When he gambled, he kept losing in a row. If it was a different player, the other party would actually win both games.


Jiang Liu smiled lightly.

"It's not just luck."

Ace whispered.

Although he didn't understand, his uncle obviously used weird methods.

The third one starts.

"Win again!?"

Cavendish was stunned.


A large pile of chips was pushed in front of Jiang Liu. From the initial 5 million Baileys, it has snowballed to 30 million now.

The money comes in too fast!


Jiang Liu was very calm, and once again pushed out the chips in front of him.

The cold man's eyes sharpened, staring at Jiang Liu.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides continued.


"Win again!"


The exclamation of the people around quickly rang out. In a short period of time, Jiang Liu had already won eight games in a row. The total amount of chips in front of him totaled more than 100 million.

"One hundred million chips, I'll give it back to you!"

With a wave of Jiang Liu's hand, a large number of chips were pushed to the opposite side.

"I'll just use what's left of these and carry on."

The man on the opposite side had sweat dripping from his forehead. He realized that something was wrong, and felt even more unbelievable.

He has obviously used tricks to change the cards in his hand, but when the cards are revealed, the cards will change back, and even run to the opposite side.

This is too weird!

What's even more incredible is that he couldn't detect what method the other party used at all.


Jiang Liu said again, emphasizing his tone.

"I'm far from enjoying myself!"

The dealer continued to deal the cards, but it could be seen that the eyes of the man on the opposite side had begun to wander, and his complexion was changing.

"Win again!"

"Already won ten games in a row!"

"Luck is against the sky!"


"This guy has made a lot of money today, so he can choose the most beautiful woman in the entertainment city!"

"Shouldn't it be time to stop? He has earned a lot, no matter how good his luck is, it should be used up!"

There are more and more people watching around, all with wide-eyed eyes showing surprise.

Cavendish was even more stunned. The opponent's result after playing was in stark contrast to his own.

"This guy, who is so sacred?"

"Captain, he paid off your gambling debt just now!"

Said the crew excitedly.

"I saw!"

Cavendish nodded.

"Then do we owe him 100 million?"

Said again.

"Shut up!"

A black line appeared on Cavendish's handsome face.

This 100 million is really not good news, it is simply a shadow.

Standing behind Jiang Liu, he continued to watch this gamble that could be called a drama.

As time passed, more and more people watched, and Jiang Liu's record of consecutive victories also increased.

"It's outrageous!"

"There must be something tricky!"

"He has already won twenty-six hands, and the chips in front of him are more than 600 million, right?"

"I'm going to win, look at the face of the guy opposite, it's all blue!"

"If you win any more, I'm afraid the casino will intervene. This kind of amount is not small!"

The crowd watching and eating melons were discussing a lot, and they all looked at Jiang Liu in amazement.

To be able to win to such a degree in the world's largest entertainment city is indeed shocking and even more incredible.

More people are, even if they are lucky, they will restrain themselves, win a few hands, make a small fortune, and then leave in a sensible way.

To keep winning like this obviously has nothing to do with luck, it's purely looking for something.

"Gambling King!"

Someone exclaimed.

Because soon, the chips in front of Jiang Liu were piled up like a mountain.

"Win thirty-five hands in a row! His chip amount is going to exceed one billion Baileys!"

"Too awesome!"

Jiang Liu is still standing there calmly at this moment, a billion Baileys is just a drop in the bucket for the future huge empire.

But the man on the opposite side was obviously desperate, trembling all over.

After losing so much, he might not see the sun tomorrow.


In the end, the man flickered and fell down.

And the cold man at the side had already left at some point.

At the same time, on the top floor of the casino.



"Go and invite our distinguished guest to come and see me."

"I'm very interested in him."

Chapter 243 Gulan Tezolo

A low, playful voice sounded in this luxurious, bright top floor room.

"It's the boss!"

The man in black suit standing not far away immediately bowed and said, then turned and left.

"Karina, in this splendid entertainment city, every once in a while, we can always meet some interesting guys."

"Among them, some can't tell their own position, and some rely on some small tricks to try to break the rules."

"It's really helpless!"

The man shook his head and spread his hands.

"Actually, one billion, so what about two billion Baileys? To me, it's just a number."

After a pause, the man looked down at the gambling table full of people and smiled coldly.

"I hope that this guest will make me feel a little novel."

After listening to these words, Karina smiled and said nothing more.

Not long after, a group of men in black suits came before Jiang Liu and the others.

"Our boss is here to invite you."

"With your strength, there is no need to continue playing here."

"Maybe, we can change places."

Jiang Liu raised his head, looked at the group of people in front of him, and smiled: "Alright!"

Ace and the others were startled and looked at each other, and Kalifa adjusted her glasses.

The purpose of their coming here is also for the boss here.

The legendary rich Golden Emperor will be seen soon.

A moment later, led by the team in black suits, they came to the top floor. Compared with the hustle and bustle of the casino on the first floor, this place seemed extremely quiet.

In the long corridor, there are many separate compartments, and the interior is also very quiet, but occasionally some sounds can be heard.

Obviously, this is a VIP room for those relatively noble people in the world.

Soon, the man in the black suit led them to the end of the corridor, in front of a room with a golden doorplate.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, followed by a muffled response.

The door was pushed open, but the man in the black suit didn't go in, but stretched out his hand to signal.

"Come in!"

Jiang Liu didn't hesitate, he was about to step into it in one step.

At this moment, a figure rushed towards the corridor, Fujitora turned around and looked: "It's that young man."

Turning his head, he saw Cavendish running towards them, followed by a group of yelling men in suits with anxious faces.

"Take me!"

Cavendish came to them panting and said loudly.

Jiang Liu narrowed his eyes and looked at it, then smiled lightly: "Yes!"

The leader in the black suit on the side was expressionless, and waved to the person who was chasing him, who bent down and left quickly.

Then, everyone entered the room.

The spacious room is covered with neat, clean, and atmospheric carpets, with crystal lamps hanging from the top, and the surrounding walls seem to be inlaid with gold.

Not far away, there is a figure with cross-legged, gray-green hair, wearing pink clothes, pants, purple sunglasses, golden rings, necklaces, earrings, luxuriously dressed, and a cigar in his mouth.

Seeing them coming in, the man chuckled and spoke.

"There are really not many people who can win so many games in a row in my casino."

"Either luck is against the sky, or you really have some means."

"very impressive."

After Jiang Liu glanced around, he first took a look at the woman behind the man, and recognized that she was the big star singer who sang not long ago.

Afterwards, he locked onto the guy in front of him, who looked very rich.

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