"It really makes me regret. But it doesn't matter, when I take everything I deserve, I will avenge my father!"

"Thief ha ha ha ha ha!"

With that said, Marshall Teach laughed again.

"Take action!"

Lafitte laughed.

The number of them now has a certain scale. Especially in the seabed propulsion city, all the criminals rescued were ruthless characters with extraordinary strength.

With the help of these guys, it can be said bluntly that the Blackbeard Pirates are now a pirate group that cannot be ignored.

However, Blackbeard, Van Oka and the others did not notice the expressions of the prison guards and criminals behind them.

"That's the man, the man who fought against the naval hero Garp!"

"Send this bad guy in front of you to save us!"

San Juan Wolf's eyes flickered. He was tall, not inferior to the giants, and even surpassed them. Looking down at the battlefield ahead, his eyes were fixed on Jiang Liu.

"I heard that he defeated Whitebeard, that terrifying man, and beat an admiral to death."

"What a domineering man!"

Beside him, Abaro Pizarro was also staring at Jiang Liu at this time, scanning the entire battlefield, identifying their respective forces.

"It's a villain! Hahahaha!"

"He made the whole Marin Vandor go crazy, what a strong man!"

"It should be fun to follow a guy like this!"

Then, he turned his head to look at Katrin Depen behind him.

"It looks like we should have a wonderful adventure!"

Katrin Depen retracted her eyes: "Coincidentally, I think so too."

At this moment, Shilieu of the Rain next to him exhaled a puff of smoke. Hearing the conversation of these guys, his eyes flickered, and he was keenly aware of the difference.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"Maybe you can take me with you!"

But no one paid any attention to him, just walked forward, Shiryu shrugged his shoulders, and stared at another place, the tall guy who was sneakily holding a trident.

"Even the deputy director ran away!"

"This time, there will be excitement in Jinjin City!"

"I hope Magellan, take good care of yourself!"


On the other side, in a remote corner of Marlin Vanduo, the place is silent, an old man dressed in a red robe, with gray hair tied into braids, and holding an umbrella sword in his hand, is standing in the wind, quietly looking down at the fighting.

"A battle that makes people's hearts boil and excitement."

"What you said is making troubles in the world and innovating everything, does it start from this moment?"

After a pause, Redfield smiled lightly, and his old voice came out with the wind.

"It's really a spectacular scene!"

"But unfortunately, I am currently unable to participate."

Stretching out his right hand, Redfield looked down at his own old, wrinkled, shriveled palm, and shook his head.

He is very clear that with his current physical condition, he cannot participate in this world-class battle.

That would only make people laugh, and with his pride, he couldn't allow such a thing to happen.

"I'll get my strength back, and when that happens, let's meet again."


A gust of wind blew by, and his old figure disappeared.

Not far from Redfield, there is an old man who is also old, but tall, with two horns on his head, overlooking the entire Marin Vandor battlefield, with a flickering face and a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Although I owe you a favor, it is not necessary to pay it back right away!"

"Jiang Liu, I hope we can meet again on the sea in the future!"

Bondi Waldo took another deep look at the figure who was fighting Garp fiercely, and turned and left without hesitation.

Similarly, a tall, burly man with iron and blood aura appeared on the battlefield at this moment.

"I heard that you defeated Raleigh, the king of the underworld, and killed Whitebeard in this battle."

"After Roger, you can already become my new target, Jiang Liu!"

"I will wait for you in the new world, looking forward to our battle!"

Douglas Barrett also turned and left.

This battlefield is too grand, covering an extremely wide area, and extremely chaotic. The appearance of several figures, without revealing themselves, no one paid attention to them at all.

And in their mouths, they all mentioned a man, Jiang Liu.

This also means that even after the war of Marlin Vandor is over, shocking new disturbances will occur in the world in the near future.

Jiang Liu is too eye-catching and dazzling in this war, so it will naturally attract the attention of countless people. In the world, there are too many ambitious and powerful people.

His declaration to the whole world makes some people feel that it is a belief, but it also makes some people feel harsh.

The old era and the new era, gathering and colliding at this moment, will also bloom endless brilliance and light in the future.

But at this moment, Jiang Liu was completely unaware of all this, and all his mind was focused on the enemy in front of him.

The friend who used to be the most familiar, the teacher, has now become the most powerful opponent.

"Karp, this punch is really merciless!"

Jiang Liu ran with both feet, rushed forward, punched Karp on the cheek, and rolled him out.

There were clear bruises on his cheeks.

Although it wasn't as fierce as when he fought with Akainu and Whitebeard, it hurt to the bone, and he kept breathing in the pain.

This is a real injury, and it seems that even the recovery fruit cannot be removed in a short time.

It's outrageous!

Unlike Whitebeard and Akainu, Garp's iron fist hits the body directly and directly hurts, and this is where he is really strong.

Similarly, when he hit with a punch, Garp screamed again and again.

"You really don't respect your seniors at all, it hurts me to death!"

The two faced each other, their eyes met, they were extremely fierce, and they confronted each other.

There is no doubt that this is an uphill battle!

Chapter 210

"Ace, Jiang Liu is fighting Grandpa Garp."

Luffy, who was still surrounded by the navy, stared at the battlefield where the smoke was constantly splashing, and loudly turned towards Ace.

"I saw it! Luffy!"

Ace's eyes flickered, his face heavy.

There are too many contradictions and problems in this war, which makes his mind a mess at the moment.

My uncle fought with Dad, and then with Grandpa Garp. The problems that emerged during the war are too complex to describe.

"What's going on there is out of your control."

"Your main goal now should be to escape the encirclement of the navy."

"Fire Fist Ace, don't let the painstaking efforts of White Beard and Jiang Liu go to waste."

Crocodile waved his hand, and the sand turned into long knives, repelling a group of marines who rushed up in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

The purpose of this war can be said to be very clear, it is for Fire Fist Ace and the destruction of Marin Fando.

Fighting against White Beard, changing sides in front of the whole world, setting off such an unprecedented battle, Jiang Liu has a strong sense of presence.

It can be said that its most direct purpose is to play a role in promoting the greatest degree of influence for future careers.

No one is willing to follow. An unknown organization, whether it is a pirate or a revolutionary army, needs to reach a certain level of reputation and status before people will flock to it.

And to fight against the world government, the whole world needs more troops, more powerful people, more territory, and more financial resources.

The war on the top is just the beginning, and more difficult things are yet to come.


"How will this war end?"

Ace gritted his teeth and growled.

Since the start of the war, whether it is the Whitebeard Pirates or the Navy, the number of casualties on both sides has been increasing at an extremely fast rate.

What falls every moment is a living being.

"After you are rescued, the meaning of this war will naturally disappear!"

"Everything depends on you!"

Crocodile said lightly.

And it is true.

Xu Ye's goal has already been achieved, and Jiang Liu's combat power seems to be still at its peak, but in fact, most of his physical strength has been consumed, and he is close to the limit.

And wanting to completely annihilate Karp, Sengoku, and the navy that still has a large number of troops is tantamount to fantasy.

As long as Fire Fist Ace is safe, the meaning of this war will be lost.

"I see!"

Ace took a deep breath, with flames burning on his body, and continued to run forward.

Marco and the others are also struggling to break out of the encirclement here, trying to join them.

"Boy Jiangliu, with your current strength, I'm afraid it's not enough to subvert the whole world!"

A deep voice came from Garp's mouth.

Hearing this, Jiang Liu's eyes flashed, he punched, collided with the opponent, and then retreated.

The four eyes met, and the two of them had a bruised nose and a swollen face at the moment, looking very embarrassed.

"Oh? What advice do you have?"

he asked aloud.

"It's better than Roger and Whitebeard. They are just peaceful in their field, and they are the emperor and emperor among pirates."

"Why do you want to subvert this world and overthrow everything that has been established?"

Cap whispered.

Jumping with both feet, when the two faced each other again, they appeared in the air, and then their fists collided, and with a bang, the sky shook and rippled.

"You defeated Hades and Whitebeard, so what?"

"They're all old too!"

Jiang Liu's eyes flashed: "It's really not like you to say such a thing, Karp!"

"This old man is more sober than anyone else, and he understands the world very well!"

Cap said.

"If you want to make a change, the first step you need to do is to go beyond!"

"Beyond Roger, beyond Whitebeard, and beyond the Navy!"

"Can you?"

Jiang Liu grinned loudly, his body flickered, and he punched again: "Why not?"

Garp raised his arm to block it, and with a bang, his figure was sent flying by a powerful force.

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