"At that time, what are the navy, the four emperors, and the world government?"

Jiang Liu smiled.

"We need to strongly support this experiment, and the factory must continue to operate."

After a pause, he said seriously again.

"It's just that this experiment undoubtedly requires great secrecy and security."

"So, don't build where there are a lot of people."

"Look for more deserted islands and sparsely populated islands. I believe that there must be many such places in this vast sea."

Hearing this, Doflamingo was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I understand."

After a little hesitation, he said directly.

"Actually, I have already made an appointment with a scientist from the world government to meet in the near future."

"The theory of man-made devil fruit was proposed by him. He believes that this technology is very likely to be realized and practical. It just takes time and a lot of experiments."

Without hesitation, Jiang Liu said with a smile, "If you have a chance, take me to meet him."

"I am also very interested in man-made devil fruit."

Doflamingo smiled: "No problem, my lord!"

Then, he turned and left.

Brother Doflaming did not expect Jiang Liu's attitude of support. Because although the artificial devil fruit sounds great, its side effects and damage to the environment are also terrible.

It can be said that this experiment is actually not in line with Dressrosa's current development philosophy.

The factory has only just been set up, and even the scientist just got online not long ago. He thought it was time to let it go.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Liu actually agreed, and he strongly supported it.

At the national level, it is undoubtedly more convenient and even safer to do this than him alone.

When the sun rose on the second day, Jiang Liu dispatched three warships to search for the remaining scholars of O'Hara.

"When the scholars from O'Hara arrive, Dressrosa's education level can be further improved!"

"This is a good thing!"

"In addition, it is the news of Blackbeard and others."

Thinking of this, Jiang Liu's eyes flickered coldly.

On the top of the war, Marshall Teach pried the corner of the wall, which undoubtedly made him angry.

But the battlefield situation is complicated, and his physical strength and energy have been exhausted to the limit, so he can only give up.

Moreover, the scheming black beard is not so easy to deal with, so he can only let him go.

In recent days, as the bounties of their group spread all over the world, the bounties of Blackbeard Marshall Teach and others have also come out.

"Marshall Teach, 2 billion 23.3 million!"

This amount is naturally not comparable to Jiang Liu. But it's not too low, especially, it has been rumored in recent days that this group of people has entered the new world and is recruiting troops with a great momentum.

Unlike Jiang Liu being the king, pirates have natural superior attributes in this sea area. They don't need many troops to have powerful destructive power and influence.

"The military wants to be stronger and more in a short period of time."

"Besides recruiting troops, we can only take the route of annexation!"

Jiang Liu's eyes flickered, thinking of a group of famous mercenary groups in the new world.


That is, the Vinsmoke family. This family was once the most feared family in the North Sea, and now it is a powerful scientific combat force.

"If we can cooperate with them, or join this family!"

"Also, it's the Golden Emperor!"

"To build a powerful empire, money and wealth are also essential!"

"The treasuries of the thirty-six Dressrosa have been knocked out, but the financial department is still running short."

Jiang Liu sighed lightly.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a headache.

There are so many things to do!

At noon, Rob Luqi and his group who left Dressrosa returned to China. Jiang Liu summoned Luqi the moment he heard the news.

Coming with it, of course, is Ace.

"Thank you, Lu Qi."

Jiang Liu laughed.

Lu Qi shook his head silently and didn't say much.

"Father, are you still alive?"

Down below, Ace asked with a solemn expression.

"I'll tell you about Whitebeard later."

"Now, go see your mother first, Ace."

Jiang Liu smiled lightly.

When Ace heard this, his face suddenly changed.

Chapter 234 The Leader of the Espionage Organization

"my mother?"

Ace said tremblingly, his eyes fixed on Jiang Liu.

From birth to now, he has never seen his father and mother. It can be said that Garp raised him up.

It wasn't until I grew up that I realized that I had an uncle not long ago, and then I knew that I was still alive.

Most of the news about father and mother is also obtained from clues from the outside world on weekdays.

"Sister Lu Jiu has been waiting for you for a long time, Ace!"

"This is exactly the purpose of my calling you here. Compared with this matter, all other trivial matters are no longer important, aren't they?"

Jiang Liu smiled lightly.

He is very clear about how much his sister misses Ace. They have been away since they were born, and now they finally have the chance to reunite.

"where is she?"

Ace took a deep breath, his voice trembling.

"Freya, take him to meet my sister."

Jiang Liu beckoned.

Freya came over and stretched out her hand to feint: "Please follow me, Ace."

Ace was almost sluggish throughout the whole process, feeling that his thoughts were in a trance, and he followed the other party until he walked into a warm, spacious, luxurious, and splendid bedroom.

The blond woman, with her back to him, stood quietly in front of the window, staring outside, as if expecting something, waiting for something.

The moment he saw this figure from behind, Ace was stunned. He didn't know what kind of emotion was wrapped in him, and his eyes were becoming blurred.

Seeing this scene, Freya didn't bother, but quietly exited, closing the door for them.

"Jiang Liu, isn't Ace here yet?"

"Didn't you say he's coming soon?"

The blond woman standing by the window spoke, her voice was gentle but with a trace of anxiety and apprehension.

Ace's mouth trembled, and he wanted to say something but couldn't say it for a while.

Tears flowed down his cheeks and dripped down his chin to the ground. At this moment, he only felt that everything was silent.

Until the woman turned around and saw him.

"Who are you?"

Lu Jiu was slightly taken aback, but soon, the feeling in her blood made her body tremble.

She had seen this face on the reward order and recognized it at this moment.


Lu Jiu called.


Ace trembled.

"Quick, come here, let me take a good look at you!"

Lu Jiu said excitedly.

Ace wiped the tears from his face, a smile bloomed on his face, and he walked over quickly.

Mother and son are reunited, and the moment in the room is filled with joy.

At the same time, in the palace hall.

Jiang Liu smiled slightly when he received the news from Freya, and looked at Lu Qi below again.

"Next, there are a lot of things to do, please! Lu Qi!"

Rob Lucci nodded, and the white dove on his shoulder fluttered: "It is my honor to do something for you."

"We will establish Dressrosa, our own secret intelligence organization, and you will become the number one leader of this organization."

Hearing this, Rob Lucci's body trembled, and a touch of excitement flashed in his eyes, but he calmed down quickly.

From becoming a traitor to the world government to this moment, as the leader of a country's spy organization, this is naturally worth looking forward to.

Similarly, and more representative of him, Rob Lucci was abandoned by the world government, but in another place, he also has a bright future.

People in this world have pursuits, and Lu Qi also has them. His ideals and goals are not ambitious, he just hopes to get what he deserves.

And Jiang Liu's trust in himself and the entire former CP9 team also made him feel at ease.

A scholar dies for his confidant!

"Your Majesty, Rob Lucci, will sacrifice his life for your orders!"

Rob Lucci bowed solemnly and said.

"I don't want your life, Lu Qi, in my opinion, the life of each of you is very important, and I will be very heartbroken if I lose anyone."

"Live well, we still have to create a brand new world!"

After a pause, Jiang Liu smiled again.

"Next, your task is to recruit a group of potential organizational personnel and train them."

"Then, to extend our tentacles around the world, we need a lot of intelligence organizations."

"Some personnel from the original Baroque Work Agency will be included under your command and under your command. I have already discussed this with Crocodile."

Rob Lucci nodded: "Yes!"

"And the key point is to include the news of Blackbeard Marshall Teach and his gang after the Top War, the Pirates of Bigumam, the information of Kaido Pirates and Wano Country, and more."

"The movement of Shanks and his gang."

"In addition, some guys who escaped from the promotion city should also pay attention."

"Such as Bondi Waldo, Redfield, Douglas Barrett and others, these guys all owe me favors!"

Jiang Liu said with a smile.

"I see!"

"But it will require a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources."

Rob Lucci looked thoughtful, and then said.

"Dressrosa, I will fully support you."

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