Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 402: The current situation of the leeks and the plan to be harvested

  Chapter 402 The current situation of leeks and the plan to be harvested

  A clear response came from the rudder direction.

  Unmanned automatic giant sail, fine adjustment of angle.

  Under the precise control of Rumi, the Underworld slowly drove in the direction of the desert kingdom of Alabastan.

  Adrian still remembers the last time he went to Alabastan to complete the career upgrade mission of [The Wind-blessed]. During the period, he brutally bullied a fat tiger who did not want to be named.

   But I can’t tell if it’s bullying, or let him enjoy it.

   has been deleted and changed a lot anyway.


  Anyway, the fat tiger, who is not yet blind, seems to be quite enjoyable.

  This time I went to Alabastan to measure the equipment of the new king, Qiwuhai.


  Adrian wanted to express an attitude to the world government and other forces through the sand crocodile:

  Qianwuhai under the king, I, Bai Youling, would like to see what kind of powerful pirates have been recruited by this force that deliberately drained me from it!

  If there is something "Seven Wuhai Limited Mission" from Krokdal's body.

  If there is no accident, Adrian will continue to hunt the Qiwuhai recruited by the government.

  Qiwuhai is also a pirate.

  Even if it is crowned "legal" by the world government, it is still a pirate!

   can still be killed!

not to mention.

   Judging from the performance of the original work, this was forcibly fostered by the world government to balance the navy and the four emperors’ submissive pirate forces. The internal members had always been replaced.

  At least until 1517, when Ace went to sea.

  The world government still needs to recruit new powerful pirates to fill the vacancies in the king's Qiwuhai!

   "By the way, Moonlight Moria was killed by me years ago. Who would be the pirate who filled his vacancy?"

   Several pirates whose ages and strengths fit in Adrian's mind.

  But it soon ceased to be tangled.

  Since the first king, Qiwuhai has been born.

  Although it may have been stimulated by him.

  But with the urination of the world government, it will definitely fill the other members of this force as soon as possible.

  It’s really that every few years, a member of Qiwuhai will appear, right?

  In that case, how can this force balance the navy and the four emperors?

  The sea breeze swept the day and flowed westward.

  Adrian ends his daily swordsmanship practice activities, and sits back on the exclusive captain's throne on the deck, silently scrolling through the player forums to pass the time.

  That's right!

  There are still players in this world!

  The public beta of version 2.0 has been started for several days!

  Adrian originally planned to return to the West Sea directly after two days of rest on the fisherman island.

  Through the updated dungeon system of version 2.0, with the help of the dungeon crystals condensed from its own huge legend, it continuously harvests the huge experience points accumulated by the players in the previous version.

  Adrian has a very clear understanding of the experience harvesting of the players.

  The two best opportunities for harvesting experience.

  The first is when the player's level reaches the upper limit of the version on a large scale.

  The second is when the new version just opened.

  The second item is basically out of Adrian's consideration.

  Not to mention that he did not gather any players under his personal command.

  Just mention one point.

  The boundless sea is so vast that the areas where players live are scattered.

The prime time when the   version update just started was not enough for Adrian to harvest player experience on a large scale.

  The real time to harvest player experience is only when most of them have reached the upper limit of the version and can only accumulate experience.

  The period before the end of the 1.0 version of "The Opening of the Great Maritime Era".

  Adrian has been living on the small island of Visalia, constantly learning archeology knowledge, in order to complete the [archaeologist] series of professional upgrade tasks.

  So that I directly missed that precious experience harvesting period.


In version 1.0, the only way to harvest player experience was to sell skills to them.

  Whether it is the method or the means, it is a rough batch.

   But the player level is all locked at level 20, many of Adrian's abilities are simply not available, or there are not enough attributes to use at all.

  This also limits Adrian’s idea of ​​harvesting experience from players on the other hand.

  But after the 2.0 version update.

  The dungeon system is turned on, and the dungeon crystal has become a nearly perfect harvest of experience.

  More importantly, the cost of condensing a copy of the crystal is close to zero for Adrian.

  Even if you sell instance crystals to players, you don’t have to worry about the massive leak of your own combat information.


   When he obtained the first legendary degree [Western Sea Legend: White Ghost], Adrian’s [Ghost Body] was already at full level.

  Except for [Xihai·White Ghost] and [Xihai·Evil Swordsman], other legends are obtained.

  Adrian has even reached the full level of [Ghost Domination]...

  Afterwards, he was able to single out eight warships, and he was five to five times away from the admiral on the scene.

  These two abilities are matched together. If the player wants to defeat him, it is better to go to daydreaming.

  Based on the players' level and attribute strength, it is impossible to even touch him.

  Adrian is not worried that the copy crystal will be unsalable.

  After all, the saying goes well.

  If you can’t beat it, just join.

  Behind almost every legend, there are still a lot of enemies!

  Well, although those enemies are almost equivalent to super advanced BOSS for players.

  But it is more acceptable than the untouched white ghost.

  Get back to the subject.

   Adrian's plan to return to the West China Sea as soon as possible was directly interrupted by many emergencies on the Chambord Islands.

  If there are no two consecutive S-level challenge missions, there will be no experience value of tens of billions of [Mermaid's Wailing].

  In order to reach the 100-level limit.

  Adrian will also pinch his nose, harvesting experience from players who missed the golden period.

  After all, after the version is updated, as long as there are no major problems with the head, or deliberately, normal players will spend a lot of experience points to upgrade.

   will not be stored at all!

  But now, Adrian has reached the 100-level limit, once again stuck on advanced tasks, and his enthusiasm for contacting players and harvesting experience has plummeted.

  Low income and low enthusiasm.

  After thinking for a while, Adrian simply put the matter of contacting players on the large-scale upgrade of their level to the upper limit of the version.

  Not only because then the harvesting experience will be more refreshing and richer.

  On the other hand, players at level 40 have at least the ability and confidence to challenge BOSS, and they are not as weak as they were at level 20.

  At this time, on the game forum, the player with the highest level was still the one with the ID named [Maru's].

   Adrian also has a superficial impression of this ID, because at the time of the 1.0 version, this one was the first to reach the upper limit of the 20-level version.

   Relying on the rich experience points accumulated when the 1.0 version is stuck at the upper limit of the level.

  【Maru Family】In the past few days when the 2.0 version has just been updated, the personal total level directly rushed to LV30 at one time.

  Among a crowd of players, it can be said to be the best.

   But playing games, you know everything.

  As the level increases, more and more upgrade experience points will be required in the future.

  Adrian relied on the leapfrog killing of LV54's Hogg, the single-player destruction of the Capone Gang, the destruction of the Moonlight Pirates and many other events to successfully fill the huge experience slot between 20 and 40.

  Based on the players' level and attributes, this kind of thing simply can't be done!

  It can be basically expected that it will take a long time for players to upgrade to the upper limit of the version on a large scale.


  Suddenly Adrian got a very interesting revelation post.

   "After [The Maru Family] broke through the upper limit of level 20, he has left the South China Sea and headed to the Flower Country of the West Sea, in order to observe the "Long Road, Long Road and Sword Accompaniment" which was one of the scenes of the ‘Great Fatal’ that was originally pretended to be famous?"

   "Good vision! Good leek!"

   Adrian secretly recorded this ID in his mind.

Later, if I meet this one occasionally, I plan to open a personal kitchen for him to sell some self-made skills that have been'created' in recent years, similar to the original [Step Forward] and [Zhan Gangshan]. Skills and swordsmanship.

  However, the hidden information exposed by this breaking news is also very worthy of attention.

   "After the player's level upper limit has been increased, the range of activities has also been extended from the original separate sea to the four seas."

  A gleam of thought flashed through Adrian's eyes.

  "I don’t know how long it will be before the players’ main activity locations will be separated from the world, mainly focusing on the great route...

   "Such a scene must be crazy and chaotic."

   Temporarily suppressed the thoughts in his mind, Adrian posted the rest of the news.

  Not long after, another attractive post attracted his attention.

   "Surprised! [Golden Spirit] The Great God has obtained a Superman Devil Fruit!!"

At the time of   1.0 version, players have been active in the ocean for nearly three years.

  Even if there are limitations such as low level, inability to move freely, etc., some less secret information is still known to players.

  Including the existence of devil fruits!

  It’s a pity that most players can only stare at the Devil Fruit’s ability, and they don’t have the luck to touch it.

  As far as Adri is based among the currently known players.

  Except for the less serious little boss in the Razor Party, the person with the ability to roll paper fruits [Nanri Ri].

  This famous trousers-removing party and game **** [Golden Spirit] is the second known player with ability.

  Except that it is difficult for players to encounter devil fruits.

  There is another point, which also limits the number of players with ability.

  That is, even if there is a panel, players who eat the Devil Fruit does not mean that they are directly locked with the Devil Fruit forever.


  The existence of devil fruit is a kind of temporary buff-like ability for players.

  If the player dies directly, then his devil fruit ability will also disappear with death.

  Even after the resurrection, it will not continue to have it.

   Adrian once saw a few extremely lucky players, carelessly exposed on the forum what fruits they ate and what fruits they ate.

  As a result, I went to the forum the next day, crying and accusing a group of red-eyed mobs of directly exploding the devil fruit ability.

  Also, the devil fruit did not regenerate locally, but disappeared and reborn randomly in the corner of the sea as normal.

  Even the skill points that players have invested in the ability to upgrade the Devil Fruit will not be returned by the panel at all, but will disappear as the fruit is exploded.

   can be called a miserable world.

  "Golden spirit, the famous game god, the current ability of the fruit is not known..."

  Adrian carefully read the revelation posts on the forum, and had an inexplicable idea in his mind.

  "In fact, if luck is good enough, is it possible for the player to become Qiwuhai?

  "If a great **** player like this also gets a BUG level, at least in the first half of the demon fruit that can be called invincible, can it also become Qiwuhai?

   "After all, in Qiwuhai, there are indeed a few guys who rely on the power of fruits to feed themselves.

   "Forget about Moria, after all, we must respect the deceased...

  "But how did the sand crocodile go from being able to fight against White Beard" and "be able to fight Barrett five or five times" to be defeated by Luffy, who didn't even open the second gear?

   "I hope that the sand crocodile at this stage has not pulled his hips to that extent..."

  Adrian went through the forum for a while, and found that there was nothing worth paying attention to. He glanced at the newspaper next to him from the corner of his vision, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

   Picking up the newspaper and logging into the trumpet, Adrian posted the front page of the newspaper on the forum.

  Instantly caused a burst of excitement.

   "The new game information **** has finally been updated!"

  "Great God! What's your opinion on the version 2.0 copy system?"

   "The world government's number one sunspot is here again! Everyone, run away!"

   "... As long as normal people are not blind, they won't like the world government, right? Did your brain upstairs be marinated in the toilet of Tianlong?"

  In addition to some fans who are directly attracted by ID, more players still focus on the content of the post.

   "Fuck! The fatal bounty has risen again! It's almost 2 billion Baileys!"

   "The big fatal has gone up again? It has gone up by 20 centimeters?"

   "What? It's deadly and big again?"


  Seeing that the replies below are getting crooked and more and less serious.

  In addition, there is still a long voyage to reach Alabastan on St. Tin Island.

  The bored Adrian simply used the forum trumpet to line up with these sand sculpture players.

  Let these leeks grow freely and brutally for a while first!

    The latest 1026 pre-information is a bit outrageous.

     After the full version comes out, I will talk to you about its content.



  (End of this chapter)

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