The roar sounded, but it was too late.

There were at least forty or fifty warships that fell from a height of 10,000 meters, covering a radius of several thousand meters, and their destructive power and impact were not weaker than meteorites.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The sound of bombing came out one after another, and countless warships fell and bombarded, causing the navy to scream, and also let a trace of haze appear in their hearts.

"How is it? Sengoku, Garp, and the long-lost navy!"

"Are you satisfied with this meeting ceremony?"

With both feet firmly on the ice, the Golden Lion Shiji said with a grin.


Zhan Guo's face was ashen, and his eyes were already full of dignity.

"It seems that we are going to make a move, Garp!"

Garp nodded: "I didn't expect that Jiang Liu even invited him to move!"

"Jie ha ha ha ha ha!"

The golden lion laughed.

"I really like the expressions on your faces at the moment, and your shocked and bewildered expressions!"

After saying this, the golden lion's expression became calm.

"Some people say that a legend means disappearing and falling behind the times."

"But I'm here right now, just to tell you!"

After a pause, the golden lion grinned again, staring straight ahead with sharp eyes.

"Legends are legends!"

"It's never the guys who are just fledglings and think that some achievements and poor names can surpass us, and they can be compared!"

"The old man spent his whole life to achieve a legend."

"It's not for you to surpass in just a few decades or ten years!"

Taking a deep breath, the blond hair danced wildly behind the golden lion and roared suddenly.

"I'm so sorry!"

"I'm here again!"

Chapter 197 All Debuts

The domineering, unruly old voice echoed throughout the entire Marin Vanduo, making the marines look dignified and tense.

There is no doubt that Shiji the Golden Lion is at the same level as Whitebeard.

Moreover, appearing as Jiang Liu's accomplice also put tremendous pressure on all the navy.

Who would have thought that the little Marlin Vanduo would be baptized by two legendary pirates in one day.


Someone even swallowed a mouthful of saliva tremblingly, trembling all over.

"Jiang Liu's accomplice turned out to be the Golden Lion!"

"So, what about the others?"

Someone suddenly asked.

Yes, there are more than one figure standing on the golden boat. The first one to jump off is the golden lion, so who are the others? What kind of identity do you have?

"From today onwards, I don't need to wear this mask anymore!"

The golden boat moved up, the sand drifted, and a deep voice came out. Crocodile took off the mask on his face, revealing his real face.

"It's an honor to be a part of such an event."

Slowly letting out a breath, Crocodile jumped off the golden boat, his robe trembling, and fell down shortly afterwards, standing next to the golden lion Shiji.

"I saw a lot of familiar faces."

Closing his eyes, Crocodile spit out the eye sockets and grinned.

"It's the former Shichibukai, Shakrokdar who was imprisoned in the city of advancement!"

When the navy saw him, their complexions changed.

"Eh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Doflamingo also laughed at this time. He was standing on the left side of the golden lion Shiji, and beside him was Moonlight Moria.

"The world should be shocked at this moment, right?"

Immediately afterwards, a thunderclap sounded in the sky, and the blue arc shot out suddenly, swooping down, and landed next to Doflamingo, drawing a cross-legged suspension in the void, tilting his head to look at the figure in front of him.

"Who is that guy?"

The marines were at a loss and said in doubt.

They didn't know this figure with long earlobes and thunder and lightning around him, but judging by its strength, I'm afraid it was not ordinary.

"It's the one who attacked me in the Chambord Islands!"

"Natural thunder fruit ability user."

A ray of light flashed on the yellow monkey's sunglasses, squinting and said.

Being able to intercept himself, it can be said that the opponent's strength may not be weaker than that of a general, and at least he can entangle them.

"Another figure jumped down!"

"No, it's two ways!"

After a while, there was another exclamation.

A figure appeared on the ice, with a hooked nose and a white dove on his shoulders, filled with a powerful, dark, and icy aura.

The other one looked a little excited, like a fox.

"A traitor to CP9, Rob Lucci?"

"Also, that guy is Foxy, the captain of the Silver Fox Pirates, right?"

The appearance of these two figures was immediately recognized by the navy, and they both said with serious faces.

"I said, I'll be back again!"

"And, it is a gesture that will make you look up!"

Rob Lucci stood there quietly. He seemed taciturn. After scanning around, he stared at a group of people in a certain corner between the battlefield and said indifferently.

His keen sense made him realize that the other party was a person with the same attributes as him, that is to say, the world government had already arranged combat power to hide on this battlefield.

"Hehe, interesting, this CP9 traitor, I haven't seen him for a while, but he has improved a lot."

In the corner, Sen, a man in a black suit and top hat, sneered.

On the other side, Zhan Guo looked gloomy. He stared at the figures on the ice with a heavy heart.

"Even Qi Wuhai, has he been included under his command without knowing it?"

"What time is it?"

Garp also seemed very surprised and surprised: "Golden Lion Shiji, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Moonlight Moria, these guys, have they all cooperated with him?"

"I'm afraid it's not just a partnership, Garp!"

Warring States said in a deep voice.

"Fight with this Newgate guy, are you okay? BOSS!"

Crocodile suddenly grinned and laughed loudly.

“Better than ever!”

Jiang Liu responded with a smile.

After a pause, he looked in the direction of Fire Fist Ace and Luffy again, and suddenly said.

"It's just that I need to trouble you to take care of the private affairs at home."

The corner of Crocodile's mouth curled up, and he took a puff of smoke: "It's a trivial matter, I will take them out of here!"

"Then, everyone!"

Jiang Liu's eyes flashed, and he stared at the red dog who was stepping forward, covered in magma, his eyes were sharp.

"Find your opponent and fight our first battle well!"

In the next second, his feet moved and turned into a stream of light and rushed out.

Akainu also had a ferocious face, outlined in magma, and rushed over with a roar.

"It's just a combination of some old, weak, sick and disabled, defeated soldiers who have been defeated by the navy."

"Where did you get your courage, Jiang Liu!"

The merciless ridicule came out of his mouth, making Jiang Liu grin and his eyes turned cold.

"Your mouth is still as smelly as ever!"


The long knife was shaken, and it was wrapped in armed domineering, and then collided with its magma fist fiercely, making a deafening explosion sound.


The magma surged and dripped on the ice, burning and vaporizing a large white mist.

On the other side, Huang Yuan pulled his hands, and Tian Congyun Sword emerged from his hands, and then his body turned into a golden light, and rushed towards the river.

But before his figure came, he stopped there suddenly, because at some point in front of him, there was already a figure wrapped in lightning.


After biting off a third of the apple in one bite, Enilu turned the long stick in his hand, pointed it forward, and grinned.

"You are very lucky to be picked by this god!"

A light flashed on the yellow monkey's sunglasses: "It's really scary, that's really my honor."

In the next second, a thunderbolt flashed in the air, a golden light cut through, and collided fiercely. After a slight pause, there were countless lightning bolts again, the light interlaced and collided, and a series of flames exploded.

On the other side of the battlefield, Aokiji also stopped walking.

"It seems that you have also judged the original camp, Brother Doflaming."

Staring slightly, Qingzhi let out a breath and said lightly.

"This is not a judgment call, General Aokiji!"

"After all, I'm not from your navy!"

"And Jiang Liu is my dear uncle!"

Doflamingo grinned.

His hands and five fingers spread out, and there was a sudden tremor. The sharp line cut through Qingzhi's neck at some point, making his eyes startled, the head separated from the body, and fell heavily on the ice, breaking into a pile of ice piece.

"It seems."

"We all underestimated your strength!"

"You hide very deeply."

The ice cubes gathered again and turned into the figure of Aokiji, and dignified words came out of his mouth.

Chapter 198


Doflamingo raised his eyebrows, flashed a light in his sunglasses, and grinned.

"You don't even know what kind of power Uncle Jiang Liu possesses!"

"He can change the world."

With a flash of his figure, his five fingers spread out, and the transparent lines quickly intertwined, covering his right hand, and then, Aokiji, who was waving an ice saber towards the front, grasped it.

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