"I know that Your Excellency's great ambition, even the high-spirited declaration in the war, has spread all over the world!"

"But you have also seen my life now."

"So rich, I don't have any other needs. I hold the world's largest wealth."

"As for the Tianlong people, what does it matter to me?"

"Isn't it?"

With a smile on his face, Jiang Liu fixed his eyes on the other person, the finger without a ring.

"Tezolo, nine of your ten fingers have rings on them. Why is the remaining one empty?"

Hearing this, Tezuolo's complexion changed slightly, and there was a touch of coldness in his eyes.

This question touched his soul and made him angry.

"Is it because you want to leave it to the woman you love?"

Jiang Liu asked again.

This time, Tezolo's complexion completely changed, a little livid.

"Your Excellency Jiang Liu, do you like to care about other people's private affairs?"

He said coldly.

"Can the painful past, the torment I suffered, and the loss of my loved one really be easily erased by time?"


Jiang Liu put his hands on the table and asked seriously.

"The purpose of my coming here is not just to do business with you."

"I'm here to invite you."

Tezolo was expressionless, and the words of the other party reminded him of bad things.

If it were someone else, he would have done it long ago and sent the other party to hell.

"invite me?"

Jiang Liu nodded.

"Yes, I invite you."

"join us!"

Chapter 245 I Need Money

Humans are creatures of complexity.

Behind the brilliance of today, most of them will have a not very good past. Stories and experiences, plus a little bit of luck and hard work, have just made celebrities what they are today.

Gulan Tezzolo is such a character, in fact, in Jiang Liu's eyes, despite his current glamorous appearance, this man is actually a tragic figure.

Even today, traces of the tragedy of the past can still be seen from his body.

Tezzolo was born in a poor family. His father was a gambler and died of illness. He dreamed of performing on stage since he was a child and becoming a star singer.

At the age of 16, he lost a lot in the casino, and his friends abandoned him and ran away. Tezzolo was beaten up and tried his best to escape. Until one day, he met Stella in the human trafficking market.

In Tezolo's view, the other party was a woman with a beautiful singing voice, and he was easy to chat with, so he fell in love with her.

The love in his teenage years was always pure and sweet, which also made Tezolo full of motivation. He decided to do everything to let the other party be free.

When he was 19 years old, just when he was about to raise the money to buy Stella, the Celestial Dragon appeared and bought Stella away. And his anger didn't do anything, instead he was caught by it.

"Don't be angry, and don't be sad, Tezolo."

"Because of you, I feel very happy. Tianlong people are very rich and have noble status, so they can buy everything easily."

"including me!"

To this day, Tezolo can still clearly see the scene of the girl being dragged away with tears in her eyes.

Between the long eyelashes, teardrops were trembling. It looked like a smiling expression, but it made him feel miserable.

In the end, Tezolo was captured and became a slave of the Celestial Dragon, with the mark of the Celestial Dragon engraved on his back.

"Master Tezolo!"

A soft cry rang in his ears, and Tezuolo woke up.


Seeing the man in front of him, Tezuolo said softly.

"Are you all right?"

Tanaka said worriedly.

Jiang Liu's group left just now, and Tezolo naturally refused the so-called invitation, but the long-term memories kept coming in.


Tezzolo waved his hand.

There may be a lot of unwillingness and anger in the memories of the past, but they have passed after all. Today, he is the master of this golden city, making countless people fear and awe him.

"Invitation from Master Jiang Liu."

Tanaka hesitated again.

"He doesn't seem to be someone who gives up so easily."

Tezolo heard this, his eyes sank slightly, and he began to think.

"The visitor is not good."

"But this big man has not shown any strength at the moment."

"Just wait and see."

Tanaka nodded: "Yes!"

"Master Jiang Liu's goal seems to be to drag the Tianlong people into the water and change the whole world."

Karina, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke out.

"Nowadays, the most dangerous guy in the world is undoubtedly him!"

"It can allow the world government to offer a reward of 6.6 billion. His threat has surpassed the revolutionary army, the former One Piece."

Tezzolo said with twinkling eyes.

Naturally, he is not someone who will be afraid or afraid. But in the face of Jiangliu, one must be careful and prudent at all times.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not offend the other party.

"I'm afraid of him, he won't give up so easily."

Karina sighed.

"Now that I own the entire Golden City, how can I be willing to be someone else's vassal?"

Tezzolo sneered.

But after he finished speaking, he fell into silence again.

Sitting in the room on the top floor, standing by the transparent glass window, you can clearly see everything in the casino.

A touch of loss and sorrow quietly surfaced in my heart.

Can everything in the past really be forgotten?

That woman with a sweet singing voice, the woman I once loved deeply.

Looking down at the finger without the ring, Tezolo fell silent.

Is it to commemorate? this finger!

On the other side, Jiang Liu and his group were led to rest in another room by a man in a black suit.

The luxury of the Golden City is obviously the best in the world. The room that Tezolo arranged for them was not inferior to that of Dressrosa.

"He refused, what should we do now?"

"This guy's attitude just now is obviously not convinced!"

"He still wants to be his own boss!"

Ace said in distress.

After Jiang Liu made the invitation, Tezolo refused without hesitation, and stated firmly that he was living a good life now, and he didn't need to join other people, let alone live under them.

"Don't be impatient, Ace."

"People like Tezolo are naturally not so easy to subdue!"

Jiang Liu smiled faintly.

When he came here, he naturally didn't think about it, and he could easily make the other party surrender. It can be said that the importance of Tezolo is not inferior to the wars that Crocodile and others are currently fighting.

They are all important things that can make the kingdom leap in an instant.

"To recruit such a guy, let him see our sincerity."

Ace showed doubts on his face: "What sincerity?"

On the second day, Jiang Liu and others saw Tezolo again.

The latter invited them to have breakfast together, and the long dining table was filled with sumptuous breakfast.

Tezolo showed an extremely polite way of hospitality, and he couldn't find any faults. This made Ace, who wanted to subdue the opponent directly, seem very aggrieved.

He was still in a hurry to go back to the Whitebeard Pirates, and he really didn't want to waste time here.

"Your Majesty Jiang Liu, as the king of Dressrosa, he is busy with official duties. Now that he has come to my territory, he must play well for a few days before going back."

Tezzolo said with a smile while holding a fork.

"Then thank you for your hospitality. Now that the generals in the country are gathering the territory in the sea area around the kingdom, I can have a few days of leisure time."

Jiang Liu said with a smile.

"Close up the territory?"

Tezolo was taken aback.

"Well, it includes the world government, navy, and several islands in the New World."

Jiang Liu said lightly.

Tezolo's eyes flashed, and his expression became slightly dignified.

These words are definitely classified as top secret, but the pair said them so casually at the dinner table, the meaning behind them is extraordinary.

"His Majesty Jiang Liu's courage really makes me admire!"

Tezzolo sighed.

This sentence is sincere. Most people don't have the courage to take action against the world government and the navy. Even those big pirates of the Four Emperors level have to think carefully and consider carefully.

"Just, if you want to go further."

"We also need bigger money."

"Today's De Zires Rosa is very short of money!"

Jiang Liu sighed, his eyes were smiling, and he looked across.

Tezuolo, who was stared at by him, immediately trembled.

The other party is short of money, but he happens to be very rich. In other words, the purpose of this big man's visit this time is money.

"Tezolo, you are a very talented man."

"Dressrosa, our kingdom is short of a man like you!"

"I need you to make good money for me!"

Jiang Liu said directly.

"In return, how about helping you kill the Celestial Dragon?"

"Stella's hatred, have you really forgotten?"

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