Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 378: Murloc heroes behind bars

  Chapter 378 Murloc hero trapped in jail

   Peninsula No. 69, a port dedicated to the world government.

  Musgarud hadn’t reprimanded the CP0 members after he hadn’t been able to relieve his anger, and kicked the opponent violently.

  The exquisite leather boots of the Tianlongren left several conspicuous gray marks on the white uniforms of the CP0 members.

  But this CP0 member did not dare to express dissatisfaction at all, just lowered his head and maintained a respectful posture as always.

   Let the Tianlong people give...gifts.

   "Huh! It's boring!"

  Musgarud played for a while, seeming to feel bored, and reached out to touch the special golden pistol around his waist, and fired several shots into the sky for no reason.

   "Papa! That's it! Do you know? Later, if the inferior pirate, Bai Youling, dares to come to me like this, I will shoot him to death like this!"

  Musgarud's look looks very proud, as if he is full of confidence in the weapon in his hand.

  After saying this, Saint Musgarud looked around and yelled: "Where is my clownfish cart?"

  With this command, a murloc slave was brought up.

  He has thick curly hair, a beard, and his skin is dripping red, his muscles are knotted, and his chest is branded with the seal of "Tianxiang Dragon's Hoof", which symbolizes the slavery status of the Tianlong people.

  If a member of Murloc Street appeared here at this time, he would definitely be able to recognize it instantly. This Murloc slave is clearly the most prestigious explorer on Murloc Island-Fisher Tiger! !


Fisher Tiger was somehow put on a black mouth cage on his chin, completely cutting off his ability to speak, only a pair of eyes full of disgust, staring fiercely at each of the government ships. one person.

   "Ah! What a terrible clownfish!"

  Musgarud Saint was taken aback by the appearance of Fisher Tiger, directly holding his pistol and shooting at Fisher Tiger.

  Boom, boom!

  With the smoke dispersing, one after another bullets hit Fisher Tiger's body.

  The metal bullet easily tore the body of the murloc, hitting several dazzling blood flowers on him, and the blood flowed continuously.

  The physique of the murlocs cannot be generalized to that of ordinary humans.

  Musgarud’s crazy shooting, although it left a lot of wounds on Fisher Tiger's body, it did not hit his vitals, on the contrary, it further stimulated his fierce outbreak.

  Fisher Tiger struggled again and again, banging the sturdy chains tied to his body.


  The golden pistol in the hands of Saint Musgarud made a jamming sound, and all the bullets had been poured out within just a few seconds.

   Except for the first few bullets fired into the sky, all the rest were shot into Fisher Tiger's body.

  At this moment, the CP0 members who had been standing aside stood up, hiding in front of the Tianlongren.

   "Be careful, Saint Musgarud."

   "Okay! Ghost! Come on! Give this clown fish a lesson!"

  Musgarud Saint exclaimed excitedly.

  "But you are not allowed to kill it! Let it be quiet, just be a fishing cart!"

  Hearing the command of the master of the dragon, CP0 members felt helpless.

  His code name in the organization is [Ghost], not a ghost!

  In addition, the race of this murloc adventurer is [Snapper], not clownfish.


  As long as Saint Musgarud is happy, he can call him whatever he wants.

   ‘Ghost’ stepped forward, stood in front of Fisher Tiger, and looked condescendingly at the famous murloc adventurer.

  The next moment, You Ying stretched out her right palm wearing leather gloves, pressed it against Fisher Tiger’s forehead, and instantly activated her devil fruit ability.

   "Hell Vision."

  In the perception of Fisher Tiger, a terrifying hallucination suddenly appeared in the line of sight, and all the surrounding environment seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth, which made people feel horrified and trembling.


  Fisher Tiger wanted to yell in horror, but the pitch-black mouth cage firmly locked on his jaw turned his howl of pain into a terrifying groan.

The horror illusion lasted for nearly two minutes. Fisher Tiger was sweating all over. This tough-willed fisherman island adventurer, his sturdy body was slightly swaying, and he couldn’t support it. appearance.

  Ghost moved his palm away and gave Fisher Tiger some breathing time.

  After all, the order issued by the Celestial Dragon is not allowed to kill the opponent.

  And if the **** illusion is over-exposed, the damage to the mental state of the creature is also irreversible.

  At that time, this murloc slave who was finally acquired, if he becomes a half-dead, living dead, Saint Musgarud will be furious!

  After a while.

  You Ying took a deep breath and pressed his palm on Fisher Tiger's head again.

   "Iridescent pattern."

  Fisher Tiger was unwilling to roar in his heart, but was unable to resist. The original **** scene suddenly changed into a flickering and rotating color pattern, which continued to spread in the air, making people dizzy.

  A few minutes later, the colorful intertwined patterns completely fascinated the spirit of the murloc adventurer.

  You Ying.

  CP0 fifth team deputy captain.

  Superman type·Illusory Fruit Ability, can create hallucinations at will!

   "Musgarud Saint, the'fish cart' is ready."

  You Ying retracted the palm pressed against Fisher Tiger's forehead, and said in a deep voice to the dragon.

   "Within five hours, the other party will not have any thoughts of resisting outside orders. No matter what you say, the fishing cart will do it."

   "Haha! That's awesome!"

Saint Musgarud cheered happily, and suddenly ordered.

  "Fish cart! Give this ghost two punches! I've seen this ghost not pleasing to my eyes a long time ago, and I'm slow to do things!"

  Fisher Tiger, whose mental will was in a state of confusion, suddenly jumped up from the ground, raised his casserole-sized murloc webbed hand, and clenched it into a fist.

   "Mur-Man Karate·Kaiwa Zhengquan!"

  The corners of the eyes under the white mask of You Ying twitched for a few minutes, still did not choose to hide, but silently said ‘Iron Block’!


  Fisher Tiger's right fist bombarded Yuying's body, and a burst of sound like a cannonball exploded.

  You Ying's white uniform covered with footprints once again had a deep blood-stained fist mark.

  Fisher Tiger once again blasted a punch, and the fist prints originally engraved on the CP0 white uniform instantly became two.

  After doing all this, Fisher Tiger fell into a calm state again.

  Musgarud’s command was very clear just now, two punches.

  After hitting two punches, Fisher Tiger also ended his mission.

  Musgarud saint nodded his head quite satisfied, "It's really the murloc slave I fancy, the murlocs are really fun! Come on, kneel down!"

  Fisher Tiger moved his steps mechanically, kneeling on all fours, and his sturdy body was extremely humble and crawling in front of the Tianlongren.

   With the help of the servant, Saint Musgarud climbed onto Fisher Tiger’s back and sat down on the soft chair.

  "Drive! Drive! Fish cart, go go go!"

  Musgarud took a slender mallet and knocked Fisher Tiger on the head a few times.

   "I heard that some time ago, the Chambord Islands has accumulated a new batch of murloc slaves."

   "I can't wait!"

    Thank you very much "Book Friends 20181013004438212" for the 500 starting currency reward! !

     will continue to update today.

     The lowest four, here is the root flag.



  (End of this chapter)

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