At the same time, the berserk momentum was crushed away in a mighty way, and ripples spread out in circles above the ice surface.

"It's domineering and domineering!"

Marco yelled.

"Plop, plop!"

The pirates close to the river couldn't bear the impact of this pressure, one by one, foaming at the mouth, and slowly fell to the ground.

"Get out of the way!"

"You can't stop this man!"

At this moment, Whitebeard held the naginata Cong Yunqie and stepped forward.

After three steps, he started to run wildly, powerful and domineering.

Chapter 172 Get Out

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The ice surface was shaking, Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the world, with a white beard and a height of 6.66 meters, moved at this moment.

Like a giant mac, it seems to have a rampant feeling, giving people a great sense of oppression.

"The strongest man in the world is running towards General Jiang Liu!"

When the navy saw this scene, they were all shocked, and their hearts were pounding.

Excitement, irritation, and scalp numbness filled their bodies, making them tremble uncontrollably.

There is no doubt that the collision of these two people is absolutely world-class! Moreover, it is still the most powerful one in the world.

Such a battle, even if it spans an era, is probably rare.

"White beard!"

On the execution platform, Zhan Guo murmured, his eyes solemn.


Under the execution platform, Garp clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

Marco was in the air, flapping his wings and swooping down, heading straight for the fast-moving figure below.

A blue flame was burning, and a powerful aura permeated his whole body. Suddenly his figure flickered, and he had already reached Jiang Liu's head.

"Don't think about fighting our king so easily, try my strength first!"


With a loud shout, Marco turned around and kicked his right foot hard.

"Phoenix seal!"

This is a tactic that kicks the general Huang Yuan away with one kick, and it is extremely powerful.

Jiang Liu looked up, saw that it was Marco, and immediately grinned.

With both arms in front of him, the muscles all over his body trembled at this moment.

"Iron block!"

Also at this moment, Marco's right foot fell **** his shoulder.


The ice surface was shaken, and it was torn apart in an instant, and Jiang Liu's body was drawn backwards on the ice surface like an arrow.

After stopping, Jiang Liu smiled, stretched out his hand to gently pat the dust off his shoulders, and looked at the body in front of him.

"Twenty years ago, that young and immature boy has grown into a worthy general now!"


Marco looked serious: "Let me see the gap between you and me now!"

The blue flames around him burned again, and he leaned forward, about to charge up again.

But at this moment, the golden light above his head flickered suddenly.


There was an ear-piercing whistling sound, and the golden laser beam shot down, blocking the front of Marco in an instant.

"Yellow ape!"

As soon as his complexion changed, Marco retreated and wrapped himself with wings.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions sounded, and a large area of ​​flames blasted away the nearby pirates, and countless potholes appeared on the ice.


When the flames dissipated, a sharp bird song sounded, and Marco, with blue flame wings flashing sharp eyes, went straight to the golden figure in the sky.

"General Jiang Liu."

"Whitebeard is in your hands!"

"Leave this terrifying team leader to me to deal with!"

The yellow ape's voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a bang was heard, and a circle of ripples spread out from the sky, and the strong wind howled and blew in all directions.

"Have you started contributing too, Polusalino?"

Jiang Liu smiled.

He raised his foot and was about to move forward again, but at this moment, a burly figure stepped on the side, bent down suddenly, and inserted his hands into the ice.


With a low growl, his arms were raised violently.

"Crack, wipe!"

Cracks on the ice surface quickly emerged, forming a ring shape, and after a loud shout, the man lifted the huge ice cube with a radius of a kilometer high.

"It's Diamond Jozy!"

"What terrible wrist strength!"

The marines looked at this scene and shouted in shock.

Even Aokiji, Akainu, Sengoku and others stared slightly with serious eyes.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the Whitebeard Pirates, the captain-level existences are all monsters with powerful strength.

"Taste my strength, Jiang Liu!"

With a loud roar, Diamond Joz threw the huge ice cube in his hand viciously.


In an instant, a huge shadow surrounded Jiang Liu's head.


Slowly raising his head, looking at the huge block of ice above his head, he suddenly grinned and laughed.

Such a scene is somewhat familiar. He also used this trick when he was fighting Rayleigh.

His knees were bent, his body sank, and a whirlwind swirled around his feet. Then, Jiang Liu exhaled slowly.


The ice surface under his body was all shattered, and the fine cracks quickly radiated towards the distance.


The faintness is getting bigger and bigger, the heavy air pressure, the crushed people can feel the smell of suffocation.

Suddenly, Jiang Liu clenched his fist and swung it towards the top of his head.

"Collapse the mountain!"


The air vibrates and collapses at a speed visible to the naked eye. Also at this moment, a huge iceberg fell and collided with its fist.

At this moment, the iceberg paused and stood still.

Seen from a distance, Jiang Liu's tiny body seemed to hold the iceberg a thousand times bigger than him just like that.


Suddenly, there was a crisp breaking sound.

"Crack, wipe!"

Immediately afterwards, fine cracks quickly appeared on the iceberg, and finally shattered into countless falling ice shards with a bang.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

When the ice shards flew down from the sky, there was also a loud roar.

Jiang Liu narrowed his eyes, and saw Diamond Qiaozi waving his fist, jumping down high and punching him.

"Let me see how you have grown!"

"A boy worth tens of thousands of dollars!"

With a grin, Jiang Liu's face showed a ferocious look.

"Worth ten thousand gold?!"

Diamond Joz was taken aback, then roared angrily.

"I've never liked such a nickname!"

On the ice, Jiang Liu clenched his right hand into a fist, and Liu Ying covered it domineeringly, with streaks of purple-red electric current flickering.

"bring it on!"

With a loud shout, he looked up at the Diamond Jozzy who was covered in diamonds all over his body.

"call out!"

As if a meteor hit the earth, Diamond Qiaoz came with a punch and collided with his fist fiercely.


The air waves rolled and rushed around, and under Jiang Liu's feet, fine cracks visible to the naked eye spread out.

Diamond Joz, who swooped down, paused in the air, his eyes showing shock.

"what happened?"

"Jiang Liu, unscathed!"

"The punch of the captain of the third squad, with such terrifying wrist strength, was blocked by the punch!"

The pirates were shocked, they are very clear about the power of Diamond Jozi!

"Are they evenly matched?"

Someone said solemnly.

But soon, there were voices of loud and shocking disapproval.

"No! No, Captain Joz is injured!"

Everyone looked together, and sure enough, they found a smear of blood on the corner of Diamond Qiaozi's mouth.

"Go away, Joz!"

"You are not good enough!"

"Let Whitebeard come!"

Jiang Liu grinned, his right hand shook suddenly, and the majestic force rushed out again.

Diamond Qiaozi let out a cry of pain, was sent flying by the punch, and fell into the crowd.

At this moment, the audience was silent.

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