The more crazy the fighting spirit, the infinite self-healing, the indestructible body that can't even be killed, the terrifying swordsmanship achievement, and the abnormal monster physique.

In addition to the other party, the legendary day tiger state that has not yet been shown at this time.

This kind of river flow is simply invincible.

Who can fight it? Who can win?

Lei Li's thoughts changed, he took a deep breath, his body sank slightly, and his mental state became extremely cohesive.

"Roger can fight him."

"Whitebeard can fight him too!"

"I can do the same!"

He murmured that the state of his old body seemed to have reached some kind of sublimation at this moment, reaching its peak.

"We can't fight a war of attrition with him!"

"Even Roger can't stand the long battle!"

"I can only use my strongest strength to kill him in a short time!"

Lei Li's eyes were fixed, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

Who would dare to fight a war of attrition with the unkillable Jiang Liu?

In the next second, Lei Li's body jumped up suddenly, pulling out a long line, and heading straight for the river.

"Hoo hoo!"


The wind blew, and the sky was thunderous.

Sensing the aura of the two of them, the sky changed at this moment, as if they were trembling and trembling.

Not to mention, the civilians on the island.

Everyone was running away in a panic, scrambling to rush to the port. Such a scene, even the navy can't stop it.


In the next second, there was a shocking sound from the center of the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, there was a terrifying impact ripple that rolled out. The strong wind was blowing above everyone's heads, and the oppressive and dull atmosphere enveloped the dome.

The two knives sizzled, and after a two-second stalemate, Lei Li stared.

"Don't underestimate me!"


The blades collided, and a terrifying force attacked, Jiang Liu's body shook, and then flew out like a shell.

"This is a battle where the old man is going all out!"

"Just take your normal state?"

Lei Li's voice came out, and his figure flew, chasing after Jiang Liu's flying figure at top speed.


"Although you are old, you have strength!"

"It didn't disappoint me at all!"

The sound of Jiang Liu came from the smashed ruins, and the next second, with a bang, sand and stones flew, and his figure stepped out.

One step opens the door, three steps open the door, nine steps open the scene door.

The green energy rushed to the top of the head, and the black hair was twisted at this moment, and his face was also reflected in a ferocious and crazy way.

Ten steps later, Jiang Liu swung his saber to face Lei Li who was rushing up.


The two knives collided, creating more terrifying ripples, which radiated to the farther sea surface in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the sea area around the Chambord Islands was boiling.

Chapter 137 We Are Just Here to Collect the Corpse


The waves rolled and slapped away towards the distance, and in the blink of an eye, they diffused into the distance. Above the sky, dark clouds gathered, and thunder and lightning rumbled alternately.


"Their battle makes even the sky fear!"

"Is this the battle of world-class powerhouses?"

"It's like the end of the world is coming!"

Everyone was trembling and fearful, and even more shocked by the two people who were fighting on the island.

"woo woo woo woo!"

The strong wind was howling, sweeping across the entire sky, blowing on the island, flowers, plants and trees fluttering left and right, rolling up the dust on the ground.


Thunder rumbled, shaking the entire island flickering.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, accompanied by a bright lightning bolt, it struck the roof of a building, and heavy rain poured down.

The sound of pearls and jade falling into the plate, crackling sounded. The Chambord Islands, as well as the surrounding sea, ushered in an unprecedented storm.

It's like, the sky is crying in fear at this moment.

Meanwhile, Mary Gioia.

"What did you say?"

"Jiang Liu and Pluto Rayleigh started a war in the Chambord Islands?"

Zhan Guo, who had just heard the news, suddenly changed his complexion, followed by fine sweat oozing from his forehead.

"Yes, Marshal, the battle is very fierce!"

"The war even triggered changes in the sky, and the entire island was shrouded in their terrifying aura."

"Now, under the order of General Huang Yuan, the navy is quickly transferring the civilians and nobles in their combat area."

"In addition, Drago, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, also appeared in the Chambord Islands and restrained General Huang Yuan!"

The navy who came to report the news looked extremely serious.

Whether it is the battle between General Day Tiger and Pluto Rayleigh, or the sudden appearance of Drago, they are all quite important events.

"are you crazy?"

"Jiang Liu actually chose to attack Lei Li at this time!"

"What a lunatic!"

Zhan Guo's face changed, and he shouted.

"The two legendary battles, what should we do?"

"At present, it seems that, except for the general, everyone else can't get involved."

The officer said in a low voice.

"I thought he would calmly wait for the war to come and fight Whitebeard."

"But I didn't expect this guy to be so crazy that even Raleigh, the king of the underworld, would not let him go!"

Zhan Guo suddenly sighed and said helplessly.

"How much resentment does he have for the Roger Pirates!"

Just then, the phone on the table in front of him rang.

The officer was slightly startled, and looked at Warring States.

"Come on, it's time to see what they think."

Warring States replied.

The officer nodded, then connected to the phone bug.

Suddenly, the phone number on the table changed into an old and majestic appearance.

"I think, you should have received the news, Warring States!"

An old voice came out.

"Jiang Liu and Pluto Rayleigh fought in the Chambord Islands. I just want to hear your opinions on this matter."

Warring States said in a deep voice.

Who could it be if it wasn't the five old men who came here at this time?

"Rayleigh, the king of the underworld, is the remnant of the Roger Pirates."

"Isn't it the responsibility of your navy to catch pirates?"

The old voice came out, and the meaning in the words was also obvious.

"You mean, take this opportunity to capture Hades Rayleigh?"

Warring States said in a deep voice.

"Since Jiang Liu is happy to fight such a guy, he has already triggered the current situation."

"Take this opportunity to end the remnants of these pirates, isn't it the best choice?"

The old man said lightly.

"There are still some nobles on the island."

Warring States said.

"The world government will assist the navy to quickly evacuate the people on the island."

"This is an opportunity, Sengoku."

"Since he is willing to take the lead, then we should also have the courage to start a war!"

The cold voice echoed, and Sen Guo's eyes became sharper.

"It coincides with my opinion."

"As long as you can solve the troubles of those world nobles."

"Navy will have no more obstacles!"

Hearing this, the voice from the phone bug spread quickly.

"Let go and do it!"

"In this matter, our goals are the same."

Then, the phone bug hung up.

The room was peaceful, and the officer felt a little suffocated at this moment.

He knew very well that in just a few words just now, a major event that was about to happen was settled.

"Help me contact Aokiji and Akainu, two generals!"

After a while, Zhan Guo said in a deep voice.


The officer was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly responded with a shout.

Obediently, this time the three generals will come together! The Chambord Islands are bound to usher in a horror scene that will shock the world.

Naval Headquarters, Marin Fand.

"Pluto Raleigh?"

"Jiang Liu and Lei Li are fighting?"

The two figures came out at the same time, and the next second, the tall figures stood up slowly, and both walked out of the headquarters building.

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