In the next second, his eyes sharpened, and the ghost crying on his waist was pulled out suddenly, and Luo's figure also rushed out suddenly.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Liu was already in front of him. With a knife in his hands, he jumped up and slashed at the opponent.

"It's impossible for the gap to be so big!"

Luo roared in his heart.

Facing this man, the terrifying pressure made him go crazy.

Like a tall mountain, standing in front of you, you can't get over it no matter what.

The fruit ability has failed, and the only way left is to face-to-face and fight the opponent head-on.

This was a knife swung with all his strength, and it was also a knife that Luo risked his life.

However, when the long knife reached the top of the opponent's head, the strong wind swept the opponent's black hair for a moment.

A finger suddenly pierced the air and appeared in the path of the long knife.


The sound of gold and iron came out, and Luo's knife stagnated in mid-air, and was firmly blocked there by the ordinary index finger, unable to make an inch of progress.

Luo was stunned, and an unbelievable light appeared in his eyes.

He suddenly stared and retracted the knife, then swung the knife wildly.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

A series of voices came out, Luo panted heavily, and the knife in his hand was firmly blocked by the opponent's finger.

"Is that all?"

"It's so weak!"

As if the words stating the facts sounded, Luo's whole body trembled, and his heart was stabbed at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the opponent's finger slashed over like a knife.

Luo's pupils contracted, and he quickly raised his knife to resist.


Terrifying power swept over in an instant, his mouth was slightly opened, his arms trembled, and his figure flew out like a cannonball.

"I can't even arouse the desire to draw a sword!"

"Is this a supernova?"

Jiang Liu sighed.

"What a disappointment!"

Chapter 124 You Can Call Me Corazon


The promenade of the park was completely knocked down by Luo, and gravel and dust surged up.

When he got up, there were bloodstains all over his body, especially his two arms were shaking constantly, as if he couldn't even hold the knife tightly.


After taking a deep breath, Luo gritted his teeth and spit out two words.

He was able to completely defend himself from the demon sword and ghost cry with only his fingers. If he hadn't experienced this kind of thing himself, who would dare to believe it?

In the next second, his face became serious again.

Because that figure stepped again, the ground seemed to be shortened at this moment, its figure flickered, teleported, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of him again.

"Damn it, is it over?"

Luo gritted his teeth and growled.

Facing such a monster-level powerhouse, he already knew his end very well.

Raising his head suddenly, Luo yelled at his companions who had just recovered from the shock and were shaking their heads.

"Everyone, flee immediately!"

"I'll hold him back!"

This made Jiang Liu laugh.

"Hold me?"

"Very confident declaration!"

His figure stepped forward, and the cloak of justice behind him flickered.

"Then try it!"

Stepping forward one after another, the person has arrived not far in front of Luo.


Luo roared, all the strength in his body, without any reservation. The hemispherical cover almost covers half of the park.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes widened, and his index finger moved towards the sky.


Jiang Liu blinked, stopped in his footsteps, and looked at the scene in front of him, with a curved mouth.

"It's getting interesting."

I saw that within half of the park, everything obeyed Luo's command at this moment. Huge stone pillars and huge stone sculptures all rose from the ground and roared towards him.

In an instant, Jiang Liu's face was filled with a large number of intensive attacks, about to bury him.


On the ground, sharp pillars of soil rushed out one after another, charging towards him.

"So, is this your power?"


Jiang Liu smiled lightly, and slowly raised his right foot.

When it reaches a certain height, kick it out suddenly.

"Land feet!"


The powerful slash roared out, and the earth pillar that flew towards him burst into pieces, sending dust flying all over the sky. The huge slash, reaching nearly a hundred meters, hit the stone pillars and stone sculptures in front again.

With a bang, the rocks splashed and all shattered.

Then, the trend of this slash continued unabated, and it roared down towards Luo in front again.

"Bepo, Xiaqi, Peijin, Jangbalu, run!"

"Don't be dazed anymore!"

Seeing that his attack was crushed again, Luo's pupils contracted and he let out a roar.

Then, in the next second, he was submerged by the slash, and with a bang, dust covered his figure.


Beppo yelled, a worried, tense expression on his face.

"How many times can you block it? Luo."

In the arena, Jiang Liu's voice sounded again.

"Run! Stop him while I can!"

Luo's trembling voice came.

Beipo said in surprise, watching the smoke clear ahead, and the figure of his own captain emerged.

Very embarrassing, but still alive, this is undoubtedly something to be happy about.

"Come on, don't you want everyone to be buried together?"

Luo roared angrily.

Bei Bo and the others didn't hesitate anymore, they turned around and ran to the side.

Jiang Liu didn't care about these crew members, but stared at Luo, who was breathing heavily and was covered in scars.

Suddenly, he grinned.

"Sacrifice yourself in exchange for the living space of your own captain?"

"You are a person who values ​​affection? You are somewhat similar to Corazon!"

The sudden words made Luo's eyes freeze, and he froze there, staring fixedly at the man in front of him.

The other party, knew that he knew Corazon?

"You should have learned my name from Corazon, right?"

"Otherwise, you little brat, you won't know me."

Jiang Liu smiled faintly.

"The time in the city was very boring. In the few limited contacts, he mentioned to me that he adopted an interesting kid."

"The name seems to be Luo."

His eyes fell on the embarrassed pirate in front of him, and he smiled again.

"Is that you?"

Luo took a deep breath, and his mood seemed to be touched: "It's not that he was adopted!"

"That guy."

Trembling and speaking four words, Luo finally let out another long breath, with a bit of choking in his tone.

"That guy is already dead!"

Jiang Liu heard the words, but the smile on his face did not fade away.


How could he let Corazon die? Even if he really died, with his ability, he could wake him up again.

What's more, he didn't think that Doflamingo would really kill Corazon.

Doflamingo did not mention this crucial matter, which naturally meant that Corazon was still alive.

It's just that he didn't ask what he was doing now.

"However, what you should be more worried about right now is your situation, Luo!"

"Even with Corazon's relationship, it won't change anything about the difficult situation you're facing right now."

Jiang Liu smiled faintly.

"Propel the city, do you think you will like it?"

Luo raised his head slowly and wiped the corner of his mouth.

"That kind of place, ghosts like it!"

Suddenly, he also grinned.

After looking into the distance, Beibo and the others were no longer in sight, so Luo exhaled lightly.

"Besides, I don't think that I will really be caught by you!"

After saying this, his right hand moved violently.



Gently uttering these two words, Luo's body instantly appeared in another place. Another flash of effort is gone.

Jiang Liu was stunned for a moment, blinked, and then laughed out loud.

"Did you escape in front of me?"

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