Newgate's pupils contracted, filled with disbelief and shock.

Lei Li's expression was startled at first, and then turned into excitement and joy.

Jiang Liu's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on his face.

The sun shone on the visitor, revealing everything about him. He was wearing a coir raincoat, with a slight smile on his face, and a mustache on his lips, which was extremely clear.

"Yo, you're here too! Raleigh, Newgate!"

"long time no see!"

The visitor raised his hand and greeted with a smile.

Then, he looked at Jiang Liu.

"You haven't been here for twenty years, Jiang Liu!"

Jiang Liu smiled slightly: "I won't spend much effort to come here to see a person who should have died!"


"That's right!"

"I am indeed a dead man!"

The man laughed loudly. Although his face was calm, the excitement and joy in his mood were clearly visible.

How can you not be excited?

For a long time, he kept his name incognito. Even though he was alive, he disappeared into this world like a dead person.

Sometimes, he can't even tell whether he is alive or dead.

"Ro, Roger?!"

Pluto Rayleigh said in a trembling voice.

He wasn't sure, because this man had been dead for twenty years in front of the world, and who would believe that he was still alive and well.

Moreover, the disease on his body, even if there was no execution, it is impossible to persist until today.

"Rayleigh, it's me!"

Roger took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Kura la la la la!"

"Jiang Liu, you really did something amazing!"

Whitebeard laughed.

His mood at the moment was also ups and downs. It was not only himself who was lucky to be resurrected, but even Roger, who had died long ago, had been reborn.

"From today, you're in company, Roger!"

Jiang Liu laughed.

"Thank you so much!"

If Roger said meaningfully.

"I killed Newgate specifically for you."


Jiang Liu laughed.

"Brat, no matter how old you are, it's hard to say who will win!"

"You're just taking advantage of your youth!"

Whitebeard said with a cold snort.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"To lose is to lose, Newgate!"

"Since you have already left this world, let's take care of yourselves here in the future!"

"One day, maybe there will be a day for you to shine!"

Jiang Liu said with a smile.

"If it can promote the development of the times, it is not impossible to do our part."

Roger laughed.

Chapter 227 Becoming a King

In front of the cabin, a strong aroma of wine is exuding.

The four of them sat cross-legged in a circle, with a bowl in front of each of them.

"The battle on the top?"

"Twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye. Time seems to be frozen here, but the sea has already changed outside."

Roger sighed softly.

Naturally, he knew about this great battle, and when he went to other towns to buy vegetables with a bamboo pole, he was talking about it everywhere.

When he came back, he passed by Marin Fando, who was on guard with the whole army. Perhaps, that day was before the war?

"What do you want to do next?"


But Baibeard's face sank, and he stared at Jiang Liu who was sipping wine opposite him.

"Do what?"

Hearing this, Jiang Liu put down his wine bowl with a smile on his face.

"It's easy!"

"I want to be king!"

These two words stunned the other three present.

"Become king? What king?"

"I know, you are not interested in One Piece! Brother-in-law!"

Roger laughed loudly, the eight beards trembled.

Jiang Liu glared at Roger before saying in a deep voice.

"Only the king can fight against the king!"

"So, I want to be king!"

"Eight hundred years ago, the world government was established by twenty kings, so I want to destroy them!"

"There must be a new king to build a new world!"

The three of them were taken aback for a moment, and they all became thoughtful. But although they are all well-known pirates, the country is not clear about politics.

"That's what you're going to be, O King!"

Roger sighed.


Jiang Liu nodded.

"Is this a brand new path, innovation, or subversion?"

Roger asked with interest.

Although he doesn't know these things, he has some understanding. Unlike many pirates, they only know how to fight and destroy, and they don't know anything about building.

"Break and then stand!"

"This is the new world!"

Jiang Liu laughed.

Afterwards, he raised the wine bowl on the ground and laughed again.

"Let's not talk about this, anyway, you pirates don't understand!"

"Come and drink!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Roger, Raleigh, and Whitebeard all laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Kula la la la, what you said is right, I just want to protect my sons!"

"What new world, new era, I don't care!"

Immediately afterwards, the four wine bowls collided together, the wine swayed, and laughter continued.

In front of the wooden house, four of the world's top powerhouses gathered together, drinking wine, singing songs, and bragging about their former glory.

Next, no one cares about the world and the future, and no one cares about the new world and the new era that Jiang Liu said.

In the words of Roger, the white beard, that means I'm dead, so why bother with that.

As time passed day by day, both the navy and the pirates fell into a calm state, as if they were facing a war. This big movement made both sides tired.

New World, aboard the Moby Dick.

Even though it has been a month since the top battle, the oppressive and dull atmosphere of the whole regiment still hasn't subsided.

This once powerful, domineering, world-leading royal pirate group seems to be fading day by day, losing their dazzling brilliance.

"Ace, cheer up!"

"What do you think of this look? How disappointed will Dad be if he is still alive?"

Marco, who was holding the wine bottle in his hand, walked behind the figure at the bow and shouted in a deep voice.

Ace is very depressed. He sleeps, drinks, or sits on the bow of the boat, looking at the sea and the sky in a daze.

This appearance is like losing one's soul, and it makes people angry when they see it.

"If Dad can come back to life, I would rather let him down."

Ace sighed.

It has been a month, and many people have cried out their tears, hiding their grief in their hearts, but everyone's depression and negativity are clearly visible.

"And, Marco, even if I don't turn around, I can still smell the wine bottle in your hand."

"Everyone feels the same way!"

Ace said solemnly.

Marco was stunned for a moment, then his face became angry, and he threw the wine bottle in his hand into the sea: "That's absolutely impossible, just let the will down like this!"

"Don't you understand the situation at sea? Ace!"

"The Kaido Pirates and the Bigumamu Pirates are all trying to move us!"

"Cheer up! Our battle is not over yet!"

Ace sighed, but didn't know how to respond to the other party's words.

He really wanted to cheer up and face everything positively. But as long as he thought of his father's death, he felt powerless and helpless.

He wanted to take revenge desperately, but the other party was his own uncle. Who can understand this kind of inner complexity and helplessness?

"Maybe we should go find Jiang Liu, Marco, Ace!"

Joz came over at this moment and said in a deep voice.

"It's been a month, and you should have almost recovered, right?"

"I believe many people have heard the voice of my father at that time, and it is precisely because of this that they will finally cooperate with him."

His words shocked Ace and Marco.

"Whether Dad is dead or not is indeed a mystery!"

"His body was taken away by Jiangliu's people, what exactly is he trying to do?"

"Yes, even if Dad is really dead, his body should be buried by us sons!"

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