
"Come with me to rescue Ace!"

Seeing their father entering the arena, the pirates were all excited at this moment, their morale was boosted, and they raised their weapons and rushed forward bravely.


"Rescue Ace!"

On the battlefield, the shouts of killing were once again deafening.


White Beard took a deep breath, held the knife in both hands, and looked at the navy in front.

Suddenly, he swung his knife and stood up.


The air trembled, and the slash rushed into the crowd. With a bang, hundreds of marines were sent flying into the sky, screaming.

This shocking scene made countless people tremble.

Whitebeard's attack was too destructive.

The elites of the Hundred Battles Navy, the lowest being officers at the school level, are like cut grass in front of the opponent, powerless to resist.

"Stop him!"

"So many people, so many troops, even if it is exhausted, he will be exhausted!"

The general officers were imposing, but still fierce, and roared loudly.

They are very clear about the significance of this war. The key to victory is naturally the man in front of him.

"Is General Jiang Liu really gone?"

But on the battlefield, there are still voices of despair.

General Jiang Liu, who defeated Pluto Rayleigh, undoubtedly became the idol, belief, and even spiritual support in the hearts of many soldiers.

But as the other party fell into the bottomless ice abyss, their beliefs also collapsed.

"Shut up for me!"

"Whether he is here or not, this battle has to continue."

"Pick up your spirits for me!"

Soon, someone slapped the heads of those who had lost their fighting spirit and shouted loudly.

Then, staring at the white beard in front of them, they took a few deep breaths and clenched their weapons tightly.

"Come on for me!"

At this moment, the overwhelming navy charged towards the white-bearded figure ahead.


"For justice!"

"For justice!"

At this moment, neat slogans resounded in the sky of Marin Fando. The navy surged forward like ants.

"Get out of here!"

Whitebeard roared quickly, and Cong Yunqie swung the naginata in his hand.


Shock waves swept across, and hundreds of people flew into the sky, flying towards the rear.

"Rescue Ace!"

With a body of 6.66 meters, he rampaged like an iron tower. Under the leadership of Whitebeard, Marco and others roared loudly and rushed forward quickly.

Seeing this scene, Ace's expression changed and his eyes lit up.

"You don't really have illusions about yourself escaping from here, do you? Ace!"

Zhan Guo noticed, and said in a deep voice.

Ace was silent and didn't respond.

"You don't know your father's physical condition, and you don't know anything about your uncle's strength!"

Warring States said lightly.

"What's the meaning?"

Hearing this, Ace raised his head and asked loudly.

"Jiang Liu, he is far from using his full strength."

Raising his head, Zhan Guo looked at the ice abyss.

"When he appears on the battlefield again, you will be able to see his true strength."

After a pause, the tone of Warring States was suddenly filled with complicated emotions.

There is awe, there is wonder, and there is also a trace of regret.

"That's a terrifying strength that can fight Roger."

Ace was shocked, and his eyes fixed on the place where Bing Yuan was.

The cold wind was blowing, and nothing was seen, only the ice chips were swirling with the wind. It was as if Jiang Liu was thrown into the abyss by his father's punch and disappeared.

"Whitebeard enters the battlefield at this time, fighting with all his strength, advancing."

The voice of the Warring States came into his ears.

"It is also because he deeply knows the horror of Jiang Liu that he wanted to let his sons, the Pirates, break through further here before that."

"The reason is to increase the chances of saving you!"

The flat tone mixed with admiration made Ace's pupils shrink, and he stared at the old man in the field who was facing the siege of more than a dozen general-level officers.



On the battlefield, White Beard shouted loudly, and waved Cong Yunqie in his right hand.

The general-level officer who charged up suddenly spurted blood, his bones and muscles were all shattered, and he flew upside down.

Immediately afterwards, Whitebeard waved his left fist forward again.


Hundreds of meters ahead, the ice shattered, and a large piece of navy was thrown into the sky, screaming.

"The Whitebeard Pirates are about to break through the inner bay and enter the port!"

"As long as they rush through that gate, they will be very close to the execution platform!"

A nervous yell sounded.

Akainu, who had been sitting on the chair, looked down and frowned.

Suddenly, he stood up and swung his right fist.

The hot magma spread towards the void in the blink of an eye, outlining the shape of a huge fist like a meteorite.


"call out!"

There was an ear-piercing whistling sound, and the fist of meteorite magma rushed towards Whitebeard.


A pirate reminded loudly.

The white beard who had just been besieging the pirates flew up, panting slightly, looked up at the magma fist above his head, and suddenly grinned.

"Boy, you magma, you only deserve some birthday candle fireworks!"

It raised its long knife and shook it towards the sky.

The magma fist shattered instantly, turning into countless sparks and falling down.

At the same time, under the ice abyss.

Jiang Liu slowly raised his head, his eyes gleamed, and his whole body buzzed with vigor, the blue mist turned into a deep red blood mist the next moment.

"The eighth door, the door of death!"


Chapter 182 The Sudden Reinforcement


The sound of shouting and killing resounded through the sky, and bright red blood rushed out of his body all the time, splashing on the cold ice.

The temperature in the sky above Marin Fando has dropped below zero due to the large area of ​​freezing, but the air is full of hot emotions.

The Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, are roaring and charging bravely towards the harbor ahead.

In order to rescue the captain of the second squad, Fire Fist Ace, and also for the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates in this world.

No one can survive in this world safe and sound after offending them.

This is the glory carried by the name of the Whitebeard Pirates!


The void trembled, and terrifying shock waves radiated forward. The harbor mouth formed by countless hard granite rocks was shaken out of countless cracks in an instant.

"Rush in and save Ace!"


White Beard's tall body stands in the center of the battlefield, his whole body is majestic, and no one can stop his progress.

Around it, there are pirates with crazy faces and excitedly charging forward.

With such an old man Luezhen, their charge has undoubtedly become easier.

In just a few minutes, the Whitebeard Pirates, under the leadership of Marco, stepped onto the inner bay port of Marin Fando.

"Come on! We are only one step away from the execution platform!"

"Where is Oz, break through the city gate!"

"Rescue Ace! Attack Marlin Vandor!"

"Papa is invincible!"

The excited shouts resounded over Marin Fando, and the pirates forcibly tore a hole in the defense of the Navy headquarters.

In such a large-scale battle, being torn apart means that the situation of the war is changing.

"The situation is not good, Garp!"

Lieutenant General He said in a deep voice.

Her eyes were fixed on the center of the battlefield, and the huge figure with the crescent-shaped white beard above the lips frowned.


Garp whispered, his eyes flickering.

At this moment, even I don't know what the mood of this naval hero is.

Contradictory, yet complex.

Standing in the naval camp, he naturally does not want the Whitebeard Pirates to succeed, but from the standpoint of his relatives, he hopes that Ace can be rescued.

"What the **** is Jiang Liu doing?"

"Didn't he say he would save Ace?"

"But until now, we haven't seen any action from him."

Muttering in his heart, Garp clenched his fists subconsciously.

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