Marlin Vanduo behind it, a large building, is stirring up dust at this moment, smashing, collapsing, and shaking constantly.


Jiang Liu was startled for a moment, then laughed.

"It's more fun!"

In the next second, his feet stepped on the void suddenly, and his figure moved suddenly, as if he jumped from one dimension to another.


White Beard's pupils shrank, and in a blink of an eye, he saw that the other party had come to his side.

Chapter 187 The Cruelty of Battle

The extreme speed can penetrate almost everything! It is also the most difficult attack in the world to defend against!

At that moment of pulling, even the space was tilted, showing a layered appearance, as if divided into several dimensional spaces.

But Jiang Liu jumped across such a dimension in milliseconds.

Crisp and neat, simple and direct, the moment his figure appeared, his right foot kicked out fiercely.


This kick hit Whitebeard's raised right arm under conditioned reflex.

The huge body was thrown flying in an instant, rolling on the ice surface one after another, flying nearly three thousand meters before stopping.


On the battlefield, there was another nervous exclamation.

But Jiang Liu's attack still did not stop.

As soon as his right foot stepped on the ground, the distance of 100 meters was crossed in an instant, leaving a series of sonic boom sounds and sonic boom fluctuations behind him.

In the blink of an eye, he came before Whitebeard again.

"Jiang Liu!!"

A deep roar sounded, and Whitebeard raised his fist and hammered down hard.


Speed ​​and strength collided at this moment, and Whitebeard's body trembled violently. After the two of them had a meal, they quickly backed up again.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

After his body stagnated, Whitebeard suddenly shook his body, bent over and spit out a large amount of blood, which stained the broken ice under his feet red.

This scene caused countless people on the battlefield to stare sideways.

The navy's eyes flickered, and the pirates changed their colors one after another.

"Hurry up and break through here!"

"Father, I'm afraid I won't last long!"

Marco gritted his teeth, retracted his gaze, and roared loudly.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

It was also at this time that a huge figure appeared from behind the pirate, stomping on the ground and walking towards here.

"It's Oz!"

"He's finally here!"

"As long as we break through this city gate, we can rescue Ace!"

The roar was deafening, resounding one after another in the sky above Marin Fando.

The pirate's aura was even higher because of Whitebeard's vomiting blood and injuries. In the next time, they began to attack the square frantically.

"Kula la la la!"

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, White Beard's mental state seemed to be stronger and higher.

He didn't observe the battle of his subordinates anymore, all his energy was concentrated on the man directly opposite him.

There is no doubt that this is a pinnacle duel.

For him, it was also the few times in his life that he was able to fight with all his strength and made his blood boil.

"Roger, Shiki, Sengoku, Garp, Zefa."

"And you, I have fought against many strong people in my life."

Sighing, White Beard took a deep breath, and his face became sharp again.

"But, only you, Jiang Liu!"

"At this moment, not far from the end of life, it made me feel alive again."

"It made me feel the joy of fighting as a warrior and a pirate!"

After the words fell, his feet suddenly stepped on the ground and he ran wildly.

"Old man!"

"A new era must be left behind for my sons and daughters!"

"This battle."

"Either I die, or you die!"

A majestic, domineering, and terrifying aura rose from White Beard's body at this moment.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The footsteps stepped on the ice, making a dull sound, but it seemed to be stepping on everyone's heart, making them feel suffocated.


"A stimulating sensation that makes the scalp tingle."

"The sense of urgency hovering on the edge of life and death with every blow."

"The sense of loss of life where blood is dripping all the time."

"This is also the most peak and most brutal duel!"

"This is the real, brutal battle!"

Jiang Liu slowly raised his head, stepped on the ground suddenly, a piece of ice shattered, and his figure shot out suddenly.

"Human beings are such cruel animals!"

The two figures approached quickly, and the white beard was obviously slow, but it was powerful and powerful, as if a mountain was moving.

Jiang Liu turned into a streamer, and in the blink of an eye, he could span a distance of a thousand meters, which was unbelievably fast.

"Reaching such a speed with the physical body is really impressive, and it is full of powerful shock!"

"General Jiang Liu, you are really scary!"

The yellow ape's eyes flickered, and he murmured.

Many people were paying attention to this battle, and they clearly recognized the horror of these two people on the battlefield.


In the blink of an eye, the two collided fiercely.

Jiang Liu's right fist hit Baibeard's chin, and the violent force erupted suddenly. The columnar shock wave passed through his head and shot backward, blasting the ice surface into a bottomless crater.

"Tick tock!"

Blood was streaming down, White Beard's face was cold, and half of his jaw was twisted, but he didn't seem to feel any pain.

At the same time, his fist also hit Jiang Liu's nose.


The shock wave just erupted at this moment, Jiang Liu's nose collapsed directly, his teeth were also shattered, and a large amount of blood was thrown out, and then burned into a blood mist in an instant.


Many people gasped and shuddered.

After another light pause, the bodies of the two flew out in opposite directions, rolled quickly on the ice surface, and flew with full force, retreating several thousand meters.

But soon, they jumped up again and rushed towards each other.

"Four speeds!"

Jiang Liu roared, and his speed increased by another level.

Naturally, he could tell that the old man with the white beard had already started desperately.

This menacing appearance came from the desire to fight off his madness even if he died.


Whitebeard also let out a low growl.

The wind blew overhead, and the two collided again.

But this time, the fist that Whitebeard swung missed, his body shook and his eyes shrank.

Looking down suddenly, he saw Jiang Liu's figure had appeared in his abdomen, his fist was clenched, and he punched out.


A powerful force hit his abdomen, and a columnar shock wave pierced through his body, rushed to the sky, and pierced a cloud.

White Beard's body shook, his eyes fluctuated slightly, and the light became brighter.


After a soft murmur, he opened his mouth, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth onto the ground.

With the strength of Jiang Liu's punch, all kinds of organs under his abdomen might be crushed.


Jiang Liu roared loudly.

When Whitebeard heard it, his eyes sharpened sharply, and his big fan-like hand suddenly stretched out, grabbing the opponent's head.

The speed of this grip was incredible, and even Jiang Liu couldn't dodge it.


There was a roar, and the white beard's eyes were burning with flames, shining brightly and brilliantly.

"We must rescue Ace!"


"Let this old man risk his life!"

"Open a door to a new era for you!"

Suddenly, Baibeard threw his right hand, and Jiang Liu's body was thrown up.

Then, he clenched his other hand tightly, and with a bang, the shock wave wrapped around it.


"you're right!"

"In this era, there is no boat to carry me!"

"Then it's up to you to take this last journey with me!"

"Jiang Liu!!"

The roar resounded through Marin Fando, and White Beard threw out a punch, hitting Jiang Liu's abdomen heavily.


The glass shattered, and countless cracks radiated out around Jiang Liu's body.

Chapter 188

Fragmentation! Fragmentation! Fragmentation! !

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