"Is he crazy?"

"Without nobles, there would be no world!"

"This is a world where nobles are superior!"

"He's digging his own grave!"

Even though Jiang Liu is famous as the strongest man in the world, these words still aroused some people's resentment and opposition, which is even more inconceivable.

The descendants of the twenty kings have become the nobles of the world, who live in Mariejoa and rule the world.

But now, there is someone who stands up to overthrow such a system.

He is fighting against the whole world with his own strength, so why isn't he crazy?

"A more equitable education and a higher level of education can make the children of common people smarter and have a wider knowledge."

"It's great news for Dressrosa, and for the rest of the world, isn't it?"

Facing the phone camera bug who was about to slap his face, Jiang Liu took a step back with a smile, and said again.

Soldiers on both sides stepped forward and blocked the reporters.

"We also welcome other islands close to Dressrosa, the people of the country, to come and live here."

Jiang Liu said again.

"This means, can we understand that after you closed the country for nearly a month, you will open the country to Dressrosa soon!"

the reporter asked.

Because they knew very well that when Jiangliu came here, Dressrosa closed the ports and main roads leading to other regions, and no longer allowed people to enter and exit.

Many of the reporters here were originally from Dressrosa.

"That's right, closing the door to the outside world is not in line with the development of a country."

"Even for Dressrosa today, for us, the diplomatic situation is very bad, but I never thought of a permanent retreat."

Jiang Liu nodded.

The reporters continued to ask questions, and Jiang Liu answered them all calmly and with a smile.

The ministers on the side, Golden Lion Shiji, Crocodile, Enilo and others looked at the man on the stage with a calm expression all the time, and couldn't help admiring him.

A series of questions related to politics, economy, education, etc. are absolutely impossible for them to answer.

But Jiang Liu was able to deal with it with ease.

"This guy, does he really have the qualifications to be a king, or is he already prepared!"

"I'm afraid it's both!"

Golden Lion Shiji, Crocodile said softly.

At the same time, everything that is happening here is also spreading to the world at an extremely fast speed.


In Mary Joya, the sound of fists hitting the table was heard.

"This guy, after defecting from the navy, transformed himself into the king of Dressrosa!"

"Send troops there immediately to destroy him and that country!"

Akainu, whose whole body was bandaged, with only a pair of eyes exposed, roared angrily.

"Calm down, Sakalski!"

The gray-haired Sengoku sighed softly.

"Compared to the Jiangliu group who took root in Dressrosa during the top war, the current military strength, including this country, has surpassed that in the past."

"In other words, he is more difficult than before."

"Moreover, the new world is not yet a place we can step into."

After a pause, Zhan Guo looked solemn.

"There, it's still the territory of the Four Emperors!"

Yes, the New World is far less powerful than the Four Seas for the Navy. More and stronger pirates are stationed there, and the pressure on the navy is enormous.

"Now the problem of Jiangliu cannot be solved by our navy alone!"

"Even if we want to solve it, we need to slow down the losses from the war not long ago."

"Right now, for us, the most urgent thing is."

With a slight sigh, Warring States said again.

"He's the next Marshal of the Navy, and."

"Rebuild the Navy Headquarters!"

Those who gathered at the long table were all important figures in the navy, Garp, He, and the three generals were among them.

For them, the problems they face are also very troublesome and important, and they need the world to digest the problems left over from the war.

What Jiang Liu was doing now was completely out of his mind.

Chapter 231 Reward Order

Sakaski was bandaged all over his body, sitting at the long table, his breath seemed very unstable, and his eyes were blood red.

In the battle not long ago, he suffered great injuries, and his body and mind were hard to forget.


Gritting his teeth, Sakaski roared.

But he is also very clear that according to the current navy and his own strength, going to find the other party is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

"I want to become stronger, and I must take revenge!"

Roaring in his heart, Sakaski's whole body was filled with fiery breath.

"There is also the position of Admiral of the Navy, it must be mine!"

If you want to do something in this world and implement absolute justice, in addition to your own strength, you must also control the Navy headquarters.

"Jiang Liu, wait for me!"

"The war between us is not over yet!"

Time continued to pass, and as Jiang Liu succeeded to the throne, whether it was the news of his becoming king or the detailed information of the reporter's questions and answers on that day, they began to spread to the whole world.

"The interests of the common people?"

"Can we children from ordinary families also receive higher education?"

"The king of Dressrosa, did he really say that?"

Commoners in many places started talking about it and were very moved.

The whole world is controlled by nobles, and a lot of education is occupied by nobles, and ordinary people are not qualified.

It is also against this background that many young people rushed to the sea, picked up long swords and weapons, and became pirates.

But even if you become a pirate, education is still a big problem. Many people are at elementary school level, or even without elementary school.

For example, if Jiang Liu asked Crocodile and Golden Lion Shiji about their academic qualifications, the results would definitely surprise people.

Many people were even more shocked when they heard about the treatment plan of the nobles.

Focusing on civilians and safeguarding the interests of civilians, such a system is already quite fair to many people, just like a dream place.

Some people even called Dressrosa the Garden of Eden, the ideal land at the moment the news spread.

In an unnamed town, a burly man with a long knife on his waist and his eyes closed was walking slowly.

If you look closely, you can notice that his ears are trembling slightly, listening to the conversations of people on both sides.

"Is it true? The new king of Dressrosa dares to establish such a system."

"I heard that he was originally a very just admiral, and he was once punished for preventing O'Hara's demon-slaying order."

"He defeated Whitebeard, the big pirate who made babies cry, he must be a good guy!"

"Fair education, fair employment, and even the interests of the plane are guaranteed. It's really a place that people yearn for!"

"The town doesn't even have a school or a teacher. Isn't it not far from Dressrosa?"

"Shall we move there if possible?"

There was a lot of discussion, and the burly blind swordsman with a square face paused and stopped there.

He raised his head, his eyes were clearly closed, but he seemed to be able to clearly identify the direction, looking towards the direction of the port.

"Excuse me, when will the boat to Dressrosa leave here?"

When the people next to him heard it, they immediately laughed.

"It will be available in the next few days, but there are too many people robbing, you need to buy tickets in advance!"

"In terms of time, six in the morning, eleven in the afternoon, and five in the evening are all available!"

"It's the town's merchant ship."

The blind swordsman nodded with a smile and bowed to thank him.

These days, everywhere he goes, he listens.

On top of the war, Jiang Liu's declaration, and recently Reid Reis Rosa. Everything made him very curious about that man and that country.

"A person who can say something like that."

"In my heart, there must be a righteous and benevolent person!"

The blind swordsman sighed softly.

He has a lot of strength in his body, but he has nowhere to use it. He wants to do something for the justice of this world, but he has been at a loss.

Originally, he wanted to join the navy, but the navy has its own system and system rules. With his strength and age, he is not willing to start as a recruit.

If Dressrosa, the king named Jiang Liu, is really capable, maybe he can give it a try and contribute to the justice of the world.

As time goes by, around the world, discussions about Jiang Liu's fame, the new King Dressrosa, are getting hotter and hotter.

Those who are close are already thinking of ways to move, while those who are far away are more curious and express their envy for everything in this country.

Gradually, another half a month passed.

On this day, the world government issued brand new reward orders to the whole world.

"What? Jiang Liu's bounty has come out, it must be a terrible number, right?"

"The world government has finally made a move. After Jiang Liu became king, it is intriguing to issue this reward order!"

"Does this mean that the world government is going to take action against Jiang Liu and his gang!"

"I heard that in Dressrosa recently, the armed forces of the sea, land and air are very loud, and they seem to be preparing to attack the surrounding islands."

"The merchant ships passing by have seen it, and they already have a strong sea fleet."

"From this point of view, King Dressrosa's ambition is extremely terrifying. But on the other hand, it seems to be a good thing if the system of every country in this world is like Dressrosa's. !"

There was a lot of discussion on the sea, and the bounty offered by Jiang Liu spread to all parts of the world at this moment, arousing everyone's curiosity.

At the same time, the Palace of Dressrosa.

"Your Majesty, the world government has issued a reward order for you!"

"Look at it!"

"The amount is beyond imagination!"

Freya was wearing high heels, wearing black silk, holding a stack of bounty slips in her hand, and said anxiously.

"A reward order?"

Jiang Liu, who was immersed in reviewing documents, raised his head with a smile when he heard the words.

"They finally remembered and issued a reward order for me!"

Crocodile, who put his legs on the table and dozed off against the chair, also opened his eyes.

The Golden Lion Shiji was very curious about this matter, and turned his head to look over it with great interest.

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