After the appearance of Eight-Tails Gyuki, he glare like a tiger watching his prey looks-at Thundergod, revealing a fierce light and yelling.

The next moment, Gyuki took action and rushed towards Thundergod, trying to defeat Chiba.

Gyuki’s speed is fast, the speed is very fast, and a roar is made, approaching Chiba, and launching a quick attack.

Gyuki waved fist, the Strength of the formidable broke out, and shattered, and blasted towards Thundergod. The formidable power was very fast, as if it could destroy everything.

Faced with Gyuki’s Attack, Chiba did not dare to control Thundergod, and also waved fist to erupt the formidable Strength to fight against Gyuki.


The collision of Strength on both sides produces a roaring sound, and the Strength of formidable spreads out and rushes out towards the surroundings.

The behemoths on both sides collided strongly, and the roaring “three zero” sound broke out. Strength waves spread rapidly, destroying the surrounding things of Tremor, making the ice layer Shatter.

A strong Attack like Gyuki can only deal with Thundergod, and cannot suppress the other side.

Seeing this, Gyuki didn’t hesitate, and continued to smash into it, shaking his huge tail, just like fist, strong Attack Thundergod.

Gyuki, however, has eight tails and keeps waving. If strong Attack comes over, formidable power is very large, and it is very difficult to resist all of them.

Chiba controls Thundergod, runs lightning, and forms a huge Katana, waving it constantly, fighting fiercely with the battle, and resisting the flapping tail.

Boom, boom!

The collision of Strength on both sides immediately produced a loud roar, causing the ice layer to be constantly shattered and turned into a fragment Scatter.

Although Attack is very strong, it still seems to be quite equal, and cannot create an outlet.

However, Gyuki is fighting more and more courageously, and wants to go all out to defeat Chiba without any surprises.

Seeing Attack like Gyuki, Chiba is still under pressure, not dare despise, and needs to be handled carefully to avoid unexpected situations.

He still controls Thundergod, but exits from Thundergod within-the-body and quickly moves to the edge of the pool.

“Wood Dragon Jutsu !”

Chiba did not hesitate to run Chakra immediately, both hands quickly hand seal and launched Ninjutsu Attack.

As the seal is completed, Chakra enters the ground, the ground immediately tumbling, the tree trunk probing out, condensing into a huge wooden dragon.

After Mulong appeared, without any hesitation, he rushed towards Gyuki immediately and launched a rapid offensive.

Mulong does not want to defeat Gyuki, as long as he can restrain Gyuki and restrict Gyuki’s actions, that is enough, and the remaining things can be left to Chiba to handle.

Immediately after Mulong appeared, he rushed to Gyuki, entangled his huge body, slowed down his movements, and absorbed Gyuki’s Chakra.

Gyuki originally wanted to defeat Thundergod strongly, but he did not expect that a wooden dragon appeared, making it slow.

Despite being restrained by the wooden dragon, Gyuki still has the mobility and can continue to launch Attack, but it is not as strong as before, but it still cannot be underestimated.

Gyuki waved eight tails, and also held Katana, and waved strongly. The Slash wood dragon made the wood dragon defeat, and soon Gyuki could not be restrained.

“Tailed Beast Ball · Bull Cannon!”

After breaking away from the shackles of the wooden dragon, Gyuki did not hesitate to immediately mobilize Chakra to consolidate the Tailed Beast Ball according to the Yin-Yang ratio.

Soon, Tailed Beast Ball appeared, sprayed from Gyuki’s mouth, and thundered Thundergod not far away. The formidable power was very formidable enough to destroy a mountain, let alone an attack like this.

Bullets exploded quickly, bombing Thundergod, making Thundergod unable to counter it at all, the huge body was immediately defeated, and lightning Scatter gliding in the surrounding space, thundering, and a roaring sound.

After Gyuki defeats Thundergod, the pressure he will endure will be much lower, and he will have more time to deal with Chiba.

“Now it’s your turn.” Gyuki turned around, her huge body standing high, looking down at Chiba not far away, trying to tear Chiba apart.

“Even if it’s my turn, you don’t have the ability to defeat me, it will only be me that defeats you.” Chiba faced Gyuki without fear, still calm and confident.

He can beat even Nine-Tails, let alone dread Eight-Tails.


Gyuki bellowed, moved quickly, and rushed towards Chiba. The speed was very fast, waving fist and tail, and swiftly attacking Chiba. It was like a storm, and it was not easy to avoid it …

面对这样的Attack ,Chiba 没有firmly resisted ,挥动手中的鬼泣,不断和Gyuki Attack ,抵挡Gyuki 的攻势,at the same time 向retreat 出去,寻找机会反击。

连续十几次Attack 以后,Gyuki 还是不能击败Chiba ,最多就是占据优势,稍稍压制着他而已。

老是不能压制Chiba ,让Gyuki 变得急躁起来,开始变得不耐烦,没有耐心一路这样下去。

所以,将Chiba forced back 以后,Gyuki 没有丝毫犹豫,立即调动Chakra ,再度凝聚Tailed Beast Ball ,向着Chiba 轰了过去。

看到牛炮轰击过来,Chiba 的眼神变得凌厉起来,等待的就是这样的机会。

他没有丝毫犹豫,发动Flying Thunder God Jutsu ,迅速转移body ,从原地离开,出现在Gyuki behind 。

之前战斗的时候,Chiba 就已经布下了手段,在周围留下technique formula imprint ,方便后面的Attack 。

如今,刚才所布置的手段,终于可以come in handy 。

Chiba 转移到Gyuki behind ,牛炮就向前轰过去,爆发出绝对terrifying 的威能,轰击着stone wall ,立即将stone wall 击溃,彻底粉碎,出现一个巨大的豁口,看起来非常震5.6撼。

Gyuki 本来有信心,可以一击击败Chiba ,却没有想到,居然还被躲避了,真是它非常不爽,差点就要berserk 了。

而Chiba 转移到Gyuki behind 以后,便没有丝毫停顿,立即展开行动,调动Flame Strength ,不断翻腾起来,汇聚在右手上,并且开始压缩。

他这是要用Flame ,压缩成为Rasengan 的形态,而且formidable power 要比Rasengan 还要formidable ,comparable with Sage Art: Rasengan 。

随着炽盛的Flame 不断压缩,形成一个巨big fire 球Rasengan ,不断旋转起来,弥漫出terrifying 的威压,还有凌厉的imposing-manner ,向着周围扩散出去,蕴含毁灭的aura ,想要抵达的话,可不是轻松的事情。。

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