Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 384: 【Dragon Human Race Slaves】

  Chapter 384【Dragon Human Race Slaves】

   Peninsula No. 12, hold off the bar.

  When the outside world became chaotic due to the “offensive to the Tianlongren incident”, inside this old-style small bar, it was a quiet and peaceful situation.

  Reilly sits in front of the bar, with a small dish of sea octopus whiskers, slowly drinking a small wine, and his posture is very pleasant.

  Xia Qi sat behind the bar, holding a stack of newspapers in her hand, but her eyes fell on the old man who was tasting wine from time to time, and the smell of old dog food faintly exudes.

  Ainil, who looked out of place, sat alone, his expression looked bitter and bitter, and his heart was filled with resentment towards the straw hat boy and the red nose.

  In Ainilu’s personal delusions, the villain Shanks and the villain Bucky are being beaten and wailed by him holding a wooden stick that is several feet long and thick forearms.

  In this silent and tranquil environment, the sudden creaking of the door opening immediately attracted the attention of the three in the bar.

  "Master!" Ainilu stood up from the wooden chair and looked at the door excitedly.

   "The movement just outside, who did you fight with?" This is from the leisurely and contented Raleigh.

  "How about your extra money? Have you earned 200 million Baileys?" This is from Xia Qi, who loves money.

  However, when the three of them really saw Adrian's situation at this time, they fell into a sluggish moment.


  "White Ghost..."

"This this……"

  The experienced old pirate Raleigh was stunned, pointing to the "cargo" that Adrian was holding in his hands, and stammered infrequently.

   "Don't worry, I deliberately observed it when I came back, and no one noticed it."

   Adrian smiled and waved his hand.

  "Is this a problem that anyone sees?!!!"

  Xia Qi replaced Lei Li, yelling wildly with an appearance that was extremely inconsistent with a lady's posture.

   "Why did you bring the Denon guy back to my bar!"

   "Because there is no place to put it temporarily, I don't want to dirty the floor of my castle."

   Adrian shrugged and said flatly.

   "And when I came to the hold-up bar, I naturally wanted to do business."

  Xia Qi scratched her hair frantically, and she tweaked her meticulously combed black short hair into a chicken coop.

   "Listen to your tone, don't you want to sell the Tianlongren to me, right?"

  Xia Qi said very dryly, as if menopause was approaching.

   "You have the ability to eat him alone?"

   Adrian didn't mind very much, and replied directly.

  "Let’s make a statement in advance that the dragon man from the previous time has replaced a big sharp knife from the hands of the world government, a natural type, a fish fruit, and a special superman type."

   "Are men born so dull?"

  Xia Qi glanced at Adrian very speechlessly, and said directly to see off the guests.

   "I'm just kidding! You hurry up and take this Tianlongren out, it hurts when you look at it!"

   "Soon, I've said it all, I'm just here for a brief intelligence transaction."

  Adrian explained his intention to the intelligence dealer Xia Qi.

  "Currently, on the Chambordian Islands, where is the place where the most pirates gather?"

   "Peninsula No. 1 to No. 29 are all illegal areas."

  Xia Qi waved her hand quite impatiently. Obviously, the female owner of the rip-off bar really hates the Denon people, and she doesn’t even want to keep him in her sight for a while.

  "The smaller the peninsula's serial number, the closer it is to the edge, the greater the number of pirates."

   "It looks like we are going to Peninsula 1 again..."

   Adrian groaned, and dragged Musgarud Saint who had not yet woken up, preparing to leave.

   "I hope that there are still enough pirates on the island."

  Anilu saw Adrian's actions, and immediately stood up and couldn't wait to express his loyalty.

  "Master! I want to follow along!"

  Ever since Adrian was thrown the pot to teach Raleigh, Ainilu has a faint feeling of ‘I seem to be forced to be a teacher’ in his heart.

   Adrian glanced at Ainilu with a faint expression, shook his head, and said bluntly: "You are too weak."

  As if a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Ainilu collapsed on the chair with his eyes absent, like a salted fish that had lost his dream.

  ‘I really... was abandoned by the master...’

  Aini Road just stopped.

  Reilly said again: "White Ghost, what are you going to do with those pirates now?"

  "Just looking for a buyer with enough courage and generous purse."

  Adrian dragged the Dragonman, telling the truth.

   "After all, a serious businessman, it is impossible to talk to me about the price of [Dragon Tribe Slave], right?"


  Reilly fell into a sluggish state again.

  The number of shocks that the old pirate felt when he first saw Ralph Drew’s final big secret treasure was a little bit behind today.

  [Dragon Human Race Slave]?

  What the **** is this? ?

   Even Xia Qi, who had always maintained an impatient attitude, cast shocked eyes at this time.

   "Well~ hasn't anyone noticed before?"

   Adrian touched his chin and said with no surprise.

  "A few years ago, when I first came to the Chambord Islands, I ended up throwing the Dracoman at the slave auction...Did the world government spend all of its efforts to wipe out the matter?"

  Hearing this, Raleigh was a little numb in shock.

  You have done this kind of co-authoring more than once?

   "I remember that the slave auction site where the Tianlongren was thrown away was on Peninsula 1. I didn't expect it to be quite destined... This time I will borrow it again, if it is still there."

  The voice fell, and Adrian's figure gradually disappeared.

  Reilly raised his right hand tremblingly, trying to stroke his beard, but he almost did not pull off a few.

   Legend has it that the Great Pirate Hades looked at the female boss of the bar with a stiff expression.

   "Xia Qi, I don't think the shampoo land is so suitable for retreat. Should we move?"


  "One hundred million Baileys! Hahaha! Tianlong people are mine!"

  "Go to hell! Scum! I'll give out 200 million Baileys!!"

   "I also want to taste the taste of the world's nobles! Three hundred million Baileys-no, four hundred million Baileys!"

   On Peninsula 1, a hot auction is underway, and the participating members are all bold pirates without exception.

  And these people are all clients carefully selected by Adrian.


  Release the spiritual pressure, and can continue to maintain a sober posture, will be eligible to participate in the auction.

  Adrian stood on the auction platform, with his right foot on the back of Saint Musgarud, smiling all over his face, looking down at the sound of screaming.

  The popularity of Sky Dragon slaves is far beyond imagination.

   "Nine hundred million Baileys! This is the bid price from IWC Totland!"

  A fat pirate with sweat on his forehead raised the sign in his hand and shouted.

   "Mom said that there are only three races left in Totland in the world! The Tianlong tribe is one of them!"

  Adrian looked at the customer with interest, "People from all over the world, dare to stand in front of me?"

   Against the sight of Bai Youling who can compete with BIGMOM, the Fat Pirate forcibly calmed down: "Your reputation, Bai Youling, we can trust!"


   Adrian smiled and waved his hand, looking at the others.

   "The auction continues."

    Thank you very much "Book Friends 20190125202212078" for the reward of 1000 starting currency! !

     Fourth more.

     still owes 33 more.



  (End of this chapter)

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