Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 376: Ripped off the bar (fourth more)

  Chapter 376 Ripping off the bar (fourth more)

  The characteristics of armed color domineering are varied, and almost every one is very rare.

  [Ball Mountain], is Adrian's fourth characteristic after [Flowing Sakura], [Moyu], and [Strong Iron].

  It is well known that the two basic characteristics of armed color domineering are "entanglement" and "hardening".

   entanglement, represents the domineering armed color in [Flow].

  【Flowing Sakura】is the advanced stage of entanglement. It can directly cause the effect of air strike without touching the object.

  And [Bengshan] is an advanced level of Liuying, which can achieve more difficult and more harmful internal destruction effects!

   The armed color domineering that has already been upgraded to the full level, and the overall level has been improved again.

  Adrian is in a good mood, and inexplicably feel that Raleigh's back has become more pleasing to the eye.

   "Although it is not a specialty, the domineering characteristics are not much different from the specialty."

   "By the way, in the battle with Raleigh just now, I didn't feel the effect of [Sword Qi Penetration] at all. I obviously had to fight so many swords against each other."

   "By the way, [Ba Lin Yi]! The escaping sword energy penetration damage is probably not broken..."

  "Medi is very good! Meidi is very good! I have today too!"

   Adrian followed Raleigh, rushing from Peninsula No. 8 to Peninsula No. 12.

After many twists and turns, I finally found a small bar with a wooden sign hanging "Xia Qi's Ripping Bar".

  Ray Rate pushed in first, and Adrian walked in after him.

  This is a dimly lit bar, and the environment is fairly cozy.

  At this time, apart from the short-haired lady sitting behind the bar, there was no guest at all.


  The bar proprietress with short black hair, a jacket with a black spider pattern, and a lady’s cigarette between her index and middle fingers, looked out the door in a slightly surprised way.

   "Oh? Why did the big pirate come back so soon this time? How much did you get for selling yourself this time?"

  I heard the joking about the mother-in-law.

  Reilly pushed his glasses in a little embarrassment, and while walking towards the stairs, he said with a smile: "Ahem, this little brother probably wants to buy some information. I'll go upstairs to see the other..."

  Looking at Lei Li's slightly embarrassed appearance, and adding the red blood stain on the corner of his mouth that had not been wiped clean, Xia Qi couldn't help but squinted her eyes and looked at Adrian.

  "Young and handsome boy, I don’t know what information you want to buy?"

  Xia Qi took a sip of cigarette lazily, her lips moved slightly, and she spit out two white smoke rings flexibly.

  "The first piece of information. Actually, I have already got quite accurate information, so I will skip it for the time being."

   Adrian raised his eyes and looked overhead, as if he could penetrate the wooden ceiling.

   "As for the second piece of information... I'll talk about the intelligence object first."

   Adrian retracted his gaze, and looked at the same well-maintained wife of the rip-up bar owner.

   "I wonder if you will collect information on [Dragon Man] here?"

   "Dragon people?!"

  Xia Qi's pupils contracted slightly.

  As a well-informed intelligence dealer, she naturally recognized the young brother who was brought home by Raleigh, who was the white ghost who had gradually established her status in recent years.

  But she didn't expect that Bai Youling would ask her for information about the dragon people!

  Xia Qi raised her right hand, took a deep breath, and cheered up.

  "Everything about Tianlong people is expensive."

  Xia Qi's eyes shone brightly, as if she had encountered a super fat sheep that was rare in a century.

   "I don't know what price Bai Youling will pay for this?"

  Speaking as if you can give an answer to whatever I want to ask!

   Adrian glanced at Xia Qi calmly.

  If his personal information is not wrong, Mrs. Xia Qi has revealed that she had been a pirate more than 20 years ago and was hunted down by the then Lieutenant-General Karp, but she had also washed her hands early.

  Considering the inexplicable and complicated relationship between Xia Qi and Lei Li.

  In fact, there is a certain basis to suspect that the proprietress of this rip-off bar may be from the [Rocks Pirates]!

  After all, there were only so many pirate groups in the old era, and the only known and disbanded more than twenty years ago was the Rocks pirate group.

  In this case, maybe Xia Qi really knows some big secrets that ordinary people don’t know!

  Unfortunately, Adrian is not interested in this ‘aunt’.

  The age range of women Adrian likes is between 18 and 36 years old.

  If it looks really good-looking, it's another matter.

  The wife of the bargaining bar, who is three years before her 50th birthday, is obviously not within the scope.

   "I always think your eyes seem a little impolite, handsome boy..."

  Xia Qi secretly doubled the price quoted later in her heart.


   Adrian naturally wanted to veto Yaguchi, and then brought the topic back to the right track.

  "The information I want to ask is, will [Dragon Man] come to Chambordian Islands today?"

   "This is it? This is it?"

  Xia Qi's expectant expression turned into disappointment in an instant.

   "Benefit one hundred thousand Baileys."

  Good guys, you can buy a thousand Choppers!

  You can even buy two thousand before the price increase!

  Receiving the one hundred thousand Baileys handed over by Adrian, Xia Qi stretched out her finger and flicked the surface of the coin, making an intoxicating beep.

   "Well...Most shop owners in the Chambord Islands know that today there will be a ‘great man’ coming to the island."

Without waiting for Adrian to answer, Xia Qi said directly.

   "That's right! It's Tianlongren!"

   "I seem to have heard such a thing somewhere." Adrian touched his chin, "But don't you feel bad about buying and selling information that most people know?"

  Xia Qi replied ably: "Sorry, honest business, you get what you pay for."

  The reindeer of the new era is crying!

  At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps above the ceiling.

  After a while, Aini Road, who hadn't seen him for a long time, appeared at the top of the stairs and looked at Adrian sitting in front of the bar with great surprise.


   "Yo, Ainilu, I thought you were dead."


  At the same time, No. 69 Peninsula.

  A well-equipped world government warship slowly docked at the pier, carrying a distinguished world nobleman.

   "Musgarud Saint!"

  A CP0 member wearing a white robe and a minimalist mask on his face knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

  "The Chambordian Islands are not safe at this time! According to the dark line intelligence, the White Ghost is currently operating on the Murloc Island."

  The ugly face, Don Quixote Musgarud Saint with short dark green hair snorted disdainfully, put his hands on his chest, raised his feet in dissatisfaction, and kicked the CP0 members a few times.

   "I am not the trash of Saint Rozwald!"

   "But I also hate the inferior pirate Bai Youling!"

   "If it weren't for that guy, I would have collected enough mermaid slaves!"

   "If he really dared to show up in front of me, I must shoot him for five minutes!"

    Thank you very much "Book Friends 20191001002347738" for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

     fourth more, 36 more owed.

     (If all orders drop 3300, it is 35 more)

     will start at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and go to [Dafeng Tweet].

     got such a big recommendation, the editor of Naipeng wanted me to write a tweet or something.

     But the update speed in September is too fast, so I won’t open a single chapter to write a tweet.

     Thank you all for your support.

During     , try to maintain the frequency and speed of 4D update.



  (End of this chapter)

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