Jiang Liu turned his eyes and looked at the pirate not far ahead, holding a stone pillar in his hand, yelling again and again, rushing towards him.

"A reward of 180 million strange monks, Urki!"

Saying the other person's name, he smiled.

"Why don't you find a place to hide it?"

Urki grinned grinningly, and strode wildly, he had already reached in front of him, flung the stone pillar in his hand, and waved towards the river.


"It's not my character!"

"It's exactly what I want for a guy like you to be my opponent!"

Roaring, the huge stone pillar came to Jiang Liu in an instant.

"Whirring whirring!"

The wind was blowing, and the dust on the ground was swept up.

"Are all of you newbies so confident?"

Said lightly, Jiang Liu jumped lightly, dodging the huge stone pillar.

Immediately afterwards, his figure sank, and the next second he was standing on the stone pillar.

"The world is so big for a guy like you."

Stepping on with both feet, Jiang Liu stepped on the stone pillar and came to the opponent in the blink of an eye.

"But I can't be my opponent yet!"

The words fell, and his figure sank.


Wan Jun's strength exploded at this moment, and the stone pillar in Urki's hand could no longer be lifted immediately, and fell directly to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Liu slowly raised his leg, and his right foot rose to the top of his head.


Suddenly split off.


This kick hit Urki's body, and the terrifying power instantly made him spurt blood wildly and fly backwards.

"Damn it, another instant kill!"

Chapter 128 He Can't Be Killed

Chambord Islands, Block 27.

The big tree engraved with the number 27GR was broken and collapsed at this moment, and Urki, who had been severely injured, was lying under it, gasping for breath and bleeding.

The supernova with a bounty of hundreds of millions, known as one of the most evil generations, was about to collapse when he encountered the navy standing in the street.

The entire street was completely silent at the moment, not even a slight breathing sound could be heard.

The shocking scenes one after another made everyone hold their breath. The invisible coercion enveloped the entire street solemnly, making people feel suffocated.

"General Jiang Liu, code-named Day Tiger!"

"Is this his strength?"

"The extremely evil element called a supernova, in front of him, was eliminated within a breath."

The navy said in shock, their eyes were already full of light.

In the arena, Jiang Liu stood there quietly with a casual expression on his face.

In the eyes of outsiders, the supernova is extremely dangerous, but in front of him, it seems that he doesn't even need to be serious.



On a street across here, a dazzling light was lit up, followed by an ear-splitting explosion, followed by vague screams.

The marines moved their eyes and looked at the shining place.

"Has General Huang Yuan arrived?"

"This movement can only be caused by that one!"

"In this way, isn't this area gathered a general and a legendary figure!"

All the navies were excited and their eyes were excited.

The general refers to the yellow ape, and the legendary character is naturally the day tiger!

On the contrary, Chiqi X Drake, who has been hiding silently in the dark, is now staring at Jiang Liu in that scene with a solemn expression.

"Run away? Drake!"

Beside him, the companion said in a deep voice.

Undoubtedly, compared with the excitement and excitement of the navy, all the pirates in this block are full of tension and solemnity in their hearts.

"Don't act rashly, that man's perception of breath is quite keen!"

"Even if it doesn't move, we might find out."

"If you move, you will die faster!"

Drake said in a low voice.

The crew member was taken aback, and asked in confusion, "You know him well?"

"I used to adore him deeply."

Derek said softly with complicated eyes.

Facing such a powerful navy that was famous in the previous era, all he could do was pray that the other party would show mercy when facing him and his crew.

Any other unnecessary actions are asking for a dead end.

The so-called extremely evil generation, the eleventh supernova, in front of the other party, is just a joke.

That man suppressed and killed quite a few supernovas.

"Damn it, the combat power of the navy is so terrifying."

The crew gritted their teeth and said, with a worried expression on their faces.

At this moment, the sky suddenly brightened, and a golden light came from a distance, and it reached the street not far ahead in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light converged into a human form, appearing in front of Jiang Liu.

"With you here, it seems that these terrible guys can't make any trouble at all."

Huang Yuan looked around and said with a surprised expression.

The collapsed buildings, the chasm-cut streets, and the messy forest not far away all showed the situation of the battle just now.

"So, what is the purpose of Warring States sending you here?"

Jiang Liu asked with a smile.

"I don't know either, alas."

"But with you here, I can relax a lot."

Huang Yuan spread his hands.

The two chatted as if no one was there, but the surrounding pirates couldn't bear it anymore.

This undefended and relaxed appearance, if a sneak attack, is very likely to succeed.

"Captain Apu, let's go!"

"There are already two generals!"

The pirate who was dodging aside said nervously again.

"hold on."

Apu narrowed his eyes and said solemnly.

On the street below, two figures faced each other, still talking, with a friendly and casual look.

"However, General Jiang Liu, have you seen Zhan Taowan?"

"I'm looking for him!"

Huang Yuan asked with a smile.

"No, you might be able to look elsewhere."

Jiang Liu smiled faintly.


"Then I'll go first."

Huang Yuan laughed and glanced around from the corner of his eye.

The position I was looking at happened to be Apu, Drake, Hawkins and others who were hiding on the side.

"They're all horrible guys."

After finishing speaking, a golden light shone from his body, soaring into the sky in the next second, and disappeared into the distance.

"This is the moment!"

Apu suddenly said sharply, with a unique musical sound coming out of his mouth, his head and ears turned into musical instruments.

It jumped out of its figure, jumped to the roof of the building, and sent out attacking sound waves towards the river.

"Scratch the plate, explode!"

The invisible attack came to Jiang Liu in an instant, and burst into flames with a bang.

The navy figure in the arena, its head and body were all on fire, wrapped in smoke, making it impossible to see clearly.

This sudden scene also made many people's eyes widen in shock.

"Yo, it worked!"

Appu laughed.

Drake's eyes moved, staring at the figure in the field.

"Drake, is that guy defeated?"

The crew next to him asked loudly.

"It won't be that easy."

"Jiang Liu, you can't be killed!"

Drake said in a low voice.

Sure enough, in the next second, a shocking scene appeared again.

I saw the flames burning on Jiang Liu's body, and the smoke slowly disappeared, revealing one of his wounded and burned faces, and his body covered with holes.

"Opportunity, it's a good grasp!"

A faint laugh came out, but it gave people a cold, icy feeling, which made people shudder.

Because everyone could see that Jiang Liu, who was scarred all over his body, had recovered to his original form in just a few breaths.

Even the clothes on his body were intact.

"How can this be?"

"Is he a naturalist?"

Shocked, Apu turned around and was about to flee.

"It's Superman!"

Drake said in a deep voice, answering the doubts of the crew beside him.

And in the next second, Jiang Liu, who was standing there, disappeared.

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