of nostalgia. This was the place where his dream began.

I'll just go alone.


Without his subordinates, Loya went to the 153rd branch alone, wanting to give Colonel Rhodes a small surprise.

Before he had gone far, panicked cries for help reached his ears.

Help, the wolf bites!


Loya raised his eyebrows, wondering why there were wolves in the town. There were indeed wolves in the wilderness areas of the island, but they rarely came to the town.

Wolves are also afraid of people.


Luo Ya turned into a stream of light, borrowing strength from the roofs on both sides, and changed direction three times before arriving at the place where the cry for help was coming.

In the middle of the street, a snow wolf with white fur was shopping recklessly, baring its fangs at passers-by from time to time, ready to pounce.

It's quite nice.

Loya fell to the ground and stared at Snow Wolf.

The snow wolf, which had been extremely ferocious just now, stopped moving the moment it saw Loya, and lay on the ground with a low whimper, wagging its tail vigorously like a dog, trying to please Loya.

At this time, Loya noticed that the snow wolf had a collar around its neck.

It's a pet wolf.

Soon, a boy with a pot head, a butt chin, and eyebrows appeared, looking very ugly in a unique way.

The young man came over with a figure-footed step. When he saw Snow Wolf lying in front of Loya in aggrieved manner, he couldn't help but asked angrily: Asshole, what did you do to Zoro?

Zoro? Is it your pet?

Loya pointed to the wolf on the ground.

That's right.

The young man's attitude was very arrogant: Do you know who I am? I am Hilumaipo, the son of Major Mengka, the highest official in this town. If you know what I am doing, kneel down and apologize to me immediately!

It's you.

Loya remembered.

It turns out that he is Mengka's son, who is Kebi's little friend. If he is trained well, he will have some strength in the future.

But, supreme commander?

Loya was a little surprised: Your father Mengka is now the base director of the 153rd branch?

Humph, of course, you're scared!

Xilumaibo was quite proud. Since his father became the base commander, his status had also risen with the tide, and everyone was afraid of him.

That's not what Loya cares about.

Where is Colonel Rhodes?

Colonel Rhodes retired, so my father took over the position of base commander. Ah, why am I telling you this!

Xilumaipo reacted and pointed at Loya angrily.

Kneel down and apologize, or I will ask Father to arrest you!

Your father wouldn't do that.

Loya was speechless.

Although Mengka is rigid, he is still quite upright. He did not expect that his son would be such a bastard, and he also learned how to act like a fox or a tiger.

You have neglected your discipline!

Shaking his head, Loya grabbed Hilumapo's back collar, lifted him up, and walked towards the 153rd branch.

Put me down quickly!


After one punch, the boy fell silent.

You follow too.


Snow Wolf Zoro was also behind.

Soon, Loya came to the branch.

The soldier on duty saw Loya and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Colonel Loya?!

Hey, it's Linus.

Loya smiled and nodded.

After being away for a year, why is this guy still a top soldier?

Don't be nervous, I'm just taking advantage of my vacation to come back and take a look.


Linus nodded vigorously. How could he not be excited? He heard that Colonel Loya was now the base commander of Rogge Town, a super big shot!

Colonel, I'll show you the way.


Loya smiled and shook his head. It was not like he was unfamiliar with the base and he still had to lead the way, but it felt good.

After walking around the base and chatting with Mengka for a while, before leaving, Loya told him about Xilumaibo.

I was negligent!

Mengka admitted his mistakes frankly. After becoming the base director, his thoughts were all on the branch and he had indeed neglected his family.

Colonel Loya, I have a request, and I hope you can agree to it.

You don't have to be so polite. If there's anything I can do to help, I won't refuse.

Loya has a lot of affection for Branch 153. When he was a new recruit, he learned a lot from Mengka.

Mengka bowed slightly and raised his son in front of Loya: I want this unsatisfactory son to follow you.


Luo Ya looked at the dumbfounded Xilumaibo, thought for a moment, smiled and nodded. This kid has some talents.

No problem, I will discipline him.


Mengka looked grateful. His son's future would be ten times better if he could become Loya's subordinate than if he stayed in Shields Town.

Colonel Loya, I'll take you to Colonel Rhodes's house.


About six months ago, Colonel Rhodes applied for retirement, and then stayed in Shields Town with his family.

When Loya saw Colonel Rhodes, he was fishing leisurely by the river. His face looked much older, and there were wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, but he was in good spirits.

Now that the burden is gone, the next step is to enjoy your old age in peace.

Loya sat next to Colonel Rhodes.


Hey, Loya?

When Rhodes saw Loya, he was stunned for a while before he realized what he was doing. He smiled and cursed: You kid is willing to come back to see me.

That's a must!

Luo Ya chuckled and put down the gifts he was carrying. They were all special tobacco, wine and tea. The quality was very good.


Loya talked about what happened after leaving.

Although this year is not long, there have been many twists and turns. For ordinary school officials, it can be regarded as a legendary experience.

Okay, okay, okay!

Rhodes clapped his hands repeatedly, extremely pleased.

I knew you had a lot of potential, and you would be able to have a great career!

Your teaching is still good.

Loya was humble for a rare moment.

Rhodes laughed happily: Hahaha, come to my house later, I will ask your aunt to cook a table of delicious food, and we will have a drink!

It's up to you!

The next morning, the warship set sail from Shields Town and headed for the village of Silob. As soon as Loya arrived at the village, he heard a cry.

The pirates are coming, everyone, run!

Usopp, you are lying again!

Hahaha, you have all been deceived by me!

Loya looked at the farce and sighed.

This guy still has this kind of virtue. Only when something really goes wrong can he remember it for a long time.

Seelob Manor, in the garden.

The frail girl threw herself into Loya's arms excitedly.

Brother Loya!

Keya, you have grown taller.

Luo Ya touched the girl's head. It had only been a year since she last saw her. The little girl had grown a lot taller, about 1.6 meters tall.

In one to two years, she will be a mature beautiful girl.

Sirob and his wife also walked out of the house. Their faces were much worse than before, and they didn't know how long they could hold on.

Luo Ya's eyes dimmed. The Sirob couple had a chronic disease and were weak all year round, so it was not easy to get better.

Come in, Colonel Loya.

Well, Mr. Sirob, just call me Loya.

Loya came to the living room and sat on the sofa drinking tea and chatting.

The Xiluobu couple also knew that their physical condition was likely not to last for a few years. Their words seemed to be asking for help, hoping that Luo Ya could take good care of Keya.

Loya suggested: Mr. Sirob, there is a Drum Kingdom in the Grand Line. The doctors there have the most exquisite medical technology and may be able to cure your condition.

it's useless.

Sirob smiled gently and shook his head. He had long been indifferent to his own life and death. For decades, he had paid heavily to hire famous doctors from all over the world, but there was nothing he could do.

Meditation and recuperation is the best treatment.

Nowadays, the couple's only concern is Keya. Among the outstanding young people they know, no one is as good as Luo Ya. It just so happens that Keya also likes Luo Ya very much.

Luo Ya, I'll leave it to you for Keya.

Yes, I will!

Loya agreed silently.

He also knew that there was basically no cure for some complex chronic diseases, especially those that seemed to have hereditary genetic defects like those in the Sirob family.

Doctors have their limits.

But he didn't want Keya to be like this. That girl was his default wife, and she was also very dependent on him.

Devil Fruit!

He couldn't think of any other way besides Devil Fruit.

After staying in Xiluobu Village for three days, the warship set sail again. At the same time, the appointment notice from the headquarters came down.

G-1 Branch?!!!

Loya looked at the transfer location and was completely dumbfounded.

Why is it the G-1 branch?

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