Taking a breath, the rest of the pirates trembled in their hearts, and at the same time they felt like they were alive after a catastrophe.

Facing such a terrifying guy, even if the other party does nothing, they all have a feeling of breathless depression.


"This is the former admiral!"

"Day Tiger, Jiang Liu?"

At this moment, the simple name is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the pirates, and it will leave a shadow on them for the rest of their lives.

"I want to go home!"

"There are guys like this in the Navy, it's scary, and scary!"

"I miss my family, my parents."

Some people even gave up the idea of ​​becoming a pirate after seeing this scene.

the other side.

Walking in the streets of various major neighborhoods, Jiang Liu's posture is very casual. The battle with the supernova made him relieve the boring life of the previous period.

At the same time, I also have a general understanding of the power of pirates in today's era.

"The era of the great pirates?"

"The rookie seems to be stronger than that era!"

With a curve on the corner of his mouth, Jiang Liu murmured.

Greater intensity also means that the times are going faster and the pressure on the navy is greater. Because obviously, unlike twenty years ago, the number of pirates in this era is much larger.

"They are all guys with great potential, although they are not yet on the stage."

"But after a period of experience, you will be able to make a name for yourself in the new world."

With a slight twinkle in his eyes, Jiang Liu said softly.

He didn't kill him, the more powerful these potential pirates were, the more chaos they caused in the world, the more beneficial it was for him.

"Blue, blue, blue."

Suddenly, the phone bug in his arms rang.

Jiang Liu took it out, then connected it, and the phone bug turned into a charming girl with ponytail.


"Is there anything to report?"

Smiling and speaking, Jiang Liu stopped there.

"Sir, there is indeed one thing."

"General Huang Yuan has come to the Chambord Islands."

Freya's voice came.

"I know, not long ago, we just met."

As he said that, Jiang Liu's eyes looked straight ahead, on the roof of a building, his eyes were slightly fixed, and there was a mocking smile in his eyes.

A group of pirates pushed the cannon with a ferocious face and pointed the cannon at him.

"That's the first thing!"

"We also found traces of the Straw Hat Boys."

Freya said again.

"Oh? This is good news."

"Tell me where they are."

Jiang Liu laughed.

As long as he knew where the Straw Hat gang was, he could force Rayleigh to fight.

And this time, there was no reason to stop him.

Freya was about to speak, but suddenly heard a piercing whistling sound from the opposite phone number.

"This voice, are you fighting?"

She couldn't help raising her heart.

"Not really, just a few mice."

Jiang Liu said calmly.

In his eyes, he could clearly see the excitement and hideousness of the group of pirates on the opposite roof, as if they were happy that the shells would hit next.

But unfortunately, the result might disappoint them.

The pitch-black cannonball drew a parabola, and soon arrived in front of him.

At this moment, Jiang Liu raised his leg and touched the cannonball with his right foot, and then rubbed it lightly.


There was a shock in the void, terrifying friction, twisting force, and the path of the shell was instantly changed. Like a boomerang, it circled around his body, and there was another whistling sound, flying towards the place where the pirates were. place to go.

"Ah, how is this possible?!"

"That guy, changed the direction of the shell!"

"Damn it, the shells are back!"

Vaguely, screams of panic and fear came over, and after a breath, with a bang, everything returned to calm again.

Jiang Liu looked away, and smiled at the phone bug again.

"Tell me, where are the Straw Hats?"

Freya quickly reported a location, and said again.

"General Huang Yuan may have already gone there."

"Because the trail of the Straw Hat Boy was discovered by his subordinate Zhan Momomaru!"

Jiang Liu nodded thoughtfully, then smiled again.


Then, he stepped again, with a step of tens of meters. This weird way of moving also shocked many people who saw it.

The distance on the ground seems to have been shortened by him, just like the legendary shrinking ground.

In fact, this is just a variant of the six shaving styles, and it is also the most suitable way for people with abnormal physical qualities like Jiang Liu to use.

After a while, when Jiang Liu passed through a block, a figure with a grin suddenly appeared in front of him blocking the way.

Beside him was a group of pirates with the same cold face and serious eyes.

"A supernova with a bounty of 315 million."

"Eustace Kidd."

Jiang Liu's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the other party.

This group of guys who suddenly appeared is none other than the Kidd Pirates, one of the supernovas.

"You dare to stand in front of me, you are very courageous."

After a pause, he sneered again.

"Of course, your ignorant and stupid ambition may be the culprit."

Eustace Kidder was staring at him, also laughing, but the ambition in his eyes was clearly visible.

"A pirate without ambition can't achieve great things."

"You seem to be very famous in the navy, just like the old man with glasses in the pirates."

Kidd said loudly.

"For a guy like you, killing him will give you a sense of accomplishment!"

As he said that, his right hand suddenly raised, and his expression became crazy.

The magnetic fruit activates instantly, covering a distance of hundreds of meters. In an instant, a large number of metal products flew from all directions, condensed on his right arm, forming a huge mechanical arm.

"If you don't realize how big this world is, you can't live for long."

"With passion and ignorant stupidity, you can only die faster than others."

Jiang Liu shook his head, and continued to walk forward.

Seeing him move, Kidd yelled suddenly.

"Do it!"

In an instant, the entire Kidd Pirates moved.

They are not stupid enough to let a person single-handedly fight against a legendary general.

Kira, who was holding a sickle, quickly drew a phantom on the ground, and in an instant came to the top of Jiang Liu's head, let out a strange laugh, and then waved it down.

"It's full of momentum!"

Muttering, Jiang Liu put his right hand on the handle of the knife at his waist.

"Then let's play with you!"

Chapter 131 Leaving an Arm


The ear-piercing sound of the sword resounded, and the void seemed to be lit up with a brilliant knife light at this moment, shaking everyone in a trance.

Kira swung the sickle down suddenly.


But in the next second, his weapon was firmly blocked in the air, and even his body was frozen there.

"You need to practice more."

"With such strength, you can't even hold a knife steadily."

Jiang Liu grinned and said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, the long knife in his hand shook lightly, and suddenly, the majestic force rushed towards Kira in an instant, shaking on his hands.


Kira's pupils contracted, and a terrifying force spread, causing his arms to tremble, and the sickle in his hand came out involuntarily.

Even before he had time to react, his body had already been thrown high into the air, and he didn't react until he broke a big tree.


Eustace Kidder's expression changed suddenly.

He didn't expect that with just a collision, the powerful Kira would be directly knocked into the air, without the slightest ability to resist.

A pair of eyes, looking at the man in front of him, has become extremely dignified and even nervous.

Perhaps, I seriously underestimated the opponent's strength.

With a flash in his eyes, he saw that his partner Hitt had already run around to the side of the river, his mouth opened and he spit out suddenly.


The scorching flame rushed out in an instant, tumbling fire waves, and engulfed the river.

"You zombie, it's interesting."

Jiang Liu turned his head, seeing that the flame was about to arrive in front of him.

The long knife in his hand trembled, and he slashed out flatly.


Under this slash, the air was cut, and a terrifying slash erupted, extinguishing the flames that came out in an instant.

Then, he slammed into Hitt.

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