"Yes, burning life, a battle of the spirit, facing an unkillable monster like Jiang Liu, even if it is the king of the underworld, Lei Li."

After a pause, Huang Yuan sighed.

"It's perfectly normal to end up like this."

At this time, Akainu spoke again in a deep voice.

"It's just that the two who snatched Lei Li's body still need to pay attention."

"Their strength is definitely not weak!"

Hearing this, Warring States also turned serious.

A guy who can **** something from a general is certainly extraordinary. What's more, one of them even showed the characteristics of the natural thunder fruit.

"The thunderous fruit is one of the most powerful fruits in nature. What kind of person has obtained this fruit."

he murmured.

"Who knows."

Aokiji shrugged and replied lazily.

At the same time, Chambord Island, a secluded coast.

"Get out of here."

Corazon pointed to the small boat on the shore, and then glanced at the big box in the hands of the two men, his eyes full of surprise.

He saw clearly just now that the box contained an old man, and as expected, it was Rayleigh, the king of the underworld.

How dare they **** the legendary deputy of One Piece and put it in a box.

"Then, thank you very much!"

"When we reach the surface of the sea, our people will respond!"

"So farewell!"

Rob Lucci said out loud.

Then he turned and boarded the boat, Kaku paddled, and the boat left quickly.

"Is this all arranged by Uncle Jiang Liu?"

"It's so bold and confusing!"

Corazon watched the boat and sighed softly.

Chapter 146 What Are You Going To Do?

The boat made ripples on the sea, neither fast nor slow.

Rob Lucci was sitting on the box, and Kaku was rowing quietly, neither of them made any sound or communicated.

An hour later, when the ship sailed into the target location, Kaku let go of the oars, threw it aside, and looked up at the sky.

"Haven't they arrived yet?"

Lu Qi nodded: "It seems so! We came early."

"It shouldn't be, when the yellow ape moved, the thunder light was sent by Enilo, right?"

Kaku said.

"That's right! It's him."

Lu Qi said.

"By the way, is Pluto Raleigh still alive?"

Kaku asked curiously again.

"He was originally dead, but after I saved him, for some reason, he regained his breath."

"current state."

After a pause, Lu Qi said in a deep voice.

"It's a serious injury!"

"But it is not certain whether he can survive in the end."

Kaku showed a surprised expression on his face: "It's still alive!"

Just as he was speaking, a shadow suddenly enveloped his head. The two looked up, and saw a large golden ship flying fast, with lightning flashing all over it, and it soon reached above their heads.


Rob Lucci stood up and carried the box on his shoulders.

Then, his knees were slightly bent, and he jumped up suddenly. Stepping on the air with both feet, he quickly moved towards the golden boat above his head.

At this time, the atmosphere on the Ark Proverbs was also strange.

Ainilu's face was cold, staring at the man with three knives and green hair on top of his head, his eyes flickered.

He didn't know why, but this guy suddenly appeared on his boat. What made him even more troubled was that after telling Jiang Liu, he didn't let him make a move.

Instead, he wanted to keep this green algae boy on board.

"Ai, Enel!"

Roronoa Sauron was shocked, and looked nervously at the man standing in front of him.

He did not expect that after being slapped flying by Bartholomew Xiong, he did not die, but left the Chambord Islands.

The bubbles brought him to a place far away from Chambord, and then it shattered with a bang, landing on this huge golden ship.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the familiar guy in front of him.

The relationship between the two is definitely an enemy rather than a friend, and the scene of Sky Island himself falling under the opponent's hand is even more vivid.

"Why are you here?!"

Sauron asked loudly.

Behind him, the silver fox Foxy blinked and stared at the green algae head in front of him.

"A mere mortal, what qualifications do you have to ask this god?"

Enil Road said coldly.

"Get me out of here!"

Sauron took a deep breath and said loudly.


Anilo directly refused.

The two had just fought each other, and the outcome was obvious. At this time, Sauron's whole body was pitch black, and he had fainted three times.

Not everyone can bear the blow of high-voltage lightning.

"Damn, what the **** are you going to do?"

Sauron gritted his teeth and asked.

He also recognizes the ship under his feet. It is the Proverb that Sky Island saw. Now it is obviously very mature and can easily float above the sky.

If he wanted to leave here, he had to wait for the boat to stop on the ground before he had a chance.

What was even more outrageous was that in front of him was his former enemy.

"Someone wants you to stay."

"Otherwise, do you think you can still live to talk to me now?"

Enil Road said coldly.

At this moment, on the side of the ship, the airflow oscillated, and two figures fell one after another.

Rob Lucci put the box on the deck.

"It seems that your mission is complete, No. 5!"

Enilu didn't want to pay attention to Sauron anymore, turned his head to look at Lu Qi in black robe, and asked with a smile.


"It's also thanks to your shot."

"Otherwise, facing the general, if you want to leave, it will not be so easy!"

Lu Qi said.

Afterwards, he looked to one side, and when he saw Sauron, his gaze froze.

"Roronoa Zoro?"

"Why is he here?"

When he saw the two of them on No. 5, Sauron was also shocked: "You are the two guys at the auction!"

He had noticed these two people before, hiding in a corner, looking very mysterious.

"Who are you?"

"Damn it, who the **** are you guys?"

Sauron was in a mess and couldn't understand that there would be Enel and strange mysterious people on this ship.

"I'm even more puzzled when you appear on our boat."

"Roronoa Zoro."

Rob Lucci said lightly, taking off the mask on his face.

The same is true for Kaku next to him, looking at Sauron with undisguised hostility.

"It's you!"

After seeing the faces of the two, Sauron's body shook and his eyes shrank.

He felt that these two guys were inexplicably familiar, but he didn't expect that they were his former enemies.

At this moment, Sauron's heart sank even deeper.

I met an unmatched general before, I thought I had escaped from birth, but I met my former mortal enemy again.

"A game of death!"

Sauron sighed in his heart, already desperate.

"I don't know, he just appeared here out of nowhere."

"I originally wanted to kill him directly, but the boss refused."

Enel shook his head.


Rob Lucci was slightly taken aback.

But soon, his expression returned to normal, and he opened the box in front of him again, revealing the Pluto King Leili lying there, motionless, with only his eyes rolling.

"Is this your mission this time?"

"He seems to be alive!"

Anilo looked curiously.

"The old man was indeed dead."

"But it came back to life, but now, it's just a sigh of relief."

What surprised them even more was that the old man lying in the box actually spoke.

Rob Lucci dragged it out of the box: "Perhaps, he saved you."


"That guy's behavior is really incomprehensible."

Lei Li sighed softly, with a complex expression on his face.

He knew very well that he was really dead at that moment. But for some reason, it came back to life.

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