
There was a loud bang, and a surging, terrifying, roaring columnar magma jetted towards the sky. Like a volcanic eruption, an incomparably huge amount of energy poured into the sky at this moment.

The distorted magma column, carrying a large cloud of gray smoke, went straight to the river.

At its tip, you can clearly see Akainu's distorted face and the waving fist.

After two breaths, the two rapidly impacting figures collided fiercely.


The air pressure was suddenly disturbed, distorted ripples radiated towards the surroundings, and then the magma that soared into the sky turned into a ring and hung in the sky.



"Do you think you are invincible?"

The red dog roared, and his fists kept waving out.

Similarly, Jiang Liu's two fists were also attacking fiercely.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

In just an instant, there were tens of hundreds of collisions, and the sound of vibrations could no longer keep up with the speed of the two punches.


Suddenly, Jiang Liu tilted his head, his brow was hit, and his forehead and skull were directly shattered.

His expression remained unchanged, and his punch was also slammed down, hitting Akainu on the nose.


The bridge of his nose collapsed, and his nose was embedded in his face, turning into a puddle of blood.


"I am going to kill you!"

Akainu cried out in pain and screamed.

Chapter 203 Downwind

Like a column of magma reaching the sky, twisting and rushing towards the sky.

High in the sky, two figures were fighting each other brutally.

Yes, for the two of them, this battle can be described as a fight.

It was as if they had abandoned all combat skills and forgotten all combat skills, and they were carrying out the most brutal, brutal, and direct means of attack.

Waving his fists, he roared at the deadly part of the opponent, launching the strongest attack in anger.


Jiang Liu's chest was hit by the magma fist, and a hole was immediately burned out. Fortunately, the depth was not enough, but his heart beating violently could already be seen.

This punch can be called fatal, and it is not far from death if it is placed on an ordinary person.

But the expression on Jiang Liu's face did not change at all, and after a short pause, he punched again. On the edge of the hole in its chest, blood-colored silk threads shot out quickly, intertwined and turned into flesh, cells, skin, refilled and restored.

next second.


Its fist slammed on the opponent's head, and with a click, the red dog's skull shattered, and a white substance flew out.

Immediately afterwards, blood filled the air.


The magma followed closely behind, covering the head, suppressing the fatal injury, and Akainu roared again and again.

pain! It hurts so much!

He is not Jiang Liu, and he has no fighting spirit, so he can't shield the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow.

At this moment, madness completely overwhelmed reason, he wanted to punch and do everything he could to kill this hateful man in front of him.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The fists of the two were almost exchanging at this moment, you punched me, I punched you, and wounds kept appearing on their bodies.

After a while, their shapes began to change and they landed on the ice.

The columnar magma, like a volcano, erupted from a high altitude, fell down, and spread in all directions, causing other people on the battlefield to scream.

"It's like two wild beasts, biting and desperate!"

"It's so brutal, the battle between these two people."

"Jiang Liu is simply the craziest beast. After fighting Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, he can still fight Akainu like this!"

"Such a battle is not good for Akainu, and Jiang Liu's injuries are constantly recovering."

Navy and pirates are all dignified openings at this moment.


Suddenly, there was an explosion, and they turned their heads to look.

Akainu, who was burning with magma, was punched on the ground, blasting out a large number of potholes, and the hot magma splashed, burning out scorched black marks.

"Akainu, you are completely at a disadvantage!"

"Look, one of Jiang Liu's eyes is gone, and half of his face is empty. Could it be that he has reached the limit and cannot recover?"

"Akainu's abdomen, nose, and chest were all fatally wounded!"

"This appearance really makes people worry that they will die there in the next second!"

All the people who watched the battle looked terrified at the moment. Even if they are not the ones fighting, just watching the battle still makes them feel fearful and trembling.


In the distant battlefield, there was another explosion, which made many people's hearts jump.

"It's Shiji the Golden Lion, Marshal of the Warring States Period, Lieutenant General Garp!"

"Their battle has also begun!"

Someone shouted loudly, with tremors in his voice.

On the other side of the battlefield, dust was flying, a large area of ​​ruins collapsed, and a figure was buried.

But soon, loud laughter came out, and then there was a large piece of ruins that exploded and floated into the sky.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"You're really capable, Garp, Sengoku!"

The golden lion floated in the air, and the blond hair danced wildly behind him, grinning.

After raising his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, his hands shook violently.

"Then let's have a good fight!"

"Lion Might Gosho Land Scroll!"

The air trembled suddenly, and a circle of ripples spread, followed by visible to the naked eye, the Marine Headquarters of the Navy, the entire ground hummed, and the ground with a radius of several thousand meters twisted and floated up, turning into a huge lion.

Majestic, majestic, magnificent, majestic.

The gigantic lion stands tall, with a height of nearly a hundred meters, like a huge giant standing upright, roaring up to the sky.

"It's best, don't let me down!"

"Sengoku, Garp!"

The golden lion grinned, his fingers trembling.


The roar of the lion shook the sky, and the huge earth lion strode forward and ran towards the two of them.

"Is that the golden lion?"

"Along with Roger and Whitebeard, one of the three legends!"

"It's too scary, such a powerful attack, it's just like a monster!"

"But what he's facing is Marshal of the Warring States Period and Lieutenant General Garp. If it's them, even the Golden Lion Shiji won't have any chance of winning, right?"

Intensive discussions sounded, and many people were watching the battle.

Meanwhile, the other side.

A dazzling ray of light shines, penetrates the void, and shoots forward. Opposite it, blue electric arcs flickered and meandered forward.

In the blink of an eye, the light collided with the electric light.


The sound of explosion came out, and the void wave was distorted.

"It's quite difficult. The young people nowadays, one after another, are really terrifying!"

A flash of light flashed on the yellow monkey's sunglasses, and he shook his head and sighed.

"Old guy, your strength is not bad!"

"If you are willing to worship under the command of this god, I can give you a chance!"

Enilu said coldly, pointing the golden stick in his hand at the other party.

"It's scary, but it's also arrogant!"

Huang Yuan shook his head, his figure tilted forward, pulling it into a beam of light.

The light shone in the void, and almost instantly, the front of Enilo was already full of light, and a foot emerged.

"You are electricity, I am light."

"Then, let's compare the speed!"

A faint voice sounded, and Huang Yuan kicked down hard with his right foot.

"This **** also has this intention!"

Anilu grinned, and on the long stick in his hand, lightning flashed, and he slammed it to the top of the head.


Light and electricity collide together, bursting out endless sparks and electric current.

After a slight pause, the two flickered again, changed positions, went to another place, and collided again.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Light and electricity collided, flickered, intertwined, one was golden, and the other was blue. At this moment, they all turned into lines, constantly colliding.

Every time there is an impact, the aftermath falls on the ground, exploding large pieces of flame and electric current.

Another corner of the battlefield.

"Portgas D Ace!"

"do not worry."

Slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, Crocodile stared at the nervous and guarded two brothers in front of him, showing a self-conscious smile.

"I am following Jiangliu's order to meet you and rescue you!"

Ace narrowed his eyes and looked the other way.

When he saw the two fighting figures clearly, he was startled again and stood there in a daze.

Crocodile also shifted his gaze, and after a while, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"It seems that his battle is almost over!"

Chapter 204 Another Ice Abyss

"Chi Chi Chi!"

The hot magma dripped on the ice, instantly vaporizing large swaths of ice.

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