Just then, some adventurers sitting in these places started talking in whispers. Because there are some new faces in this guild, and in Zoucheng, because there is a large flow population, so to say that taking risks in this guild is not to say that every a period of time, they are the familiar faces. Are subject to change.

“The kingdom’s third elite-level adventurer is indeed exactly the same as the legendary, especially the black armor Kinoe worn by this guy, which makes people’s eyes shine, and can even be said to be unbelievable. “

At this time, a man who was slightly rough and had a very large figure told a slender woman next to him. The woman’s lips were particularly bright and she licked her lips gently. Enchanting, she also passed by this time when it became true, and accidentally heard about an adventurer named Chiba Lord.

In short, there are more or less people who are more concerned about this situation.

“I was really sorry just now, and we don’t have a mission that Lord can accept now.”

It seems that there is no gain in this place today, but Chiba Lord is not discouraged, at least for him now, even if he has not received a mission, it does not matter, at least he can take a good rest.

When you come to this place again tomorrow, there may be new gains.

“Yarbed, let’s leave this place. Since this is what it is today, let it be.”

The tone of the tone is very mild. The best judgement style for other people about Hero is that Behind is carrying two huge swords, and there is a maid behind her, Nabe.

It is a peerless big Beauty, but what everyone in the world did not expect is that this guy behind, with this girl seems a little different, both in terms of her character and language. There is a big difference.

In short, many people are discussing this matter, but they are just talking about it behind the scenes. They have not talked about it in person because they have no guts and feel a little scared.

Because the guild’s reception etiquette lady, in short, must be particularly careful in handling this matter. It is known that the Strength of this guy in front is abnormal formidable, not that they can offend, not that they do not want to assign a lot of missions to this interaction, but because the missions here do not fully match his rank.

Therefore, if you want to have a mission, especially the kind with a particularly high rank requirement and a very rich salary, it is basically rare in this rural area.


Suddenly, at this time, Yar Bede nodded his head, indicating that this matter could indeed be handled until tomorrow.

Then the two left this place very sorry at this time, ready to return to the Nassarik grave, at least these two guys intended.

Chiba Lord is actually not quite assured about this matter, because in the game that he plays, there is no way to circulate things like gold coins in this World, but it only has a certain exchange value.

But in this case, there is no way to get new gold coins in this World, in other words, it is likely to cause you to go to the grave, the gold coins will become less and less, and will eventually dry up. Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation as it is now.

You must do an experiment in advance. What you need to prove is that the gold coins you exchanged for this world ’s rank gold coins can make some monsters or have other uses. For the current Chiba Lord, .

This is very important, because it is related to whether you can continue to survive in this World. There is no way to circulate the gold coins of the two Worlds, but the time you do things is to be able to prove this kind of gold coins. Able to redeem one thing.

It is still very important for yourself, because there is a certain amount of gold coins in the storage inside the big grave, so in this case all of it will be consumed sooner or later. If in this world, The so-called earned gold coins here have no way to make what they want, that is to say, all the gold coins in that storage become their ultimate things.

For this, I will certainly be very concerned.

“Hateful, what the hell is going on with this guy?”

Everyone feels incredible in this situation. At least the look of the guy who left is still full of admiration in his eyes, because in these events, the guy is quite active, not only able to The successful elimination of these monsters, and the most unthinkable things, can still do so.

Clement, that’s the guy whose legendary has reached Hero level, which is incredible in any case.

Even if the girl in charge of publishing the mission and issuing all the rewards is full of admiration for the guy named Chiba Lord in front of her, at least he has a favor trace for him, which is affirmative.

Although it is not necessarily the prince who rides horses, such things as Strength are really sought after by many people. The most hopeful thing in their lifetime is to obtain a strong enough formidable strength.


After returning home, the researcher did not stop immediately, but continued in this situation. The current situation of the researcher, for Chiba Lord.

The currency is really important because the two worlds cannot communicate with each other. Therefore, it is necessary to use some exchangeable things to make a judgment. Whether this world’s currency can create something or not. .

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